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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. Great job on those salmon. It must have been tough with that wind, having no motor. Glad you got a few and got back in one piece.
  2. Nice one. You know that equals the Fishraider record.
  3. So it was a case of if you can't beat em join em, or get them to join you. Haha Well done
  4. Hi Raiders, Headed out to the northern beaches early this morning to meet Trevor for another instructional session off the rocks. Driving down and listening to Hightide, the big blow was on the way, but the spot we had was fairly protected. We met up while it was still dark, and had to wait for first light before heading down the escarpment. You could see the southerly coming, dark water and white caps. The swell wasn't bad and the ledge was well protected from the worst of the wind. Trevor was on from the first drift. Then he's on again, luckily I was also able to make a contribution to the bag, but he was outfishing me 3 to 1. Although the swell wasn't bad, the spray had us both soaked thru, it seemed to follow me as I tried to move to avoid it. As the wind really picked up we pulled the pin with 11 fish in the bag. Trevor has the photos. Ryder
  5. Great report. Congratulations, that's a very respectable first. Top stuff.
  6. I can remember in the eighties, Hammerheads schooling along Palm Beach and the inside beach. They had aerial pictures, the sharks could be seen everywhere in the shallows. At least 100 of them.
  7. Another great session guys. You really love the light gear. Haha. Well done. I hope you get your Hoodlum soon.
  8. Mate those are some Elbow Slappers. Great work. I have found fishing just behind a big shore dump can produce surprises. The big waves dislodge more food.
  9. Over recent years, exotic species have been released into the harbour as a part of the Buddhist ritual Tsethar. Live fish are bought at restaurants, or markets and set free. The Barra are turning up because of this, they will all be dead by winter when the water gets cold. I saw one at Tarban Creek last year and posted a photo, soon after I caught a very sick one in a net at Pyrmont. CNY is Chinese New Year.
  10. That's a good effort, after 3 hrs many would give it away. I'm glad they came on for you. Being landbased makes it more challenging. They're on and gone. Well done.
  11. Looks good. Limited onstreet parking.
  12. Maybe next to the flying sqadron Kirribilli I wil be down that way tomorrow, I'll check it out.
  13. Sorry Chief , Maybe he won't see this.
  14. I was waiting for your weekend report. I was beginning to think you struck out. Silly Me, you guys smashed it out of the park again. That a great picture of a Kingfish, the blue and yellow look awesome. Great work. Ryder
  15. Using mono has been suggested, I had the FC from casting plastics, so I've been using it. I do run a 6 inch stretch of mono between swivels. I have changed to using an alvey TCS, at first with Dango using the side cast. Twisted line became an issue. Until I perfect the centrepin cast, I have been using braid, no twist but no stretch. I was probably asking for trouble.
  16. Mate that is a fat fish. You may have a record breaker there. Well done.
  17. It was a bad batch of FC Rock 6lb. I run it from the swivel to the hook. I wasnt using any lead on the leader, I rarely do maybe one shot above the hook if the current strong.
  18. It will happen, just a matter of time. And it will be fantastic.
  19. They replaced it with the same.
  20. Nice one. It's great to see. You are always trying new things. Pink is my favourite colour jig. You are bound to lose a few. I wouldn't be targeting Jew/Kings on 3lb, not to say you can't. Haha, ask Gianni.
  21. That's a great session. Pity about the size, but you can't have everything. I have heard of the technique, using a handling and a stick, but never tried it. I'm happy you got your first, and sure there will be more to come. Well done.
  22. Hi Raiders, I'd been losing heaps of fish because of dodgy leader, it was tested and replaced. Today I got to test it out for a short session. The fish were there, but not taking the float all the way down. So I shortened 6 inches. Next drift, good down, pulled the hook. Then another good down with no hookup. Finally I got on to a fish, the leader held, and I played him out to the net. A fat high 30s fish. I follow it up with 3 more, one undersized, which was immediately returned. I failed set the hook on a few fish, I put it down to the hook size. I lost my last good hooks with all the broken leaders from the last few trips, and I only have hooks that are smaller than my usual. It's nice to be back in business. Ryder
  23. After the recent passing of the cult figure, people are Spocking the $5 note. From this. To this.
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