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Everything posted by Josh88

  1. We have an optimax to and similarly has just had its 20hr service, not really sure when next one is due, i wouldn't of thought until 100hrs, not sure if you'll be able to get a truthful answer out of your dealer like you said. Huey might know the answer? Josh
  2. That really does some it up. Quite genius
  3. Well done Dave. You seem to be doing pretty well out of the yak, better than some in boats.
  4. Brilliant. Revenge at its sweetest
  5. Josh88

    The Army

    Was waiting for the punchline-right at the end
  6. Great videos Netic, heap of great fish on there as well. You could put the hook through both top and bottom jaws to keep the mouth closed as brickman said but make sure that if you are using a frozen bait its completely thawed out and can move 'naturally' rather than spinning from being frozen in a bent position. Otherwise maybe try a bridled type of rig through the eye, seems a bit excessive though for kingies. Josh
  7. Yeh, just can't wait for summer holidays so i can eventually get out there. I've been in Pymble for about the last 10 years since i was 7, great area to grow up in i think, friendly place accessible to lots of things around Sydney, can't really go wrong. Nice if it happened to be on the water though Josh
  8. Nice work, they sure are venturing into new places this year, wonder where else they are gonna pop up
  9. Playing cricket, and studying my ass off for first couple of HSC assessments Fishing doesn't even get a mention....
  10. I've used power pro a bit Byron and like that it is quite thin but didn't like the tangles, fraying and losing the colour so much, that was a couple of years ago though, still have it on a couple of reels i think. They use it in the states more though
  11. I think they good reels, we've had a couple and used plenty of others. I know the older one as said was much more rugged and is a very tough reel which ive caught many kings on. I know they are extensively used by a harbour charter operator for kings and they fit the job perfectly. I don't know much about drummer and rock fishing but know the spinfishers are good reels.
  12. We went the Optimax to, think its a great engine. If we were going to have to make another decision on engine choice then i'd only consider an optimax or e-tec, just seem much better than 4 strokes to me. Be good if whatever problems some may have were fixed so it can be the great engine it claims to be. Great website too, interesting info. Josh
  13. Where do you come up with them all Mariner??
  14. Sounds good. ET was on a recent Nomad fishing trip with a mate, one of the harbour fishing guides. Is scheduled to air in January...There were GT's up to 52kg caught Josh
  15. Yeh well done chef, you had my vote. It was a really great fish you caught, pretty tough competition though. Anyone know how close the votes ended up as? (mods?) Josh
  16. I reckon the main harbour will fire so i'd imagine quite a few good fish will be present in middle harbour as well......hopefully
  17. I've had that too, particularly in Cowan. Fish have taken old crap squid and not touched the fresh stuff???? Nice flattie head
  18. Nah thats ok mate. Its short for Yellowtail Kingfish, probably the most commonly targeted sportfish in Sydney Harbour.
  19. Got 42. Think i suit the ones either side of that though....
  20. Ye mate shouldn't be a problem, have seen smaller boats than that out in the harbour, as mentioned though be careful of the swell and keep an eye out for the ferries because they don't seem to care too much whats in front of them. You could put in at rose bay, roseville or tunks park at cammeray. Launching from Rose Bay will allow you to fish a lot of markers in that main harbour region as well as a few other spots but other wise there are plenty of good spots to fish in middle harbour as well. Josh
  21. Gday Hazza, Tried to find a pic but couldn't so i'll just write it. I personally prefer a 2 hook rig mainly as all too often you find that either you are not getting bites because the head is missing or something has hit it so hard that the hook has just pulled through the mantle. So tie a common or sliding snell knot that has hooks as far apart as about the length of an average sized squids mantle. Then you need to place the top hook through the top section of the mantle probably about 1cm down as so you don't pierce anything that may kill the squid. Then place the bottom hook through the lower part of the mantle and let it just come out under where the mantle ends so that if something just goes for the head it is likely to grab hold of that bottom hook as well. I would recommend using different parts of the squid as well as live. Cut the head off to kill it and use that as a bait, then cut open the mantle and pull out the guts from the circular piece at the bottom of the mantle (put your thumb through it) and then fold that onto a hook and just as your putting it in the water break the ink sac (the shiny section of the guts) with a knife so that an ink trail is left as your bait is lowered which acts as a form of burley for kingfish. Then cut off a good strip and cut the bottom part of the strip vertically for about 5-8cm (depending on strip size) about 4 times so it has 5 nice flapping 'legs' which can help attract fish to it. Good luck Josh
  22. Good to hear you got some first Reggie. Too bad you didn't get into any kings. Seeing you were picking up that bottom rubbish, maybe it wouldn't hurt to wind your baits a few more metres away from the bottom (assuming they were close to it catching them) that way you won't be wasting your hard earned baits on stuff you aren't trying to catch. Cheers Josh
  23. Port Stephens maybe. We stayed at a place called Peppers Anchorage a couple of years ago. Just near Nelson Bay, was quite nicee.
  24. Josh88

    Tackle Hates

    And there just happens to be masses of big kingies busting up all around you
  25. Nice one Fibbo. Those are all good reels, hopefully you get into some good fish with them. Josh
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