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Everything posted by hobbitt

  1. Thanks luv, and yes, you speak words of wisdom.... I have put it behind me, life's way to short to let this eat away at me. Cheerio 2U as well.
  2. Argh yes, wise words my friend.
  3. hobbitt

    The Frog Test

    Yeah well, I may not be very smart, but just think, yesterday I wanted to be a truck driver, and today I are one..... and I can lift heavy fings.
  4. Picture this, you and your wife standing together on the bank, wetting a line. I'm talking an uncrowded bank of some 500mtrs, at one end, a lone fisho, then perhaps some 25mtrs from him, another couple, then NO ONE, between them and us. That would be a good 400mtr gap. Whilst my wife and I enjoyed each others company, and the odd catch n release, the height of rudeness suddenly gets thrown up at our face, now I know these twits have every right to fish where they so choose, as we all do, but bugger me, if they didn't just walk over to where my wife and I were standing, some ten feet apart from each other, and set up fishing, BETWEEN US !! WHY ?? I just can NOT understand how bloody rude some idiots can be. So, with a shake of our heads, we left, we drove some 20 minutes away to another location. Better fishing anyway. At days end, we left there to drive back home. Now for idiot number two, to strike. Driving along a section of road sign posted at 80kmh and with the cruise control engaged, happily cruising along in the left lane, slowly being rounded up by a medium size ridgid truck in the lane next to us, a maxi cab (hi ace van) approaches from a side street to my left, it has a STOP sign. Idiot No 2, decides, gee, I dont have to STOP at the STOP sign, I drive a public passenger carrying vehicle, therefore.............. road rules don't apply to me, so, bugger it, I will just pull straight out in front of HOBBITT and his wife. At this moment I have no evasive room as the medium size truck is along side us. I tell ya, I am a patient man, and as a professional driver for more years than I care to remember, I get a little sick of having to make allowances for bone heads like this IDIOT. To think, he holds a public carrying vehicle authority........ Bloody glad I'm not a fare paying passenger in his cab !! Anyway.... Raiders, I know this not the forum to vent, and I am sorry that I have done so, but at least it's off my chest. Tight lines to all.
  5. hobbitt

    The Frog Test

    Your kiddin' me?? This has got to be a "G" up ??
  6. hobbitt

    Australia Day

    Fair dinkum. Strewth. Stone the bloody crows. Have a Captain Cook at this, The ridgey didge is full of meat. Time ta crank up the barbie, Have a couple of coldies, Tell a few yarns. Yeah.... 26th of January eh. Australia flammin' day. So to all, I wish you...... A great Aussie day. PROUD TO BE AUSTRALIAN ! Hobbitt.
  7. Great pics. That last pic............ Uumm, it's just, well..... I was just wondering ??? If you guys went to all that trouble to go to the zoo,.......................... Why would you leave behind, and take a sneaky pic of...................... FLIGHTMANAGER ??? Sorry Ross........ lol. I'm ssoooo dead !
  8. Further to this post........ Today, the Hobbitt clan fired up the BBQ and stocked the eskies with ice and liquid refreshments, enjoyed the company of a non fishraider family ( Gazza and family, aka The Woy Woy Cowboy) for a relaxing back yard barbie, where the tucker was served up at a blistering pace. Some of the grub included smoked oysters, dips, roast chicken, snags, steakes, salads AND................ FISH from Gazza place, thanks to the local fisho's, oh and of course my recent pb bream. Retired for the evening, full belly, comfortably numb and an appreciation for family and good friends, doesn't get much better than that.
  9. Hey Roberta, ME TOO !! Fed up with terrorists on local waterways. I loved that report, one day I wouldn't mind giving the bass a hit, never done it B4. Perfect pics.
  10. Great report, never done the bass thing B4, however I wouldn't discount trying it one day. Also, rubbish removal..... Such an easy task, such a shame ''SOME'' find it all too hard, I wonder what these grubs would say if you, or I were to throw our rubbish on there lawn ?? A great pic, one happy angler.
  11. So, with the wife at work, and the kids given me the flick, I decided to chuck the rod and tackle box into the car and head down to a little fave spot of mine around "Raffertys"..... There I was, mid afternoon, by myself, good old Nigel NO friends, a bag of servo prawns and no landing net, no keeper net, nothing !! Cast after cast, prawn after prawn, I tried in vain to hook up, then slowly but surely the whiting came home to daddy, then the bream, even a couple of pinkies. Kept one whiting, that I cooked up for tea tonight ( YUM ) At approx; 5pm BANG........ Yyeessss, Near pulled the rod clean out of my hand, drag working a treat, zziinnnggg, then, arghh nnooo ! line has gone all limp ?? reeling in and walking towards the end of the line, thinking maybe this ol girl is playing me, then all of a sudden, COLOUR!! And a last ditch effort for freedom, Hhmmmm, I hope this is hooked good, because I have no landing net ( G'on me ) Mission complete...... This bugger 34cm or 14inches, and roughly weighed in at 1KG. Thats a PB for me! As diver1 posted Dec 28, Lake Mac. Flatties, Pitt Street. I know what he means, boats of all sorts, and people EVERYWHERE !!! A great day for me, even if I was a "Nigel"
  12. "H" Happy birthday Ya old salt.
  14. NICE Nice new launch. Nice feed. Well done.
  15. Hopefully, a new job (post work place reforms) Can't beat Govt sell offs. To all, a very merry xmas and a happy (fish filled new year)
  16. A great catch, well done to the lil' bloke. It's ALWAYS refreshing to see the tin lids out and about doing something worth while with their time, and keeping OUT of trouble. A nice pic as well, good stuff. Rod.
  17. Wow, those pics just look fan bloody tastic, bet ya couldn't wait to come home from that place. NOT. Great report, great pics and a great time had by all.
  18. Argh, crocs on sp's Got to be happy with that. Well done to you both, and a pb as well.
  19. "H" Having a teenage (Mirror admiring) daughter myself............. PRICELESS ! Good One.
  20. NICE ! I thought maybe you might have posted some pics of, your uumm, distraction. Im sure the hugs and kisses wouldn't have minded ?? New motor huh, how did it go ?
  21. HHhhmm, 43. Hey flighty....... Hope you read my score. lol.
  22. Hi Roberta, a good read, and sounds as if you guys a beaut time of it. I was wondering how you got on down there. Just loved the pics and that cracker of a bream.
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