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Everything posted by coastspinna

  1. hey guys, we were down in the national park last weekend and while crossing audley weir i notice a few old blokes flickin bibless minnows on the downstream side of the wall.....i'm no bass expert but i'm reasonably sure they are on their way back up river from spawning.... is this what the boys were chasin?? if so there is some magic country down there... what a spot for a fish thx guys ian
  2. what as your mainline???? i think you will find that braid will let you cast further , use the lightest jighead possible and also let you know exactly what you lure is doing.... ... i use ten pd fireline and can tell tell if i have picked up one strand of ribbon weed by the difference in feel of the lure... you can also tell when you hit a snag, weed bed , sandbar and mudflat with practice and feel... i would recommend visible colours of braid, my mate has been experimenting with 6 pd fireline in the smoke colour and it is impossible to watch the line.... he who casts the most catches the most fish..... it is not unusual for me to spin for 5 or 6 hours landbased.. most of your fish will come in one small window. it wasn't till i started usin braid and left my hooks and sinkers at home that i regularly started catchin flatties tomohawk that is excellent advice....most of the ppl i see chasin flatties never even let their lure near the bottom
  3. i'm with stylo, allbright is the go if tied correctly my hook knot usually fails first... the main reason for using this knot is its castability
  4. my mates blackfish weed always smell like aniseed... he cleans up too
  5. don't be too hard on yaself/// we fished for six hours for one dropped flatty and 2 undersize bream....there are fish though... we spotted some great whiting on the flats, and the bream in the system have improved in size we pulled 6 legals on saturday.... there are more poddy mullet down near the mouth than i have seen in years so the flattys will be just behind em... i would try fishing the neap tides or the last hour of the runout for you best chance of beating the current... i used ten pd fireline for no result, my mate on the 6 pd pulled the fish.... it is unusual to see fish so spooky before summer... you are right dave the lack of weedbeds and super clear water are making things tuff alwasy remember if you can see the fish the fish can see you
  6. exactly danilo... where the sand meets the reef. This reef has beach on both sidesshort casts are all that is necessary the bream and drummer are right up under that milky white water in the daytime.... if you are not losin the odd rig you arent in the right spot for bream..snags are all part of the territory...maybe use a barrel sinker instead of a ball sinker as i find this stops my rig rolling into cracks and holes as much.... i wouldn't try this at night btw.... we usually mix up a loaf of bread with all our prawn heads and sand in a bucket....6 handfuls when we start fishing then a handful whenever anyone goes past the bucket gl man
  7. what you lack in fish you make up for in keeness
  8. when we fish lightly weighted drummer baits off the rocks, i have noticed much better results when using mono than braid.... i figure that if you can feel every tap on braid, equally the fish can feel your rod every bite... the stretch in mono helps to overcome this..... just a thought...
  9. nothing wrong with salmon off nth entrance..... you should see the gutter oof the front of north entrance
  10. social or not thats a good idea.....roberta i might havta book you in for a few lessons at entrance social lol..
  11. i take that back , for small fish quality snaps will do, but what if that jew comes along...i trust my knots more than a snap each to their own i'm sure you'll find more people on here who use em than don't
  12. thats pretty funny...seaplane would be better though...
  13. at least you know they are around..... pre dawn session might be the go
  14. snaps are shit... when you lose a great fish because of one you will know why...i have to change jig heads usually only once or twice in a session and otherwise i just change tails ...2 easy
  15. i used the albright, and since raiders advised me to increase my wraps to 8 i have had no more problems...
  16. i read your post with interest as usual jewgaffer.... i like using the float because it makes you wait a bit until you strike.....i've read your comments on jewfish runs with interest and if i lose my next fish while rolling a smoke i'll know who to blame... lol
  17. helium balloons work jus as well....
  18. don't believe the boys about this ongoing southerly airflow... its not the fish who are shut down, its just the fishos who are.... lol arthritis and cold nights on the beaches don't mix as long as the wind is bearable, i've had some of my best sessions before during and after big southerly blows.... lose the big sinker and fish in the beach corners, we have been catching bream trevally and drummer EVERY trip without fail, and thats day time fishin... fish prawns in the wash... stick with it man... if in doubt move beaches..... if i was you i'd fish landbased in botany if you want a bream try the runways... see here lol it not us but thats what you can expect in beach corners http://fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=24609
  19. may??? i think you can guarentee that roberta..... i found a nice blackie hole yesterday
  20. not sure about this dam, but i know for sure that in a tidal estuary like sydney harbour if you are under the high tide mark, that is foreshore and hence public land..... we used to spin a bay nears watsons and i called the cops after we got hassled by rent a cops... The police informed the resident wankers... the foreshore is public land!!! carp should not even be stocked into council dams looks like birrong to me we used to get the same kind of complaints there... never stopped us though
  21. right on unless you have an electric motor.... we usually anchor up, spin for twenty minutes pull the anchor and move ... as long as your quiet when you drop the anchor its all good... poddy mullet are the best bait if you can get em...i have a cpl of spots but the mullet are few and far between this year.... boat ramps are always the go for poddys
  22. Thanks again and everyone should get on this trifecta Manly - NRL All Blacks - RWC Kiwis - one off league game in October!! Cheers Dan (ive just left myself wide open for a roasting there) what are you a bookie lol.....i might leave that alone and hang my head in shame if it happens
  23. welcome to the site man... plenty of central coast fishos on here now...
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