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Everything posted by coastspinna

  1. hey mick does that crystal test the same as regular fireline??? ie like 1.5 x higher?? i was fishin the other day on ten pound fireline for drummer with 20 lb leader and i was amazed how hard i can pull... still couldn't stop the monster but
  2. don't be concerned if the hook point is surprisingly close to the head of the plastic....this is essential to get a good action out of the plastic....in my experience bream generally attack the lure head first and dent the jig head....i used to worry about short bites but generally a legal fish will have no worries about putting any of the lures you mentioned away in one go just remember the finer the gauge hook the easier it will penetrate, but it will also straighten easier too
  3. for flathead look for shallow bays in the georges with a mix of sand and weed...you need to make sure your jighead is not to heavy ie:don't use a heavier jighead to help you cast further..... that being said you need to make sure your lure is constantly bouncing into the bottom in the sandy patches between the weed beds...amongst other places....flathead are available across all tides but the last two hours of the runout helps i think mainly because the dirty water makes the fish less cautious make sure your plastic is rigged DEAD straight.... check it is swimming right every cast..... hope this helps ps braid is essential...i just use mono for leader when chasin flatties but thats personal preference... fluorocarbon leader is just too expensive if you don't actually need it bream spinnin is a different story
  4. i built a little rectanglular cage out of wire and covered it in flyscreen................this way i can keep my nippers and my poddy mullet in the same aerated bucket without a drama...
  5. cool... at least the waters warmin up.... last year we had a big flatty latch onto whiting we were catchin in the creek...he nailed 3 of our fish but we couldn't hook him... welcome to the site by the way.... never be afraid to ask a question because someone will be more than happy to help you out
  6. penn 10 x............... say no more
  7. me and a mate wanted to jump on a charter on monday departing somewhere in sydney harbour chasin whatever but preferably chasin pelagics.... theres only the two of us but so before i ring all the charters i wondered if any raiders knew of a good charter to try or if any1 was keen thx guys
  8. mmm smoked eel.... japanese style
  9. sweep are good however you eat em...maori wrasse are best if smoked the day caught
  10. i'd be rather surprised if you guys don't come across nice big salmon schools...
  11. happy birthday..... flounder are an excellent sign that the system is in good shape... i caught 2 40 cm models last year on placcies
  12. i want to land my first landbased kingy....considering the last 10 trips have resulted in 2 epic bustoffs and nuthin else except for live bait stealin jumbo salmon... which don't put up much curry on the king gear...
  13. nice flattys... pest jackets... lucky you only had one on your drift and not all his mongrel mates lol
  14. fished the entrance today and had my first flick since like april..... quiet as for 2 hours but i never flogged anywhere cause the tide was pumpin out so i just used the time to check out the system because the flood has smashed all my reliable drop offs and holes... used the pushbike to get around to different spots and i covered some ground.... ended up at the wharf in the north channel and flicked for about 40 minutes... bang this guy came along i was travelling light essentials only and the strength of the runout caught me by surprise... i had to improvise and run a tiny running sinker above the jig head which worked well enough for me.... i could feel it tapping on the jig head and wonder if this is the ticket in dirty water..hmm...anyway back to the story...5 more casts bang lunch comes along.... sweet.. nothing special 40 cm but alright for september on plastics...i thought it was an alright pic but.... anyway enough rambling on..
  15. wd fellas...our bream up here are pretty well educated they see a lot of hooks. night fishing with bait seems to be the best way to connect to reasonable bream...i had a feeling you fellas might nail some flat ones...i'm off down there now... i love this time of year... salmon on the beaches, drummer in the wash, and flatties in the runout... and all the tourists (raiders excluded of course) are still at home ...if you guys want flathead we have always had great days in september as the fish are not line or lure shy... by xmas some heavy refinements in tackle are needed to clean up...
  16. bluebottles made our wash fishing interesting too
  17. youve inspired me to go out.... chase a few drummer... you guys are gettin a few nice blackies up there... nice size blackies are running this year hey.... gl where are the big drummer we can't get anything worth braggin about
  18. might see you there breamhntr on saturday....not sure if the flattys are here yet.... i've been waitin for the first break in the wind to break out the plastics.... otherwise we will chase drummer if there is wash, or spin for tailor and salmon off nth entrance.. today is nice actually...hmmmm
  19. i'd call it for a drummer look at the difference in their dorsal fins... see how the drummers dorsal fin is more bulging and paddle shaped towards the tail end and the blackfish one is curved more evenly... look at the first pic.. just a thought
  20. i have a 7 ft 1 piece berkley drop shot barra 6 - 10kg.... works a treat on big flattys, and pelagics to 5kg.... i have been well impressed wit this rod... under $90 bucks atm
  21. me and my mate have arguments about the best places to spin.... he likes wide open mud and sand flats away from civilisation. i do too, but am happy to spin jettys walls, rock bars, wherever.... if there is current running always try to cast up current... the key is working out how to get your lure to run in the right spot for the longest time possible... as for the lure pack saying bream bass flathead lol i have a 65 metall jig that says it will catch trout amongst other things .... tackle companies are in the business of selling tackle lol.....at the end of last season to make a point i used only lures that i had, and bought no refills....one session i pulled 19 flatthead on a rainbow trout wriggler that my mate gave me lmao... flattys eat anything... we are starting to assume that plastics are slightly less effective than a well placed live bait, but more effective because of the time saved and ground covered. nJOY
  22. we get a lot of xos salmon on central coast... when i started live baiting up here i couldn't believe the size of salmon we catch regularly... theres been a good tailor run here too atm 60 cm plus models
  23. we fished snapper rocks on sunday morning and if my mate didn't scream out to this dude and his missus there would have been two more.... i was riggin up at the time and was close to our gear so we were sweet, but there were buckets and chopping boards floating around the ocean.... mind you this was on 1.5 m of swell and a low tide and this wave came over a ledge that i have fished on a high tide with 2 m seas safely.... ask any surfer about groundswells and the power that reefs and walls can have on magnifying surf and they will tell ya... this was pretty wild, and when i read the reports all i could think was wow, that could have been us all for aussie salmon... not likely
  24. lol saves my puttin up my own thread lol..... got a nice on e yesterday about 45 cm, got stung too... i thought it looked like a trevor too...they hurt6 prett7y bad but only for about an hour..... they fight really hard i couldn't work out what i had hooked
  25. i'm with fishy fingers here... my old mate reckons these are the same fish you find in freswater aquarium shops...,under the name silver dollar...
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