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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. cracking fish...on a plastic?
  2. Hit Oyster Bay this morning for the first time in over a year. Trolled one of two new SX40s around and over a few hours picked up a few undersized bream and flathead and managed 4 keepers; 3 identical triplets @43cm and a better fish of 51cm. All flatties hit one particular colour SX40 when the yak was almost stalled and all but one inhaled the lure after tentative takes and swam along for a while. Buj switched to a similar colour and landed a couple straight away. I also hooked a large stingray with a girth of about 50cm. For the first 5 minutes of the fight I thought I was onto the mumma of all lizards until I saw the disc-like body finally come up to the surface. I didn't want to lose a new SX40 so I towed the ray into a sandy waterfront and slid it up onto the beach. At this point I was armed with my pliers to attempt the lure removal from the front of it's snout but on approach its 90cm tail started whipping around and over its body in both directions landing the barb about 30cm in front of it. Luckily the treble straightened and I pushed the old girl back into the water with a 10 foot pole :egrin: Thoughts of Steve Irwin did cross my mind and I'm glad I didn't try to remove the lure next to the yak. Sorry about the pic but I'm using the camera atm(mine is out of battery) and it's not allowed out in the field so cutting board pics before the filleting are my only choice. Cheers, Rob
  3. Got the two biggest near entrance to Woolooware bay and the bite was hot for a 10 minute period with about 4 or 5 fish coming aboard (mostly undersized in about 10' of water.
  4. Kept a keen eye on the weather forecast last night with the hope of getting out for an hour or two early this morning. Armed with some tiny poddies and the usual lures, I hit the bay at 6:30am and things were quiet for the first hour as the tide slowly poured out. Nailed a 39cm flatty on a SP and then got a 46cm number on my fav HB (pink manns stretch 5+). Decided to cross the river and one the way my HB was nailed by a good fish. After a carefully fought 5 minute tussle, a 63cm fish is landed. I was using 3lb braid and a 10lb leader. The tide had caused me to drift a good 300m and as soon as my lure hit the water, another fish of 48cm added to the feed. I then got two undersized flatties and two undersized whiting all hitting the same lure in the next 5 minutes. Things quietened down but I was happy as I had a good family feed and was home in time to take the little bloke to a party at 11am. Cheers, Rob
  5. Great fish there Cam were you drifting with the run in?
  6. 39....sounds about right
  7. Youn will dine out on that story for a long time Chef Top effort and was that a black & gold squidgy that did the damage? Great read and pics talk about turning the day around!
  8. Thanks Mitch and keep the reports coming...good reads
  9. I agree on the Manns 5+ and 10+. I lost a thumping flatty to my favourite one this morning. They seem to get most of the hits in 8-15ft of water for me.
  10. Great post and a magnificent Jew...well done on the PB. What sort of lures were you guys using near the racks for the flatties...I have to start hitting the racks Well done!
  11. Roberta, I can't believe nobody has mentioned 301. I have one in my tackle box that has caught well over 50 bream and flatties. When it was looking a bit sick (scratched) last year and wasn't swimming well anymore, I replaced it with a new one that was engulfed on the first trolling run by a bohemoth flathead that now has internal bling Like others have said, this is a deadly post that could tear families apart. Cheeers Rob
  12. Great post Mr Hunter and Provider
  13. Great post Ray, Some great looking fish there What HBs was your mate using? I also have been getting more fish on HBs of late...especially in deeper water.
  14. Thanks everyone! Roberta, Maybe I should have a go over the leases down here when the tides are big as they are all fixed and it gets a bit tricky in there without lots of water. Hodgey, the pink manns 5+ has caught me 5 50+ flatties in the last few outings and the big red and black Manns 10+ got me a 58cm model two weeeks ago and was the one spat out by the big momma yesterday. They are the go in deeper water. I just need to give the SPs more of a go as they do cover more water. Rob
  15. Roberta, You've been A-listing with some gurus in Starlo and Hodgey...great post and love the sleeping Hobie in the van Cheers
  16. Headed out in the Hobie this morning at 7:30am for the run up tide( not keen usually when the tides are so big) Tried some SX 40s in about 3-5 ft over some weedy flats for only two small flatties in the first hour and a few annoying pike. Sped the troll up and a 33cm blackfish nailed one but I was after bigger fish so I switched to a Manns Stretch 5+ and a Manns Stretch 10+ and trolled the deeper water away from the drop off. I was also flicking a plastic around in front of me when the 5+ goes off and it felt like a better fish so I grabbed the rod, set the hooks and placed it back in the rod holder whilst peddling to keep the tension on while I reeled in the other lure. BUT a good fish slammed the Manns 10+ when i was quickly reeling it in to clear the decks and this was a better fish so after a vfew runs down deep I played it to the surface and it was a good 60-70cm model but it spat the big lure just near the surface and glided down Back to the other fish and landing a 53cm model was some consolation Checked my bearings and trolled over the same patch to hook up straight away again on the 5+ another 50cm fish landed. Had to go to work at 11am so headed in and nailed a mid 40s over the drop off. Had collected a good feed and I might head to that spot midweek soon! Cheers Rob
  17. Magnificent lizard my friend....good early start you got there and congrats on the huge PB Cheers
  18. Great arvo for it Ray and they look like very well-conditioned fish. That cave would make a great summer night's hidey hole! Cheers, Rob
  19. I think the ramp is still there because I hear fishoes talking about launching there....but many of these are kayakers! Better check first. Cheers Rob
  20. Thanks guys, Forliano, I've eaten plenty of fish from the Georges and all 3 of my eyes sparkle with glee Roberta, I've tried the bigger HBs in deeper water so I know they are getting down near the bottom and I have also rigged up a length of 60cm plumbers pipe 6" diameter with caps drilled out with holes to store my keeper flatties in. The 56cm fish just scraped in and stayed perfectly alive for 4 hrs before I threw it into the icebox. It beats dragging a keeper net around all day! Yes I will have to target some shallows. Last week I walked some shallowsnear some drop-offs I fish to look for some nippers and found 3 perfectly shaped flatty lies that were over 60cm long. It is the first time I've seen them and I will return to that spot soon as it only has about 2 feet of water over it at best at high tide. A strategically placed livey or SP might bring a good fish undone Fiji was disappointing fishing-wise because I didn't take a rod with me but bought some 80lb line for $1.35 and made a handline from an old thong....landed some nice perch-like fish on the flats. Hodgey, I would love to fish with you one day to pick up some tips from the lizard whisperer himself Ben, I'm on school hols...take a day off next week and let's hit the bay Cheers Rob
  21. After returning from Fiji last week I read all the reports of the flatties firing up so I hit the Georges for an early fish this morning and things were quiet before I finally nailed a 56cm flatty on a Manns stretch 10 in 20 feet of water. An hour later I got a 48cm model on a gulp minnow. I then scored some poddy mullet and got another 45cm fish on the paddle home but lost a good fish that slammed a livey then spat it with the livey coming up strangled. All in all a beautiful day on the water and a good feed has just gone down with a few. Cheers, Rob
  22. Great posts Roberta and even greatrer motivation for me to get out there and hunt flatties tomorrow in the bay! Top pics and well done on the big momma Cheers, Rob
  23. Nice Pigs Jacksea The weather is turning for the better and mornings are great to wetting a line at the moment. I like the green bling idea on the end of the banana prawn Cheers Rob
  24. Hey Wigg, How do pigs go on a handline and what class of line were you using? Rob
  25. BIG PIG WIGG Well done I might go hunt them soon too! Cheers, Rob
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