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Posts posted by Blackfish

  1. Excellent Red fish there and a cracker of a Stripey.

    We were out last Monday and saw some fish busting up and were going up the coast at great speed, some that explains it.

    Yeah and what a buggar about Photobucket.

  2. The ones you caught are Blue Salmon (Most common name) but also called Blue Threadfin. Eleutheronema tetradactylum.

    They go like the clappers, but don't grow as big as "King" Salmon. I have heard of some getting up to the metre mark, but the biggest I've seen are in the high 70's cm.

    Eating wise, I recon they aren't as good as King Salmon, but still pretty good. Quite soft flesh.

  3. Red Rock Cod but can go under different common names (Eastern Red Scorpionfish) mind you I never head any one calling them anything than a Red Rock Cod. As Dirvin21 said don't get spiked by one they bloody hurt, but very good eating if you get one big enough.

    "Scorpaena jacksoniensis"

  4. Didn't think School Sharks had spots like Gummys.

    Juvenile Gummys of what Ive seen have spots, happy to be corrected.

    Had a reasonable School Shark swimming around me as I was snorkelling off Shark Island (Cronulla) last year, it had no discernible spots. Caught a nice Gummy off National Park 2 weeks ago.

  5. Not sure whats happened above but there is a Fishraider post on this but having trouble posting link.


    OK I see now.

    Just click on the 2007 Link and it take you back to post with a lot of info on the "Doctor"

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