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Everything posted by XD351

  1. For Botany i would send Mel spikes a message ,she did a crabbing video a little while back and got a pile of crabs .
  2. I had a look at the site on the poster and it is a legit event but not so much a ramp closure but more like a heads up or FYI to let other ramp users know it will be ultra busy there on those dates and you might no get parking there so they can avoid any hold ups .
  3. G’day Raiders, Just a heads up on an upcoming event that will affect Deerubbun ramp , it is self explanatory.
  4. I fished last Saturday and stayed east of the rail bridge - pretty much the northern and eastern sides of dangar island for 1 measly 42cm Flathead which came from of all places a trash line which formed at the northern end of the dangar flats on the east side of the island! Some more investigating of this area needs to be done.This only forms on the last of the run in . It was hard to gauge the situation because the little bit of rain we had made the river muddy and the surface temps spiked at iirc 20.3c so up a good 2 deg from the week before . I really do need to build a temperature gauge that has a probe on a good 50m length of cable so I can check the temperature on the bottom. I don’t know , a bit of rain, temp rise and about 5000 baits in the water over the first Week of school holidays may have spooked the fish. Highlight of the day was towing a boat back to the ramp because something had drained the battery - probably the minnkota . Rule #1 never use the start battery to run the lekkie- it always ends in tears 🤣🤣 It did make me dig out the old but still working jump starter unit I have in my 4wd and put it in my boat ( new and bigger one will go in the car ) - even though my motor is pull start and I won’t need it I think it is something that all boat owners should consider having in their boat along with a decent first aid kit - hope you never need it but great to have if someone else does .
  5. I never liked the full moon period. Also I heard on the news of some phosphorescence events on the beaches and when that is around I never seemed to catch fish - day or night . I fished Saturday and came away with one measly 42cm flattie and the highlight of my day was towing a boat back to parsley bay ramp - they had a drained battery and couldn’t start the motor , note to self - keep a jumper pack in the boat !
  6. Depends on the forecast for that area , in really windy conditions I tend to look for spots in gorges where I can tuck in out of most of the wind . If the forecast is better up there then I say go for it ! I would take a guess and say the flathead and whiting would be starting to bite - I have heard that these fish are starting to fire up in the manning river which is a bit north of there .
  7. Welcome to the alvey fan club ! The only reel that you can take into the afterlife that will survive the journey 🤣🤣 The only thing with all sidecast reels that you must be vigilant with is line control in a strong crosswind - I have had a few times where I let the line go slack and the wind started to blow the line off the side of the spool .
  8. I call it the transition time - winter fish shut down but the summer fish haven’t quite woken up yet , there is another transition time usually mid autumn which is the inverse of this one .
  9. XD351

    Test run

    Very sad indeed 😔 Condolences to his family and i also feel for the police officers that have the dreadful job of notifying his family . I have seen a few videos of late where whales have surfaced right next to a small boat - and i mean a few metres, maybe they are protecting the calves ? Anyhow you have your rebuilt donk rockin and the fish are waiting for you ! My mate is going out for some flatties tomorrow , he has a couple of spots east of the boultons so i will see how he goes !
  10. XD351

    Test run

    As long as the motor ran sweet you come home a winner ! I fished around dangar today for one measly 42cm flathead - the rain during the week has muddied up the river and surface temps are at 20 + degrees.
  11. Also effective on Mario bros submarines 🤪🤪
  12. XD351

    New Project

    I demand that you put that project away immediately and go fishing !
  13. XD351

    New Project

    I searched for the french translation for AULTRE NAVRE DAME and it translates to another sorry lady in english . Looked at a heap of french kings and it does have a bit of a resemblance to louis XIV.
  14. XD351

    New Project

    Dunno but i can make two words out of the letters near the legs/ feet- hard to make out but the yellow arrowmis pointing to what might be the letter C? Then the words aultre navray bare a resemblence to the ones in the portrait below. Duke of burgundy so maybe it is old french language? Where is it located ?
  15. You should get the Deckee app - it is free and a quick scan around on the map ( in terrain mode ) showed a few stations - one is at rushcutters bay . - I would call them first for further information such as is there petrol available or only diesel though . another at the spit
  16. Unfortunately there are people that have to ruin it for the law abiding people , they don’t care about the laws or the punishment - they are malicious and will damage or destroy things just to spite everyone else , maybe they can’t stand that other people have a life and try to enjoy it ? Unfortunately the ones that want to lock us out of everything use this as a reason to do so , if we just let everyone do whatever they wanted , when ever they wanted we would be living in a world of bedlam and anarchy . I agree fully that we should have access to all of Australia but we need something to filter out the riff raff . Take a look at Stockton beach , for years the National parks run it and it was a garbage tip , i have seen burned out caravans and entire camps with a full lounge set just abandoned because the mongrels that camped there couldn’t be bothered breaking camp . Now it is much more tightly controlled and as far as i know all that has stopped.
  17. XD351

    Another statistic

    Aaahhh yes MacGyver! Now there is a show that shouldn’t have been made 🤣🤣🤣 A few years back i was working and the truck had a hydraulic system to pull the suspension down to allow low height entry in carparks and when lowered the switch to raise it died and I couldn’t drive the 30km back to the yard like that as there is no suspension movement . I rang the mechanic and he said it would take an hour or more to get to me because of the traffic , sitting there i looked down the street and spotted a skip bin in front of a house that had building waste in it so I rummaged through it and found some wire then used this to make a jumper across the switch and lift the suspension up . I called the mechanic again and said don’t worry i fixed it , I MacGyvered it ! This was greeted with silence then he said you whatted it ? I said i MacGyvered it - he hung up on me ! This was one of the life bonuses i got from growing up with no money and having to drive old clapped out cars - i had to fix everything myself if i liked it or not. I think being able to change a flat tyre and check the lights and indicators should be a practical test part of getting a licence .
  18. Yup and that is why I mentioned the annual permit - no permit no entry , keep the fishing separate to the bikes, runners and picnickers so we don’t get blamed for their problems .To have somewhere to flick a lure literally 5min from work would be awesome , i could go after work and spend a few hours walking and casting then drive 10 min to get home - I would definitely get good value for my money even if the permit was $100 or more a year as the fuel and parking fee savings would cover it . If they let swimmers in then there would need to be a specific area set aside for them , a bit like between the flags on the beach where you can swim but not surf or fish , kayaks and boats get the middle areas of the reservoir which is out of casting range and well away from swimmers . A lot of rules will need to be sorted to stop any conflict but it can be done if everyone approaches this with an open mind and a level headed approach.
  19. Hi Bob, I hope the ribs are healing well and you can get back out soon ! Deerubbun misses you ! I have caught a heap of not quite legal mulloway in those spots - usually on slack tide and I will generally move on once they turn up - I like to minimise any impact I may have on them so they can grow into the 50lb version I definitely want to catch ! I’m not a believer in the secret spot or X marks the spot brigade either , if I can get someone to think about their fishing a little bit more or become more involved in rec fishing by teaching them some basic fish finding skills and putting them onto a fish or two then I’m happy to do so . I don’t own the river - I belong to it , the river allows me to take some fish to sustain me and I take only what I need - There is no place for greed in Mother Nature ! “Well done mate - I’d love to get out on the water with you sometime (once my cracked ribs heal up).” Likewise! Don’t rush the healing process mate ! I did once and ended up carting sore ribs around for months , when they finally healed I did the same injury to the other side 😭😭😭😭 Might be time for a Raiders meet up on the river and maybe a friendly fishing comp - winner gets a virtual trophy and a swollen head 🤣🤣🤣 Now I have doomed myself to a donut day 🤣🤣🤣 Take care mate - kingie season is almost here and you need to be in peak condition for that ! Ian .
  20. XD351

    Another statistic

    I fitted a stub axle mount to my boat trailer and on it is mounted a new hub and the spare tyre - touch wood I have never had to use either and I hope I never do ! That reminds me I should have removed the stub axle set up on my box trailer before it went to scrap 🤬 Oh well too late now 🤣
  21. I have caught a few decent flathead drifting in the spot show on the map. Maybe cast from the wharf towards the bridge on the run out tide and let it slowly was your bait down river or cast some 3-4 inch soft plastics around . There is a lot of current here so you will need a decent sinker and big jig heads .
  22. I was just on the FB page where I first saw this and it amazes how so many people have no idea of the good fishing can do for the environment- one person said it is full of carp so no swimming there - my reply was we can fix that ! Another was worried about petrol powered boats that we fishos use - never heard of a kayak or electric motor ? Some guy wanted dragon boat races on there - might need something a bit bigger than prospect for this - Penrith regatta possibly? One whinged that the road going in there was too busy now and they get stuck in traffic going to wet and wild so didn’t want prospect opened at all - some people make me worry about the future of the human race 🤣🤣
  23. I wouldn’t mind having to apply and pay for a special annual permit or the like to gain access , would keep the riff raff out but they must keep it kids under say 12 are free 12-16 a small fee and adults a full fee . If you have to sign in and out it would allow them to single out anyone doing the wrong thing = loss of access . Dunno if I want a couple of hundred people swimming in there though - not if I’m drinking it as it is a small reservoir - I don’t want to turn it into a sewer! There is also Penrith lakes , some days you can fish there others you can’t and what really annoys me is our council rates are being used for the upkeep and we can’t use the dammed thing 😡😡😡 I have seen a few comments on FB where they wanted a small boat sailing club on prospect ! If it were for kids I would be all for it . After doing the survey I fear that all they want is to open it up for joggers/ walkers / cyclists and revamp the BBQ areas and amenities all with no access to the water - sort of a sneaky way for Sydney water to get a grant from the Government to “improve the location for the public”. There is zero structure in there and I don’t know how the reservoir would sustain a fish population in regards to a natural food source for the fish so it would have to be constantly stocked .
  24. This showed up on my socials and I have heard a few murmurings about this , I know there has been a few that have been trying to get this open for fishing for many years . Thought I would post it for any raiders that may feel inclined to do the survey . https://water.dpie.nsw.gov.au/plans-and-programs/prospect-reservoir
  25. On my 3 cyl yammie it will keep running on the bottom cyl until it finally runs out of fuel , the bottom carby always gets the last of the fuel and the top one runs out first and when this happens the bottom cyl is under load keeping the top cylinders moving . All I used to do was run it until it coughed and then hit the kill switch . I would only do this if it were going to sit for an extended amount of time like a year or so but found that I tended to start the motor every month or so anyway so it was really just a waste of time running it dry . I did this start up to help keep the water pump impeller in good condition and ensure the internals were always lubricated and protected from rust .
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