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Posts posted by Blackfish

  1. Ok, Ive asked the boffins down in the lab and they say

    Quote "Its called "Lordosis" and basically a forward (Downward in fish) curvature of the spine. Morwong, Drummer, bream etc have all been caught in this condition.The spline and Ptergiophores (Bones at the base of the dorsal fin) are intact and fully formed"

    I had to ask as I'm not that clever but did know in most cases not a injury.

    Thanks Boffins.:)

    • Like 1
  2. Nice Blackfish.

    Rabbit fish have venomous spines so be careful with them, there is a few up at Long reef as well as Newport.

    Entrance Bommie and around that area there's heaps.

    Oh, also another common name for them is Black Trevally(no idea why) or Spinefoot and a few more.

  3. Your right Neil, makes you think how it should be, simple things like this makes you glad your still around to enjoy and most (like me) doesn't get the chance to enjoy it as much I should.

    Not a thousand words ..... but....................................

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