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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Sorry it could be an Eastern Kelpfish. I always thought they were the same. http://australianmuseum.net.au/rock-cale-aplodactylus-lophodon-gnther-1859 From what I've read, the Kelpfish is more likely to take a bait.
  2. Rock Cale Bad luck on the blacks but that would have been entertaining .
  3. Oh mate, lucky you had that rod secured, it could have been an expensive trip. I don't want to upset you, but I think it was probably a Kingy.
  4. That's a biggie. Well done mate.
  5. Great catch. Different spots seem to fire at different times. Some on the run in others on the run out, or top of the tide or bottom. It's a good practice to keep a record of your catches and the tidal situation.
  6. Great bag mate. So you could see the fish take the fly? Cool.
  7. Nice job hitting the target like that. Well done.
  8. Looking at it again, That's a big squid Seamus. Donated to Gianni's dad I'm guessing.
  9. Mate you fed the tribe with that lot. I agree trevs go hard. If you anchor up and berley, you can bag out quick all winter.
  10. We were lucky to have it. Despite serious burns, the occasional detached digit, and worst of all dogs running away....not good. It was awesome!!!. And it wasn't just one night. Once crackers were on sale Sydney had those bushfire sunsets. I remember one letterbox in particular, Across the road from my mates place. Solid plastic construction with a rooster weathervane. It survived all kinds of homemade bungas. It couldn't withstand a big volcano. Lit it and ran off giggling, green flames shooting 6ft out of the mail slot. My friends letterbox disappeared the next day.
  11. Haha, typical I find it difficult when the drift is going one way, and the wind blowing my line the other.
  12. Thanks Stewy, " only 3 days of climbing walls, 4th day it starts to get better" quoting Keith Richards. Never going back.
  13. Good to know, thanks mate. Rod pickup at 11. Perfect. Just want to dodge the traffic coming back. If I can bend it I'll be happy.
  14. That's fantastic, I've never seen that before. Chemical reaction produces the heat. I just googled it. You can still buy them, you might need more than one. It got me thinking, and I also found Battery heated socks, inner soles vests and jackets. You can also get battery heated motorcycle gloves, but that's going too far....You couldn't feel the bites.
  15. After hearing rumours of good catches I concentrated west of the bridge Saturday.It proved disappointing as I tried 2 spots for zero, and 1 fish at the third. Today I headed east, hoping to find the fish. I got one small one on the first drift, then nothing, so again I packed up and moved. The wind was a bit strong, so I couldn't fish my normal backup. I found a new place and fished with the wind behind me. It wasn't long before I was getting downs, I'd strike and nothing would be there. The bait hardly touched. I tried smaller baits, I tried leaving the down to go longer, still no hookup. I put it down to small fish, right then the float went down, and I pulled tight on a solid fish. He went straight for the pylons, and for a while I was stuck. I flipped the side cast open an free spooled. To my surprise he came free, had a few more runs then into the net. Fat 40cm Followed that a short time later with a smaller fish but still a good fighter. I pulled the hooks on 2 more almost at the net. I had to leave then biting. Not sure about fishing yet tomorrow. I'm headed up the central coast to pickup a rod I bought online. I have quit a pack a day habit going on 5 weeks, probably saved a grand so far. Fishing mate Trevor said I will only spend it on something else. Haha yes Vintage Fenwick blackfish rod. Might take it for a test drive.
  16. Great work guys. Glad you found the fish. Yeah I agree with Yowie, pester your folks to take you to Lord Howe. Haha.
  17. JW still sell them PM sent
  18. You could start a new thread just for reels.I'm chasing J W Young "Trudex" and Avon Royal Supreme on ebay UK. Those reels spin forever.
  19. Ryder


    My mate went landbased Akuna Bay last Friday. He got one. He counted over 60 floats in the water.
  20. Ryder

    Wear Sunnies

    Cheers welst . It's not at operable stage yet , But I'm told it will come back, eventually despite surgery.
  21. Pterygium..?!!!!! I hadn't heard of it, but turns out I have it. Also known as Surfer Eye. Wear your sunglasses.
  22. Excellent. Great Report
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