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Everything posted by fishingmik

  1. yeah i love it roberto they are so easy 10 minites to get ready and hose it when your finished yeah thanks for the tip i read about you dunking cheers mik
  2. yeah i use one all the time when the wind gets up it slows the drift up around half the pace all i do is tie it straight off the back with a single rope which is about 15 mtrs long works for me i have the one that folds up and costs me 40 bucks cheers mik
  3. YEAH MATE IVE GOT A HOBIE SPORTS FISHERMAN i mainly use mine in the lake and rivers they are certinaly an awsome machine you can go places where boats cant its great i mainly chase bream and flathead but will be venturing offshore to chase snapper kingys and salmon when my brother gets his one cheers mik
  4. nice reddie there azza it puts a smile on yah face when you get a nice one ah cheers mik
  5. nice flatties there mate i dont think you will have trouble getting any one next time cheers mik
  6. nice going there fellars awsome fish what lures were you using mik
  7. nice flathead there mate sounds like yah had a great day out geez yah mates look nice and relaxed on the bow of the boat cheers mik
  8. looked like a nice day out ,very hard way to start the week ah ,that is one weird looking fish never seen anything like that before down here cheers mik
  9. nice fish there mate would have been fun on 4 pound braid mik
  10. Looked like an awsome day out there mate shame about the lack of fish cheers mik
  11. yeah just a little bit hutcho you can still catch an few whiting down here mate but the prawing has been crap of late as the lake has been closed for a couple of years but this should all change reel soon as the lake is open now and they are doing a lot of work dredging,puting rock walls out to the sea trying to keep it open fingers crossed so hopefully the lake should fire up again cheers mik
  12. thanks sneddo i will have to go to the tackle shop tomorrow and grab a couple cheers mik
  13. cheers fellars just got the computer back today i reckon the brothers berley must have done the trick went out on the monday for 2 to about 1kg for those who are interested in the gps marks i will post them on the weekend cheers mik
  14. nice fish there richie its about time the old man started catching them cheers mik
  15. nice bream there sneddo what size popper were you using i have been looking at them at the tackle shop lately and am keen to give them a go cheers mik
  16. gotta love that sound zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mik
  17. sounds like you had a busy day catching all those fish mate its good when you have days like that evan if there undersize as long as you catch something makes for a fun day cheers mik
  18. Got to shellharbour boatramp at 540 weather looked crap but we decided to go out any way headed out to secret spot 72 anchored up and started burlying up wih pillys as soon as we did it started pissing down and it was blowing about 15 nts we were gettin tossed around like a rag doll ah what the hell i thought were here now kept burlying up ten minutes later zzzzzz my rod starts screeming in comes first reddie about 1.5 kg all smiles , 5 minitues later zzzzzz again im on another reddie about the same size is boated ,noticed my brother was a bit quit he didnt look to good i set another floater on its way a couple of mins later zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the reel screems this was definatly a better fish it had 5 hard runs finaly get it to the surface i yell out to my brother to get the net poor bastard was to busy on the other side of the boat providing his own burley he eventualy grabs the net and snapper about 4kg is boated i ended up getting 1 more reddie and my brother eventualy gets 1 he looks evan worse now starting to go green i didnt want to leeve this bite but didnt have much choose so off we go back to the ramp i dropped him off and went straight back out to the same spot didnt catch any thing so off to bass point were its a bit more protected did a bit of bottom bashing ended up catching a few leather jacket and small flatties called it a day at 1130 heading back out there monday with the bro if hes crook this time bad luck cheers mik
  19. mate sometimes we should just stay in bed ,nice couple of flatties cheers mik
  20. nice couple of fish there mate great fun fishing out of a yak ah mik
  21. thought i would finally put a picture of it it its got everything i need to catch snapper to marlin mik
  22. slothe here you go mate both are off portkembla wave rider S34.28.416 E 151.01.316 fad S 34.27.360 E 151.04.386 cheers mik
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