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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Tough going. But persistance paid off. Well done guys.
  2. Ryder

    Water quality?

    Yesterday Chiswick was olive/ brown, visibility 1m. Today neutral bay almost back to normal. Could see bottom in 3m.
  3. It was a fun session. We got some big healthy ocean fish. The colour and clarity of the water is improving.
  4. Like NaClH2OK9, you can't lose faith. Otherwise you couldn't drive or walk down the street. So you met one, unpleasant , and their numbers are on the increase. Report it to the cops, write to your local member, and the Minister Duncan Gay. Sure the cops and your local member can brush it off, the minister can't. Send it certified mail, so it must be signed for, and must be dealt with. Sincerely Andrew
  5. I'll be lurking around the harbour, with the wind at my back, and the sun on my face.
  6. Ryder

    For real?

    Looking for a mates picture of an albino barra, I found this.
  7. Ryder

    port douglas

    There are also impoundments for Barra. sydneyfisher12 got an albino beauty in January.
  8. Make sure your rod is tethered. It's a good spot for Jewies.
  9. Gambusia are the bigger (smaller) threat to freshwater natives.
  10. Just cause I know you're here. I got a new Wilson 15.99
  11. You could even use a bean bag ball on the fly.
  12. Its funny when it happens to someone else. I saw a guy under the rip bridge on for all money. He didnt realise he had pulled his own anchor and he drifted away.
  13. Im glad you found the fish on Sunday. Good variety and decent sizes. Nice pb, is that the first from the local?
  14. Maybe we can twist the big fellas arm to turn up at the entrance.
  15. Great stuff getting your carp first on the long wand. And that PB is a big fat bugger. Well done.
  16. Good to hear the place is firing. Bad luck about the rod. Any blackfish about? Looking foward to the social.
  17. You've been busy mate, kingies one day, blackfish the next. Sorry I missed out, but happy to say mum in law is on the mend. Do I recognise that piece of sandstone? Great weekends fishing.
  18. Great session. If it was a cormorant it would have come up to the surface. It could have been a Luderick, they know where to run and hide.
  19. You gotta be happy with that. Great fish. Happy wife, Happy life.
  20. It must have been awesome to have the fish just show up like that. Top effort on the light gear, well played both of you. Great session.
  21. I'm sure there are heaps of species lurking around our waterways that I haven't caught yet. I hadn't even heard of an EP (estuary perch) before joining Fishraider I've never caught John Dory, tried and failed. Maybe this winter. What's on your wish list?
  22. Ryder

    Big kings

    You could try Pt Kembla breakwall south side.
  23. That's a nice mixed bag mate. Well done. In dirty water, chicken gut used to be the way to go. Disgusting. Chicken marinated in garlic served with Parmesan, so much more civilised. You could catch a Masterchef judge.
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