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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. That's an absolute Horse. Fantastic .
  2. It looks like a Smallmouth Scad.
  3. Cheers mate, we did stick to the shore, Bare Island etc, out to Cape Banks. It just wasn't happening. Trevor is not a novice. For me it's so different to the harbour, so wide, with no natural rocky foreshore or outcrops apart from the headlands. Trevor pointed out all the landbased spots along the way. We crossed over and checked out Greenie and the other blackfish spot on the way back in.
  4. Hi Raiders, For as long as I've lived and fished in Sydney, I had never been out on the bay until today. Trevor ( Hawkesbass ) invited me, so I jumped at the chance. We got to the ramp at Foreshore around 5.45am, there were heaps of boats waiting to go, and even a Marshall directing launches. Never seen that before. We set out trolling past Molineux Pt, along the wall, and out to the headlands, for zip. There were a few bust ups, but they weren't interested in the metals we threw at them. Next we moved to the hot water outlet, chucking plastics and blades, again for nought We moved back over to Molineux for a go at the Blackfish. We anchored up close to the wall/ bollards and got the berley going. Trevor got the first on his first drift, followed by another soon after before I got in on the action. We went fish for fish a while, we got 5 throwbacks,, dropped a few, busted off on a few others. Those fish certainly knew where the structure was. We called it around 1pm with 10 or so in the bag. It was a perfect day to be out on the water and great to see the places I've read so much about Thanks Trevor for my first day on the bay, the tour, oh and my first Blackfish from a boat. Cheers Ryder
  5. Talk about consistent. That's a great fish. Well done. And the Cooks River, the jewel in the crown.
  6. Oh so close again. I hope a few legals turn up soon , and the 1m+ hoodlum. I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Cheers Ryder
  7. You got a nice feed. That crab is cool, he looks like he's wearing a pair of sunnies. It's funny how sometimes you get a start, and move to another spot, then another chasing more fish. When in hindsight you should have stayed put. It's happened to me many times.
  8. I don't like the Like . Too impersonal. Reply to posts you are interested in. Post your own success . Ask questions. You can meet amazing people. Fishing is like any sport, when you play with the big boys, you lift your game. That's what happened for me, thanks to Fishraider. When is the next social?
  9. The good old hessian potato sack. Ask your green grocer nicely , they just throw them out. They are fantastic for keeping your catch cool if you don't have an esky. Heat exchange! And number one, for keeping your blackfish weed.
  10. Nice bag, and nice to feed the local prospectors. Your change down to gars from flatties is textbook. See them , catch them.
  11. Crescent Head, there is the caravan park in town, just behind the beach. But the back road to Pt Plomer has heaps of beaches and rocks that fish very well. Racecourse, Delicate Nobby, Big Hill. There are camping areas at Big Hill and Pt Plomer.
  12. Use the gars like pillies on gang hooks, If they are longer than the gang cut the tail off at an angle. Leave about 40 mm beyond the last hook. To preserve them soak them in a salty brine, drain and dry and ziplock in the fridge. They are great off the beach.
  13. Great report Seamus. A lot of good info coming from this post.
  14. I downloaded a barograph app to my phone. It seems to be working . Except, those peaks which coincided with times I was driving.
  15. Banjos is closed. I went today. At least a week to go.
  16. How do you like this, The glass minnow tube. You put your live bait inside, the fish will strike, get hooked but the bait survives. I don't know how successful they were
  17. Well done stevefish. Apart from the wrong straw and garbage scissors, my eyesight and sausage fingers let me down. Haha I've heard of using a spoon as a lure, but not knives. I reckon a butter knife blade could make a good blade lure, likewise the handle as a metal slice.
  18. What size sinker are you using? Use the lightest possible to get the bait down to the fish. They will pick up a bait and drop it when they feel something's not right. Bream are touchy, they will pick up an run, strike when you feel weight. Flathead strike on the bite, they just inhale baits and lures. I was shocked on the weekend by what my nephew did with the plastics rod I got him for his birthday. He had a ball sinker about the size of a 10 cent attached to a wire trace. He gets a few, but misses heaps more I'm sure.
  19. That's a great first effort. She must be a natural.
  20. A few more today. Trevor got the bream on weed.
  21. Hey. Don't dis my fish. I think his teeth are better than your man Shane.. Haha
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