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Posts posted by vipernut

  1. if mundine didnt have a mouth or was a mute i think people would like him.

    Totally agree,if only it was true.Im sure most peole watch Mundine fight hoping he will lose.

    Dont know if i will even bother watching it,Mundines fights are never really to good anyway.



  2. Once again it looks like a great day had by all,I still havnt been able to attend my 1st social yet!! :(

    and am not sure when i will due to my boy playing rep soccer,which is played on a sunday.

    I will just have to be happy reading about how good it was.

    Congratulations to everyone who had success :thumbup:

    And a big well done to all who made the day possible :1clap::1clap:



  3. I think it is a great idea. :thumbup:

    I guess it would just have to be worked out how they enter them,I know some fishraider members(including me)have small kids who we take fishing.Would they have to register as fishraider members(even if they cant use the computer)or could fishraider members nominate for their kids.

    Maybe something could be added to members details,where you could add your junior raiders.

    It is definatly a good idea,and maybe it would encourage my tribe and others to go fishing more.



  4. Hopefully will get tomorrow arvo free,and might head down to the river to search for bass again or depending on weather and time,might go down the coast somewhere(possibly windang area)for an afternoon/night session.

    Sunday morning my son has a soccer game :soccer_h4h:

    Sunday arvo relaxing with a few :beersmile: in front of the tele watching the A League final.



    P.s. Good luck to all fishing in the social.

  5. my favourite place down there...at least you didn't tell anyone where it is..maybe i will c u down there one day

    It sure is a top spot,have been fishing the area for years.Thought it was time i had a look down there as i hadnt been down there for nearly a year.

    beautiful looking spot that

    where abouts on the Georges is that ?

    Some things have to be guarded well.

    Check your pms.



  6. After waking up during the night with a headache,slept in and couldnt be bothered driving somewhere for a fish.

    After thinking about fishing all day,decided to go check out the river(georges)and see how much of a flush it had recieved with all the recent rain.I have not been fishing locally for quiet some time and was interested to see if the local bass were still around.

    After a quick 15min drive,arrived parked the car and walked down to the river.The walk in took longer than the car trip :wacko:

    arrived at chosen spot where there is some little rapids about 3:00pm.Tried all manner of lures from sp's,shallow and deep divers and topwater lures for nothing.

    Went for a short stroll to just above the rapids,which is alot wider and alot slower water,that is also a bit deeper and has some weed beds.

    Repeated casting also soughts of lures and colors for nothing.Packed up and walked out just after 5pm.

    The river in general looked fairly clean,although a little murky still above the rapids.




    The Rapids


    Below the rapids


    Above the rapids

  7. Eloquently put and right on the money, Slinky!!

    Fishraider in particular is a great site for those qualities you mentioned. Other forum sites I have viewed have distinct 'clique' groups that make you feel like an outsider. The members of this site are quick to celebrate your smallest of victories, and offer advice on 'life's little quandaries'.

    Great thread, mate ... watch the replies mount up on this one!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


    Couldnt have said it any better myself,since discovering Fishraider a few years ago it has become the only fishing site i now view regulary.

    Got to love our sport. :yahoo:



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