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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. I heard a good tip today on the radio today that made me think, sometimes the obvious escapes me. Here it is, 'On your car dash fuel gauge, near the empty level, is a picture of a bowser. Next to the bowser pic is an arrow, it points left or right. The arrow points out which side you fill up your car.' Who knew? Nobody told me. There must be a lot of simple/obvious things out there. Speak up!
  2. If you go with tuna oil, keep it off your hands and your clothes. I took my stinking clothes to the laundromat, they charged double because they had to rinse the machine after.p My clothes still smelled.
  3. The old ' Deny all claims ' response. You have to take it further, they are betting on you backing down. Apart from the lawyers you can go thru NCAT http://www.ncat.nsw.gov.au/Pages/cc/Divisions/Motor_vehicles/Motor_vehicles.page.aspx You won't win a big compensation claim, they will be made to pay your damages.
  4. Winter is always a bit tough, I think August is the worst inside the harbour. Like Fragmeister said, pick a reefy spot and berley, berley berley, you should get Trevally. Anchor upstream on a runout and the reverse on the runin. Inside middle head off Cobblers Beach is a good spot on the runout. It's protected too from southerlies.
  5. Nice work mate. I have never fished the Minnamurra, but every time I go south I think it looks Fishy. I thought you got the Gary Howard for your wife, Hah.
  6. Great bag mate, perfect eating size. Dredge Master must adhere to the old union saying, 'Rain drops, Work stops.
  7. Great work mate, it's weird when you get your first. ' This sh€£ really works ' 'What do I do' haha. 27 cm of bream I. That's a great start, you're on you way. Some one should move this report to Saltwater Lure And Fly. Well done. .
  8. Great looking fish, so sleek and silver. It almost looks like it has racing stripes in the first picture. Well done guys. I knew you'd get a few.
  9. You might consider new site sponsor Graphic Wraps to raise it to the next level. http://www.graphicwraps.com.au/
  10. Did you measure it ? I take iit was caught on bait.
  11. Haha I was thinking JW black queen, thanks mate.
  12. I was there again this afternoon. Turns out it was a seal, it had been hit.
  13. http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=76546&hl I was using the replacement. 6lb. Now halfway thru the spool the same problem is occurring.
  14. Sorry mate 5 -6 weight range not length, generally fly rods are 9ft.
  15. Cheers Adam,. Yes you can get them on fly and spin gear, Scratchie Jnr proved at the entrance social You will need berley. We are using rods more "sloppy" and longer than regular spin rods. Blackfish have soft lips and small mouths, and they go hard in lunges and rolls. The bendy rod absorbs the shock. If you don't want to go all out on a new outfit I think you would be better off with a fly rod in the 5-6 range with a spin reel. Royce put Gianni on this combo and he smashes it.
  16. Great effort. Busting out if the freezing cold, sweet talking the cops at the road block. First hairtail, and best hairtail. FISHRAIDER !!!!!!!!
  17. Hi Raiders, I've been struggling lately so there hasn't been much to report. It's been so bad that I have been put on notice, get some fish, or get...... lost. Friday night I got the call from Royce, " We are fishing the lowest part of the harbour, with this bump on the fish will come inside. I don't argue, I know he knows his stuff, but then he goes further, " I reckon they are a good bet on fly" I got to his place at 5.20 and he was at his desk tying weed flies. He explained why his are different to the ones you buy, and it made perfect sense. ( sorry trade secret). I haven't cast a fly in 15 years, so I was happy that our buddy Mark was at the spot with a good supply of weed and cabbage. We get to the spot and there is a good wash, more like being out on the rocks than inside the harbour. Royce starts getting takes from the get go, then he pulled the first fish, and the second... Mark started getting them on cabbage while I was getting zip on weed. When I did finally hook one, the mainline snapped. When re rigging it snapped every time I tried to tie a knot. I showed they guys, Royce pulled dragged the line off and snapped metre after metre, "It's Rotten" Those guys kept going fish after fish, I changed to my backup reel, hooked another good fish only to snap the leader on the lift. I snapped off again and thought Stuff this and went to watch the action on the fly. Royce offered me a go, which he soon regretted, as I left his leader a tangled mess that needed re rigging. But he suggested I put on a fly instead of cabbage. It worked, I got a good down, and pulled up tight on to a fish. It felt big as it took line and was playing hard. I got him in and washed him up onto the ledge. Just legal,,30cm foul hooked under the gills. First blackfish on a fly anyway. I'm starting to feel better. Next drift I'm on again and the leader goes 'PING' FC Rock I hate you.. Swapped over Vanish, that Royce and Mark were using, and started getting a few fish. Confidence building, then a couple more. We called it around 10:30 both the guys bagged out, Royce purely on fly, Mark on cabbage, and I was happy just to contribute after all my dramas. We kept 16 the rest went back in. Ryder
  18. Ryder

    quick flick

    Great mix Trevor. I'm still keen to have a go, so is Gianni. Well done. Oh wow, that big one must have been awesome,
  19. Is the supreme the one that comes with 2 top halves. One soft and the other a bit stiff. So you can change to suit your target?
  20. Loving this live report. How is the pocket warmer working Nursie? Yarraone's 1.38 is going to be hard to beat, ... Still my money is on the Dynamic Duo Seamus and Gianni . But then again Scratchie and Scratchie Jnr, Go get 'em Andrew
  21. Great catch. I have never fished SWR Fished Crescent heaps but not for the blackfish, I've only been on them a year or so. I have read good reports from Yamba. Shorts and T-shirt are 3 months away for me. Haha
  22. Where are you? Pouring in Sydney this morning, max temp. 14
  23. Tailor, Surgeon, and I witnessed a good King hooked on weed.
  24. A client of mine lives a top floor apartment overlooking Drummoyne Bay. He said last Saturday morning about 10-10:30 there way a bit of drama on the river. He saw a boat pull up next to something splashing in the water, and thought the guy had caught a big fish. When he got the binoculars he could see the guy wasn't fishing he was taking photos. The animal appeared to be about 5ft long and sort of rolling around. The river cats stopped to have a look, one of those anti terror boats came by and then a helicopter. A large Police boat then arrived but the thing was gone. Did anyone see what it was?
  25. He certainly looks happy with himself. I reckon you have a fishing buddy for life. Well done.
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