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Everything posted by hook'm

  1. hahahahahahah i look worse when i smile hahahah hey click enlarge on that photo lol its HUGE u can even zoom in !! yeah you took a cracker of a shot of the king! Hey we could do a run out to the YFT with three boats ! The only thing is if we luckily hooked up wed prolly capsize hauling in the beast of things..... Hey Southerly we could tow you out there with us and a nice YFT could tow you home!!
  2. Good Work Greg I just wanted to be on the water today!! such a nice day I love hearing about kings being caught ,i reckon we should start a Kingie club! Dan heres the pic of that 79cm caught on saturday.. nice photo you took ! Ugly man holding beautiful fish!
  3. harsh but fair mate that was what i was gonna say. meybe dont rename the boat just remove the name "paul "from it i think thats a loophole in the laws of neptune.
  4. hey good onya mate!!! u get ten points from me!!!! Nice dollie ,can u imagine what catching a 1meter + king would be like after jigging for a couple of hours? I caught a 79 cm yesterday and i was stuffed after a 1 - 2 minute fight! Cheers Jase
  5. well here i am 1 month ago dreaming of summer ,kingfish in abundance ,warm weather holidays . Well i didnt think MAY would produce quite like it has!! Now im dreaming of May subzero temps and BIG Kingfish! 3 weeks ago an 84 was landed then a week later a 91 cm model then this weekend a 79! Stuff summer the last 3 weeks will do me for a year! oh and Cafe de Hook'm will be serving bacon and egg rolls at spot x from 5:30 am untill 7 am! byo coffee southerly making his way back home mmmmmmmmmmmmm! I thought i had a picture of Dans mighty Surgeonfish but i didnt take one! It was amazing how much line that fish took even before Dan had time to react to the ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of the drag and he was sitting NEXT to the rod , amazing sport fish wish they were more abundant!
  6. Sounds like a great day ladies hats off!! This autumn weather is hard to beat . i got my pb weed at the entrance social fishing with Dan and Laurie it was 5 ft long and it took drag!
  7. im goin again this weekend cant help it got a new spot to try too must go cant not go cant sleep
  8. Well done Laurie and Kat! Listen to Dan offering himself around like a packet of Tim Tams! hey Laurie didnt i leave those pliers on your boat after our Entrance fishing runs??
  9. All i can say is AWESOME!!!!!!!
  10. Bad luck ceph! I know how it feels i lost a nice combo trolling around north head in Jan i just heard smack bang looked around and saw it slide down the side of the boat into the water going horizontally into the depths..i was in shock too i almost dived in after it but common sense prevailed and i just wore it! Still s@#$s me to this day! But i have to be optimistic so i say i gave to the fish gods and they have paid me back big time lately so look at it that way mate you dont have to spend a lot on a king setup if u dont want to mine was $450 including 300mtrs of braid /a swiss filleting knife and a dozen 8 o owner hooks cheers mate jase
  11. Mate it feels good to put in the hours and then start to get results. These things u are learning ull never forget and you understand ,because of the hard work u put in, its hard to just come out and tell everyone how to do things. You can give an idea of how things are done and anyone prepared to put time in will get results from persistance. Well done mate anyway first things first ..Live Bait = Fish Cheers Jase
  12. Cough!! Splutter!! Cough!!! Who was that???
  13. WELL DONE YOUNG BLOKE!!!! Dont those bass fight like champs!! I think you guys will be going back there a bit more regularly!! Well done again Corey! Jase
  14. well done to all!! Those leatheries tase real sweet! Cheers Jase
  15. and also testing my new photo resize method ( THANKS JASE) Dan. Now that looks better!!
  16. mate good to see you out there on sat another great show watching southerly vs kingfish! I love the way your yak just heads off under kingfish power!! very economical!! cheers jason
  17. I just want to say the next best thing to catching a king of 91 cm is watching it swim off to fight another day/drag someone else under structure etc lol theyre a hard beast to land but im lucky to have been aboard "Aussie Flag" and as reward for being deckie of the month the kingie hit my live squid...........sorry about the king i lost trying to get Tims hook off your line Dano1 from Dano 1! But omg watta king!! Stumpy jase here u are married as we are .... mate we dont get laid anymore thats why we fish every weekend from 12am to mid afternoon
  18. Hey Laurie Well DONE!!! The elusive Jew is a noble fish to catch and bloody difficult i reckon. Makes the kings look easy Jason
  19. Definately say gday Mike we seem to be out alot lately.its addictive. I havnt caught a jew yet they area completely different story to the kings. So hard to find.
  20. hey Dano ure fingers are awfully close to those scalpul blades! No i didnt eat the surgeon i tossed all the fish back. I dont know about the bigger king but i had the drag in overstrike(about 12kgs) and it was still taking line and didnt even rise an inch i was at its mercy. LOL ever since i nearly lost my boat off the trailer at Tunks 2 weeks ago my luck has changed dramatically!! Give it a try! no seriously i dont know..just using squid i had left over from the weekend frozen .
  21. Ahh dont give up mate theyre a finnicky critter! at least u get out there and give it a go!!
  22. I was gobsmacked when the surgeon appeared because i thought it was a king!! It fought really hard.I would have liked to hold it up for the photo but theyre a bit nasty at the tail end for one handed operations lol
  23. Hit Tunks at 10 am ,launched the boat and headed out to find the kings. I had 12 frozen squid left over from saturday mornings effort. Anchored up and was a bit quiet for an hour but my reel started to tick off finally and i thought it was a bream because of the bites, i strike and whallop its a king!!After a bit iof a tussle,trying to reach for my net and it getting hooked up on the seat and still trying to keep pressure on the king i boat it. ok!! Happy with that,quick picture and back into the drink.....measured 64cm down goes another bait and same thing bream bites but i strike again and there no bream on the end its another king!I landed this one and he had followers so i unhooked it and left it flapping round and dropped another bait and whack again.........did the same thing again (2 flapping round on the floor and drop third bait and whallop!! Hatrick!! So anyway this went on until i had boated and released 10 kings,lost 4,one was a thumper i wish id seen it! The sizes went 64-65-59-60-60-62-66-61-67-59 A 60 cm surgeon caught on an 8 o hook and squid lol a leather jacket with nice blue fringe around it and a smelly old 40 cm bream. Dano1 and Tim turned up at about 1:45pm but the kings had moved off so was a bit sad for them but we had a few beers and watched the sun go down,had a quick squid sesh at the end of the day and that was that!! A new record for me to have caught and boated 10 kingfish on my own!! All fish were released(including bycatch) except one that i gave to a charter guides clients who missed out on taking a king home.
  24. Hey!!!!! I saw that boat with the baby capsule in it too!!!
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