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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Nice session mate. Trevally go hard for their size, and when they're on they're on. Did you use berley?
  2. Ryder


    Pyroclassic wood heater. I dont know what the reusable starter is made of. probably a porous fireproot stone. Im thinking something like Hebel.
  3. Its St Elmos Fire. It happened to me. Report called Zapped at Tarban Creek. Static electricity in the atmosphere ahead of a storm. In daylight its invisible, but in darkness it glows. There can also be associated buzzing. I typically happens in tapered structures, ship masts, church steples even blades of grass. And fishing rods. It doesnt mean you are in imminent danger of being struck, but danger is on the way. The last place you want to be when lightening is about is out in the open, especially holding a long stick. Take it as a sign to pa k it in.
  4. Nice. Fresh tailor is a great bait. Even tailor love tailor. Even in crappy water, the fish have to go somewhere. You obviously know where to look. Well done.
  5. I was going to add avoid wire. You minimise good by catch like bream and jew. They dont like it.
  6. Oh so close. Sorry mate. I bet you got the shakes. I use long shank hooks for flathead and heavy leader, up to 20 lb mono. My old grandad was a flattie man, long shanks all the way. They were thin, bronze and bendy. You might find them at a servo. Not very popular in the modern age. Years ago I got some at the 7/11. Used them at Fraser Is and nailed a big one. 87 The hook bent sideways, but it held. I reckon a chem sharp would have snapped or pulled.
  7. Good work. Sounds like a busy weekend. Even with the conditions, there are fish around if you know where to look.
  8. Nice report mate. I can't wait for your blackfish report from Lake Cathie. You got the good oil all round. I have to agree with Linc, don't use wire traces unless they are needed. Sharks, Spanish etc yes, but flathead you don't need it. Use long shank hooks and a trace of heavier mono. You got a bit of entertainment on a tough day inside.
  9. Seriously I feel worse for Ben, dropping the fish where the net should have been. He said he had one in the car, I said no, we'll just lift them. D'oh.
  10. Cheers guys, I was at my regular Drummoyne job yesterday. The water was like milk coffee. Visibility 1ft. It was brown today down harbour, but improved to olive at the top of the tide. So it's getting better. Seamus what net would you suggest, I know you always hated Wilson. HAHA.L Today's catch I couldn't load it before.
  11. Awesome mate. Congratulations on the PB. You sure found the fish today. Well done.
  12. Trevor (hawkesbass) and I went out last Sunday to the upper harbour. With a mixture of old and new weed we managed a few fish. I managed to scrouge a bit of weed for today, and headed to the lower harbour with Ben (Witha) We have been trying for a while to get him his first blackfish. There a few around, we were getting some tentative bites and follows by fish that wouldn't commit. I got 1 into the net, followed by another that had a bit of go in him. He went for a few runs, then swam thru the net of the swimming enclosure. He wouldn't come back. Luckily Ben was able to reach him with the extendable net. ( pool scoop handle with a wilson landing net taped on) We got the fish ,but I had to bust the line to get off the enclosure and my float was floating away. I tried to net it but the tape gave way, and my shitty old net slipped off the handle a d sank to the bottom of the harbour. Some guys would be happy to see the end of that. Ben got a good down and had the fish on for a while before the hook pulled. I got another, and without the net I had to lift him. Then Ben was on again , good fish, it took a few good runs and he played it like a pro. He played him out on the surface, 38-40 cm fish, went for the lift and the hook pulled. If only I didn't loose the bloody net, but we are counting that one. We called it just before the storm came.3in the bag a few pulled hooks , bust off, lost net and one nice lost fish.
  13. I work outside, I wasn't keen on becoming a statistic, flying debris and falling trees etc. 1&1/2 days off, now part of the cleanup crew. Re Parra the ferry stopped running past kissing pt. I was there in '86 when the water was up to the bridge. It took out the footbridge just up from the weir. Those vacant grassed areas along the river are there for a reason. Big catchment funnelled into a narrow river. I reckon we got off lightly..
  14. Welcome Brendan. I'm sorry I can't help with the spots, I don't know the place. http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=23679 Follow this link for the best info going around about rig, bait and setup. Good Luck Ryder
  15. Thats a great result. Im glad you got out and on the fish. Great job too NaClH20k9. Fishraider at work.
  16. Stay warm stay safe , and dont let the boogeymsn get you. Looking foward to tomorrows report.
  17. Great report mate. That's a great bream, and it looks so clean considering. Congratulations to you both for your first Watsons'. Living the dream.
  18. Nice PB 30+ on the hood. Seems they were all on the large size. Great catch of big green eyes. A tough call Jewie or Barbecuey.
  19. That squid is enormous. Sometimes refered to as an Aircraft Carrier. Great catch.
  20. A good time too to target huge bream of the beach. I'm talking 50+cm. North end of one mile, the mullet seem to hang there a while. The bream and flatties hang out under. Cleaning up the the scraps. Like every kind of migration in the animal world, they don't all make it. The other fish know it too.
  21. Well played Sarge. Big fish often run straight back at you off the beach. I guess it's the path of least resistance. You did the right thing, wind like crazy and hope. I'm glad the trip paid off, smashing fat sambo!
  22. Hi Raiders. Trevor and I hit the harbour again today, this time northside. We started around 6:30 and planned to fish the tide change and the run in. There was heaps of bait swimming around the wharf, alot of cormorants too, which isnt great. They can spook the fish. The blackfish were around for a while, but seemed to shut down wben the tide changed. We managed 3 fish, a couple of drops and 1 that busted me off. Trevor also got a small Tarwine on weed and believe it or not, he hooked onto a Kingie. The fish followed bis weed bait in , it's profile must have looked like a baitfish. It came right up to the wharf, just looking at the bait in front of it's nose. Trevor twiched it and BANG he's on. The fish took off around the pylon at the back of the wharf, then PING he was gone. He would have been legal, but there was only a slim chance of landing it on blackfish gear. A floppy 2 wrap rod, a reel with no drag, tiny no.6 hook and 6lb leader. If he went for open water mmmmmaybe. With the wind coming up we moved over to tbe south side of the harbour. We got a few downs and pulled out one more fish becore the wind got the better of us. Cheers.
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