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Everything posted by Josh88

  1. Thats one weirdass whale or one hell of a dolphin!!
  2. That is brilliant!! Keep them coming Mariner
  3. Thats weird. How the hell did it happen and why the hell did they smash it up??? Seems pretty stupid
  4. Awesome report mate. Well done such a great fish on SP especially. Looked like it really wanted it Cheers Josh
  5. Striking the fish should help but part of it could also be to do with the type of SP and jig heads you are using as well as the way they are rigged. What brands are they and how are you rigging them? Cheers Josh
  6. Cos mums don't want their poor little boys getting hurt playing a sport made for men. That perception and 'men trying to grab each other' just show the lack of understanding people have of the great game (union), which is sad because they don't care to understand what its all about. I accept that soccer players are very skilful in what they do, as are rugby players and all other elite athletes and everyone can say soccer is just kicking a ball around or rugby is just a bunch of guys bashing each other but they're wrong and should accept any sport for what it is regardless of their views on it. I have to add though, Soccer players are ridiculously over paid in the first place and with the entertainment they provide=very little apart from the occasional goal makes it even more stupid. Rugby atleast there are points scored, big hits, big plays that keep you entertained and involved in the game for the whole game. Only my thoughts though, not saying they are right or wrong, just how i feel. Josh
  7. All of them can from time to time but some probably are more renowned than others. You'll figure out which ones these are when the action starts to really heat up and everyones out chasing them and parks within a few metres of one another around the one marker. All can be worth a try though, if its quiet, try sending something with a good action/size down to the bottom and ripping it back up like a 9inch sluggo or send a popper or unweighted sluggo across the surface around the marker. Do this a few times and you will soon know if there are kings there or not. Move on until you find them, i'd wait a few more weeks though before you expect any great success. Josh
  8. I'd be quite interested in this topic too. We have tried it and just kept on as we normally would but ended up bailing back to the spit and hiding under the bridge as our boat has no cover and haven't managed any squid in the rain. Maybe they sit a bit deeper...not sure.
  9. You could make a small ice slurry in a bucket but that could be, too much to carry if you're walking a fair way. Possibly use a catch net and tie it to a tree/rock or something, up to you whether or not you bleed the fish in it but it could cause some unwanted attention from other things. Probably better to kill the fish though so it doesn't become stressed in the net, and not taste as good when you eat it. Josh
  10. Hey Hazza, As Netic said, squid are the go. Try and get quite a few and use different parts of them, e.g. send out a small live one, cut another up and put on the head, guts on another one and strips on another. This way you will find both what they feel like eating and the sort of mood their in, in terms of how aggresively they are feeding. The rats should start to move into the harbour as the water warms up more in the next few weeks or so, this will mean that the channel markers will start to become loaded up with the kings and they can be targeted with bait and lures in this situation but it can often be very busy when fishing around popular spots in the harbour. Also, keep an eye out for birds working as it'll be a sign of fish on the surface, a lot of the time they will be kings, especially when the rats move in, in big numbers. Good Luck Josh
  11. So does anyone reckon you could keep them alive if you left them in a largish burley bucket suspended in the water over a pontoon/boat? Josh
  12. You'd kinda feel for a guy like that but not help but laugh
  13. Bummer you couldn't get into any good macks. Those wolfies are the ones that jump into your boats aren't they, know they make great baits for spaniards especiallly. Josh
  14. Didn't know what that was until you said mullet. Looks obscurely fat! I always struggle with the mullet, they never like my bread or anything else i throw at them.
  15. Josh88


    Got a variety of braid: Fireline Fins Tufline Daiwa Sensor Braid Platypus Super Braid Sunline Platil Would have to say that Fins and Daiwa are my favourites with fireline good in lower line classes and i'd have to say sunline is the worst, and don't like how much tufline and platil and partially platypus fray around knots. Josh
  16. Wow that looks soo nice. Very jealous, hoping to get one....one day. Whats top speed 50-60knots?? lol Cheers Josh
  17. In person i have never seen them past sugarloaf bay/pickering point but know people that have caught them at roseville boat ramp. Bantry is a place where the kings will tend to be at either the start or end of the season usually. But as with everything nothing can be too predictable. They seem to be popping up all round the harbour lately so you could get them anywhere.
  18. Nice job mate, thats a quality feed with that much calamari. Great work on the stripeys too, sounds like there is a lot of them around atm. Bummer about the fin, always exciting when you see something bigger come into a school of feeding fish. I had a king wrap me around our transducer not so long ago, nearly lost my pb but luckily got it in on my own. Josh
  19. Much more dangerous on the water though, i don't hear 10x worse at my school
  20. Sounds like it might of been a big stinga, although i find they usually take off like a rocket when hooked, sluggish feel is a bit odd. Must of had a fair bit of size though, bummer you didn't get to have a decent look at it, so annoying when you don't even know what it is thats doing it to you. next time...
  21. If there are fish there in the first place then obviously there is some kind of attraction at that particular location whether it be bait, reef, wreck etc... that will keep them coming back for more, thats why people fish at specific spots they usually know rather than in the middle of no where. Still no gaurantee there'll consistently be fish there, all part of the game we all love. Josh
  22. I do enjoy to watch league (when roosters are playing or rep games) even though union is a much better game-won't elaborate. New Zealand picked their side quite badly, isaac luke should've been in there, fien is crap, matai is a good player but he is constantly playing injured, should put iosia soliola in there-dno if he made the squad? I'm guessing Brent Webb is injured with Hohaia at fullback, he played well for the warriors but he can't match up against the big guys like folau and inglis. I have to say that i genuinely don't like some aussie players, namely billy slater and cameron smith because they play like such dickheads. I actually hoped that a penalty try was going to be awarded for Jerome Ropati when Slater slid in with his foot to stop the try. The commentators said he'd been warned and what does he do, performs some gay soccer manouvre that could knock a guy out or seriously cut them open-just typifies to me why i don't like him. The fact that the refs made the call of a 20m restart made it even worse to show that they wouldn't support what they'd warned him about and deny nz of what should of been a good try-and would've had it been in union, which shows how flawed and crap the rules of league are. At this rate all Australia are going to do it prove how pointless a league world cup is, it is disappointing though that other nations cannot compete at such a high level to make it a better spectacle. Josh
  23. Josh88


    Can't think of anything off the top of my head, the trebles and cupped mouth would pick up a lot of the stuff. Making the soft plastics weightless with just a worm hook instead of regular jig head would help it stay away from the bottom for slightly longer. Just have to wait a while, the weed does eventually pass through. Josh
  24. Nice work mate, i love the days you don't have to get your hands covered in bait. Good flattie as well, must be pretty annoying thinking you have a jewie to find its a PJ. Better luck next time. Josh
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