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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. I got an unexpected pass to go fishing this arvo. Jacqui is still suffering a bit from the broken ribs, and went for an afternoon nap. 'Why don't you go fishing' I reckon I was out the door before her head hit the pillow. Got to the spot, and had a fish on second drift. Probably undersized went back. Then things got interesting. Fishing the usual depth but the fish were barely moving the float, It would go under just an inch, or move slightly sideways. I was a bit surprised when I pulled up tight onto a fish. I got into a rhythm, and it was fish after fish, just a few throwbacks, most up around 40cm A quick pic, and the biggest and smallest went back in. ]
  2. Well done again, and great that you put your son onto his first. You'll have to pack the big esky next time. Cheers
  3. Bad luck mate. When you start getting choppers always check and change your leader. They do a lot of damage.
  4. I'm glad you bent the rod on a few. I hope a hoodlum or two turn up for you soon. And a great way to use the leftovers, stinking cooked prawns, who knew. Well done. As for the guy with the undersized, He is keeping them. That's the way fisheries would see it. Live or not.
  5. Yes mate, we use running floats and wind on stoppers.
  6. Look for structures that have kelp growing around them or nearby. Bridge pylons, pontoons, jettys wharfs or walls. I haven't tried fly for them, but you need to berley them up. We do get them year round in the harbour, with the exception of August. I think it just seems like they are a winter species, when other fish come on in the warmer months not many folks still target blackfish. They chase kingies etc. As for weed aha..... A man could get himself in serious trouble. There is heaps of cabbage weed on the ocean rocks at low tide. Check rock pools, and ocean baths for the string weed. The string seems better bait in the harbour, but the cabbage also works. I usually grab a bit of both, berley with both, start fishing with string and have cabbage as a backup. Ryder
  7. Great work mate. Glad you enjoyed the recipe. You will need to buy a set of crab tools to eat them.
  8. You got some very nice fish and great photos. Regarding the squid, I've recently been told they travel in pairs. Get one get his mate. OK But If one senses danger it will try to warn the other by lighting up its tentacles. If it doesn't respond and still goes for the jig, it will be attacked by the lit up mate.
  9. I learned from Trevor, they calm right down in the keeper net. Some do flap around, just make it quick. When we released them, we speared them in. Most take off like a shot. Some may hang around for a minute or 2 then take off. If they do struggle, we net them up, and swim them.
  10. Great fish mate, well done on the light gear. How good is a Stella. Keep them coming.
  11. It was a fun session mate. Yeah we missed a few, but we didn't drop any. Getting a few without any berley was a bit of a surprise. How about the red fins? Cheers
  12. A spark plug wrench, or a Stihl tool could easily be used. Check out mower shops.
  13. I'm still laughing too. No offence to scarab36319 Genuine report I'm sure, and that great fish was taken care of. Aussie007's misread or misrepresentation did it for me. I'm in tears laughing again.
  14. You can get them. It's called a Barograph. You can get apps too for smart devices, I don't know how good they are.
  15. Hey guys get into it. Submit your catches and VOTE In December 4 fish submitted only 10 votes. The best fish won, but where is everyone. We're in this together. It doesn't take much effort to vote.
  16. Mate youre getting fish. Stay strong. Be confident. And use the super fresh tailor as bait. Im humming the theme to Rocky.
  17. Ryder

    ID (sternum)

    It's the breast bone of a sea bird. Probably a Shearwater
  18. Quote. 'We moved on to lobster beach trying for bream but no luck there. My singlet ended up in the water and I foolishy jumped in to save it but the tide was running out quite fast and belligero had to pull up the anchor and come to my aid. I was swimming and not making any headway.' Never get off the boat. Kurtz got off the boat........
  19. Mate you will love it. John is an Old Sea Dog, boat builder, sailor. He loves eating blackfish, but no one has fished for them, or thought they could be there. He has Grandkids who will be super keen now. We will be doing a few lessons down there. How is the north coast?
  20. Thanks Donna, The pain of parting with them was causing Jacqui a bit of stress. On top of the broken ribs. They went to a nice home. Please let me know if its inappropriate to post this kind of thing. Andrew
  21. Yay they got adopted today.
  22. Well done mate. I'm glad you got a couple of keepers.
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