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Posts posted by Welster

  1. The search function on this site might help you out too.   Particuarily I’d  start with reading @jenno64 posts he fishes the Georges River  on kayak, using poddies for bait generally for flatties with the occasional Jew bicatch.  

    I have never fished for Jews but as Rick was suggesting and may be able to clarify the Mullet make their sea run soon. I think people say it’s around the time of the first autumn westerlies.   I’d say mullet would be the primo bait then. 

    When the mullet are running you will probably see posts pop up about it and the La Perouse aboriginals group will post on FB about netting they are aloud to do.

  2. Sounds like they have good support.    I had a am-fm radio replaced by them and it wasn’t an issue at all.

    Just curious does your vhf have the DSC button and is it connected to a GPS?



  3. Great catches from your descriptions of her I can just imagine her bubbling excitement.

    Funny how they expect what they ask to be done instantly but take forever and a million requests to do what is asked.   My 13 year old daughter is pretty good but my 15 yo takes any request as a personal insult and completely unreasonable. 

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, GoingFishing said:

    Nice work

    hard to get an ID in that photo, do you have a picture of the tail as that is usually how you ID flathead

    id be very surprised if your catching blue spots so far up river


    Where is that chart from ?   Does it have the matching table?

  5. Today’s rescue at Racecourse beach is testament to how well the system works when it is used correctly.  

    It will be good when we get the full story to confirm exactly what went wrong. From the reports I read it appears the things that went right were the boaters use of the system and Marine Rescues response.

    It sounds like the person was logged on had the safety gear and when he hadn’t returned on time Marine Rescue responded.  From the way it read it sounds like he was out solo, logging on would of been great assistance there too.

    Thanks for looking out for us Marine rescue.   I hope the skipper is ok and makes a full recovery.   

  6. You might be able to download the marine park mapping into the  Avenza Maps app.   I have used it in Jervis bay and it shows your location on the map with the marine parks. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, PaddyT said:

    Frigate, went out of the harbour yesterday and we struggled to get bait too- lots of jackets on the arti lost 3 sets of bait jigs to the little so and so's. Went up to Longie with 6 yakka's in the tank and converted them to 5 kings (and i blew the 6th)All rats and they all went back as I still have a freezer full of wahoo and spottie macks from a trip north 2 weeks ago. It was reallly quiet yesterday , there was only one other boat on Longie.

    Four boats at the Hacking FAD.    A mate had trouble getting yakkas at botany too.   Inside the Hacking when we came back Lilly Pilly sand bar was a parking lot again. 


    Nice getting 5 kings from 6 baits :)

  8. 21 minutes ago, saltrix said:

    It is a Frigate Mackeral also known as a Frigate Tuna or Leadinall, reference 595 Sea Fishes of Southern Australia. 

    Thanks.    This guy was a further up the Hacking than I’d expect.

  9. It had been ages since I’d fished with Dad, so after being given the geeen light by the heirachy we were set.

    First stop collect liveys this proved more troublesome than expected. After a couple of moves and way to much time we only had about 6 yakkas.   We also had about 10 slimies which weren’t the target but heaps of fun on the little bait jigs.

    Out to the fad we go, I dropped the first fish after not setting the hook as it was swimming towards the boat. Dad soon after landed his first dolly 67cm.   We persisted with the wind without much more success before slowly heading in.

    Indide the Hacking I picked up a really nice squid.   Last stop, North West Arm to clean the Mahi so I threw in a couple of unweighted pillies.  As I was winding in it got snapped up by what I thought was another slimy.   When I landed it I decided Mack Tuna.   Further research at Home suggests maybe a Frigate.   I guess around 30-35cm.



    Can anyone confirm the ID? It hasn’t got any belly spots.  


    No ither pics from the day.


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