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Everything posted by reese

  1. reese


    thanks mate ill have to add some to my gear -
  2. reese


    what better lures do you recommend scratchie?
  3. i have famillyfriends in Mclaren vale - there most recent trip they took their daughtesr boyfriend for his first go at fishing from a boat - first hit he caught a 12kg snapper was massive - most fish they catch dont fit in a pan normally in the BBQ only - so have fun hopefully the weather plays nice..
  4. https://www.facebook.com/#!/NSWDPIFisheries?fref=nf good to have these idiots off the water
  5. bands dont work sorry - they work for the wire when travelling sometimes but not the boat - yeah i called the number out of hours so will call them tomorrow and see if i can order them and get my father inlaw to collect them - - i only use tablets when off shore so between weather and getting the time down the coast it will take me a while to use them all and worth the money from what i can tell -
  6. Thanks I'll try find them and confirm
  7. Hi there been reading up on em, me and my misses wanna try them. I'm looking for where to get them near Sutherland, I'm from Canberra but my I laws are in Helensburgh and go through Sutherland. Any help would be great. Sorry if this is in the wrong spot
  8. i was in tuross last week and there was loads but all small and none of eating size (in saying that we were not in prime locations for the run out we were at the back of the lake and they were very active (water was lovely once in -
  9. Tef1on has hit it on the head, exactly what people said and did to me yet none come true I still have everything of mine and still do plenty of fun stuff,the other guys are correct also.. Enjoy your time to your self, but also be there for mum n bub, the more you enjoy this time and bond the better it will be for you as bub grows.. That's just my opinion, my Bub turned 1 a week ago, my only issues is the misses loves fishing as much as me so it's hard to get time to fish my self.. Enjoy this time, be patient have fun as it is a great time
  10. I have camped at depot a few times amazing place.. Haven't had much luck on the rod land based but I have speared and dived there I would recommend following the rocks out to the right then from there to the island has snapper kings everything really, in close there is thousands ok Rocks to left of the beach are also good, bug don't be scared to moved off them 100m of more, seen many good mowies I have had two trips in March to the Clyde and has been horrible barley a bite
  11. oh = i better follow up and find out why mine hasnt arrived..
  12. Ah perfect thanks mate, will deffenatly give it a crack
  13. hi there i have done some reading to try and get as much knowlage about prawning - and i see the darkest the night the better - i see new moon is set for the 19th for south coast but that is a sunday and we are heading home then - is it worth having ago two days before like friday or sat night? will it be dark enough? dose the time of night matter? or should i be focusing on tide more then anything? tides will be running out from dark onwards (would rather have ago at 7rather then 10pm) i have all the gear and my old man wants to have ago just wanna cross the Ts and dot th Is so im not wasting time cheers guys
  14. i was think the same thing noticed i dont have one eirther, i just asumed was the same as cars, no stickers anymore.. hope thats correct, at the end of the day the boat has rego upto date.
  15. i caught one in approx 30m of water a week ago SE of toll gates Batemans Bay - i was using a rapala 10 i think- light blue Bonito/ bait style deep diver - firt time for me and a first catch for me - are you keeping for bait or table? if table what are they like?
  16. any squid in the lake? or not opened enough? would love some fresh squid for bait when i go off moruya heads
  17. yeah i aint even taking the traps down - i may looking tonto having ago at some prawns maybe
  18. My 90hp has two, one when motor is half way up and a second when fully up. The shop I brought from said to use the half way lock.. If I'm not making sense let me know I'll take pics
  19. Very lucky we headed south east of toll gates but we were green from conditions very quickly.. Still learning what our limits Are with swell ect Hopefully some good conditions when down at Tuross so I can have a crack off Moruya heads
  20. news report just said there is alot of cold water working its way round and head up nsw coast -
  21. oh yay - im heading for a day trip tomorrow to the bay hopefull find a nice reef - then 3 weeks till tuross - and you have got me excited - i have been told up the river they are getting mud crabs? i have herd this from a few people (thought they were a northen species) but getting excited now
  22. are yo utalking tuggeranong canberra? if so i am a local and have tried in different spots few times a few years go and got nothing - things may have changed - always been told local murrebidgee rivers but never tried
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