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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. I can't avoid the black cat, he's mine. I didn't walk under any ladders, and I remembered to wipe my bum. Haha
  2. Well done mate, shes a natural. Seems she has expensjve tastes in the gear department.
  3. That's a great fish, it makes those snapper look tiny. Well done. New Zealand is a great fishing destination, Kingfish, snapper, marlin, swordfish, trout, the list goes on. A few years back a mate pulled a similar fish off the beach at Piha, very rare in Oz You made me want to go back, and I'm watching Big Angry Fish whenever I catch it.
  4. I can't explain it, I was using the same rig as Trevor, fixed float, a little sheet lead, swivel, 1and1/2 ft 6lb leader to the hook. Most times the cabbage came back intact, a few times it was chewed or stripped. I was getting that bad feeling, I'm not going to catch a thing. Rather than doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, I changed things. Hook, leader length, bait size and drift. Still nothing. It was when I moved things happened, same rig, same bait.
  5. I know exactly what you mean. Sorry for taking the piss. Sincerely.
  6. Thanks mate, it was a relief. Do I owe a donut for the bag out.
  7. I heard on Hightide the beaches are holding good numbers of tailor. I would try for them, and use them as bait. You are getting your hours up, I reckon your due.
  8. I met up with Trevor this morning in the eastern suburbs to continue my rockfishing education. Conditions were close to perfect, the swell was low and only a light breeze blowing. One other guy was down there and getting into the Blackfish so it looked promising. Trevor pulled the first fish, then the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th. I had matched his depth, followed his drift, but nothing was working. I changed leader length, used different size baits. In all this time I only got one good down, and pulled the hook. FFFFFFF I was staring at a donut, big time, my back was aching and I was getting a headache. Last resort was to move. I went over to the next ledge, got some berley going and snapped my leader on a good fish first drift. Quickly re rigged, next drift, fish on played out and landed. Phew. The aches and pains disappeared and I soon got another. Trevor pulled two more to get his bag limit. It was really coming on, my next good down was hijacked by a cormorant. It stole the fish, busted my line, dropped the fish and got badly tangled in the float. I was still connected and had no option but to land it as gently as possible. It made a mess of the float, biting it, but thankfully it was reasonably calm when we handled it. Snipped all the tangle and it flew off happily. I got one more fish on Trevor's rod before we called it and left them biting.
  9. Nice work, finding legals in good numbers. Persistence paying off. Well done
  10. Another great session guys. You must hate the number 64, haha. I reckon Mike2153 makes a good point, start tagging. It would be interesting to see where they turn up next, and how fast they grow. It will probably be you who recatches them.
  11. Rose Bay, tomorrow, near the ramp.
  12. I was getting worried, It reminded me of Rodger Ramjet, will he..succeed, and who will rescue..... I'm glad you did, putting the pressure on yourself, big call, and great result. I'm liking live reports, who knew?
  13. That's a very good day out. A lot of different species to fill the esky. Patonga does produce big flatties, but I recently heard Pearl Beach is holding more than a few. Bad luck on the biggie, but like you said it was going to be released. As for the mystery fish, it could have been a king, amberjack, big sambo or a tuna. I doubt a shark. Well done. Great report. Ryder
  14. After what I saw in Rose Bay I think it could be good. Or Neilsen park
  15. Go get 'em guys. All looking good, should be a great weekend. Enjoy.
  16. Found this carpark at the far end of the park. Corner of Hipwood and Bradly Ave Looks like weekends unlimited. There are only 7 spots
  17. I was going to check it out for you tomorrow. Usual Thursday gig. The gates were open when I was there, scoping it out the Thursday before. However, even if they are closed it shouldn't stop you, there are only bollards leading to the gate. No fence,
  18. I've only ever seen anything like it at Neds Beach on Lord Howe, strictly no fishing. I don't know how smart kingies are but they had the bait pushed right up against the wall. The tide was falling and those pipes come out of the wall were almost exposed, they were smashing them in the corners. Then chase the bait along the wall, then disappear, round them up, and reappear 100m back along the wall to do it again. I watched them for an hour, I couldn't leave.
  19. Nice haul mate. What plastic did the damage? And please tell us the story of the big girl.
  20. Mate they were mostly in the 60-70cm range, and maybe 50 fish in the school. I didn't see any big ones. But they would have been heaps of fun from the shore.
  21. Now...Good school of fish travelling up an down the wall near the tide restarant. Easy reach from shore. Took these pics from the footpath. No rod with me.
  22. "That's not a hairtail dude that's a shitty(record breaking) pike eel" A record breaking pike eel! Well done. Add ons by Stewy
  23. Ryder


    I know it sounds weird, unseasonal maybe, I wouldn't know, I never fished for them. My mates brother owns a tackle store in western Sydney, very clued in to what's going on. Heaps of people are making the trek from Sydney, Friday and Saturday and doing allnighters.
  24. Ryder


    The spot is right in the heart of Newcastle. Honeysuckle drive.
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