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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Icing on the cake. Great day out mate. Well played.
  2. It was a fun session mate. And a nice change from the micro fish I have been catching lately. Cheers.
  3. Sounds like good value for money. They certainly work and wouldnt be the only lure that needs trebles changed. Well done.
  4. It's going to happen, and faster than you might think. One of the old Ports Authority houses just sold for over 4 million. As for urine smell, it's worse under the gaming tables. Go Jamie lose it all.
  5. It was good to meet you Peter. Glad you got on to the fish in the end . Santa Claus said you were fishing too deep.
  6. Well done Perchman. Before joining Fishraider I'd never heard of EP. Never caught one since. Put your reports in Fishing Reports, you will get more replies. You guys are smaashing em.
  7. Well deserved. A true gentleman, and fine Fishraider.
  8. Great stuff guys. You just needed a few more to feed the team. well done Champ.
  9. You did well mate. There seem to be heaps of small fish around lately.
  10. Sorry about the bust offs. But I'm sure it's a case of stay tuned for a big winter king. Up the leader.
  11. Hey Blake, Like Scratchie, I saw you and the gang out fishing Friday arvo. Fishing, surfing, film and photography, great careers options. Keep it up, and keep the reports coming. Ryder
  12. Wow, what a wonderful trip. I am happy Stewy got you onto the fish. I laugh about you and the icecream van. He saw you coming and made you run, they always do that. I think a Fishraider Finland Social is a great idea. Haha. I'd go. Don't you have kebabs in Finland? We could corner the market,
  13. Thats a big fish mate. Well done. I didnt know they can turn back on themselves. Do you mean they can bite you tail dragging them?
  14. I havent seen them around. They are more commonly known as Channel sinkers or Pickers Doom.
  15. I really struggled at the Entrance , despite Stapos help. I got 3 this big. Trevor reckons I have bad juju again.
  16. Yes mate, great bonnie, just a cm short of another record. Good work on the kings considering conditions and sounder issues.
  17. Sorry everyone, but it was a thrill for me.haha Inside the harbour, I have seen the following fish caught on weed. Blackfish ( obviously ) Saw tail Surgeonfish Bream Tarwhine Flathead Tailor And I have seen Trevor hook a king. The blacks and surgeons go for the weed. The bream and Tarwhine like the goodies in the weed. Red worms and baby shrimp. Flathead, tailor and kings follow, and hit the weed winding in, must look like baitfish.
  18. Hey mate that's a good first session off the sand. Fishers and surfers like the same places. The same structure but different reason. The banks are shallows that make the wave break. The deep gutters, channels or rips are still. Highways for big fish and surfers paddling out. Other places to look are big shore dumps, when the wave stands up high and breaks on the sand. I reckon you got on to some tailor in the end, they damage leaders with sharp teeth. I use gang hooks 3x4/0 for tailor and salmon, never caught a bream on that. Were you using a single hook? I have had big bream take a Jew bait off a 10/0 single.
  19. After arriving home from The Entrance with a load of unused weed, I hit a local spot for the last of the runout tide. I was surprised to see Trevor there, and more surprised there was nothing in the bag. He had been getting heaps of fish, but all undersized. Once I turned up all that stopped. He started getting nothing. My float went down fast and after a short fight my first weed caught Tarwhine was on the deck.
  20. Thanks Donna and Stewy for a fun weekend. Jacqui and I enjoyed meeting more Raiders. Cheers
  21. Fish markets sell food grade produce, Fresh or frozen. Bait and tackle shops and servos don't sell food grade product. You can buy them fresh at the markets and salt them, but you pay more. Pilchards have a soft flesh, and if they go thru frozen thaw, frozen thaw, they become mush. From the tackle shop In small bag portions the fish should all be separate. It's harder to judge blocks. I buy frozen and salt them. Always WA Pilchards, avoid Australian Pilchard labels, they are crappy herring.
  22. So lucky nobody was hurt.
  23. Great day to be out, apart from the wind. Blue sky and clearing water. Pity the fish didnt cooperate. Still waiting for the straw prawn report.
  24. Checkout Windfinder.com Its for sailors kite surfers etc.
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