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Posts posted by Welster

  1. 18 minutes ago, rickmarlin62 said:

    you are looking at 8/9mile trip to either black hd to the nth or cape hawke latitude rock to the sth....there is a small area of fishable reef off the front of bennets head..there is a bommie under the lookout that is visible.there is reef in front of this  I have speared jews n kings there in the past....if you are capable at beach launching  southern corner of Elizabeth beach is used by a few people with lots of good reef in front of charlotte head..one of best lbg spots on coast   cant supply marks as I havnt fished out of there for years in my boats...rick

    Your knowledge is awesome Rick.   I have seen the boats heading out from Elizabeth beach and figured good fishing would be close by.  We go to Smiths lake for 1 week a year we don’t do much during fishing though. 

  2. 1 hour ago, antonywardle said:

    @Welster No, we got anew meter when the Solar went in, and now we are looking at changing suppliers so part of that means we will get a smart meter. We also have solar hot water, and we turned the electricity top up off about a month ago and have had plenty of hot water since then although, two of the kids being away might have had something to do with that. Given we are in for a cooler week, it will be interesting to see how we get on!


    My understanding is on the 60 cent scheme the meters put all of the power you produce into the grid.   All of the power you use comes from the grid.  The most sensible way when the rebate is higher than the cost of electricity.

    On later install when the rebate was only part of the cost of the power (like mine) the meters use all of the power produced in the house first and put the remaining power into the grid. 

    What I am saying is you might be selling your power for a low rate and buying it back at the high rate.    Where now you want to use the power you make first and buy the difference.

  3. 1 hour ago, antonywardle said:


    We used Andrew Hanna Electrical. They were really good and did a good job. Looks like they may have

    a slightly new name now of AHEGroup. 7.2KW system when the rebate was 65 cents. Still get bills, i have no idea

    where all the power goes. Was thinking about the Tesla power wall, but the pay back is too long. 

    After the 65c thing finished did they change your meters?

  4. Going fishing and Berley guts are pretty right in that you need a good offset.  I think my pool does that in my case.


    I just looked mine up I got it in October 2013 and it cost me $6,800.00. It has produced 32MWH that’s 32000kw.

    If I use all of that power myself at the current rate (29c/kw)it’s 32000x0.29=$9280 saved

    If I feed all that power back into the grid at the current rate (11.1) it’s $3552.00 saved. 

    There is another thing to to think about that is the removal and replacement cost if you decide to do anything to your home such as reroofing or extension.  As a builder it can really push the cost of jobs up moving solar power, solar hot water, pool heating and the like.

  5. 8 hours ago, Noo2OzFish said:

    Hi Jason


      My wife is keen to install solar  to offset aircon use during the day.  An 8kw aircon is pretty big.  Our old non efficient one is 3.5kw and the new one in the bedroom is 1.5kw.   How does your inverter handle the 8kw?   Or is your aircon on the grid only?   Do you save money in the end with the cost of the install vs power bills?



    My aircon is a ducted 22kw version three phase.  The aircon guy tells me a 22kw cooling AC uses roughly a third of that. ( I don’t realky understand that though!)

    I upgraded to a three phase inverter.  The system is a 5kw system 20 panels.  

    I installed mine when I got divorced 5 years ago so it’s hard to compare bills.  But they were between 800 and 1800 per quarter :1yikes:.   They are now between 200 and 600 ( in summer using the AC).   I calculated over summer the pool was costing around 450 per quarter.  

    I am happy and think it paid off well. 





  6. Sorry I can’t help with acontact, the one I used dissapeared but I’d think the job was fine., there was plenty of crap ones at there .  I’m a builder and we have worked on one house in particular  with a dodgy install.  Of course that company had dissapeared too.  Everything was live the frame, the sarking, the fascia and gutter.    That’s how we noticed it a contractor got a jolt.

    So I can’t help you with a contact.  

    I have a 5kw system and it has worked out for me.  Even when power went up recently so did the rebate.   

    I produce roughly the same amount that I use so the only reason I have a bill is because the power you buy is around 4 times what you put in the grid.

    In my case I have a pool so I have the Pool system working during the middle of the day so I am using a lot of the power I produce.

    I think it’s important to have an idea of when you use the most power and what on to assess if it’s worthwhile. My pool uses around 3.5kw/hr if the 3 pumps are running.  So it is a good offset.

    Also if it’s warming up and I’m home I put the AC on early preferably when the Pool isn’t on.   It uses about 8.0kw I think. 




  7. It’s hard to know what’s the best way.

    We use Tefgel as above as one option.  Fittings like rod holders we drill the appropriate size rivet holes and prime and paint them.   We use sikkafkex under the rod holders to seal them, rivet them down and clean off any excess.

    Other fittings we have drilled over size holes primed and painted. We used nylon fixings with sikka or tefgel on and around the hole.

    We avoid self tapping screws as much as possible.   They break the paint moisture gets under it, the aluminium oxidises and the bubbles grow from there.  That’s my take on it anyway. 

    To us it’s all about stopping moisture and salt getting near raw aluminium at the fixing point. 

    It’s a bit of mucking around.   Another thing we have done is wax the top deck off the boat trying to prevent any minute imperfections in the paint allowing moisture through.  That makes it slippery though.

    I hope that helps.  Good luck. 


    • Thanks 1
  8. Great session.   What a top sporting and table fish they are. 

    I bleed them and put them on ice fairly quickly.  Fillet them and cut the blood lines out giving 4 fillets.  Lightly coat with olive oil and seasoning and put on the grill plate.  Watch the colour come through, turn  off the heat, turn them and the other side cooks on the remaining heat.  Yummo 

  9. 23 hours ago, Mr Squidy said:

    Caught an interesting 35cm flattie on the weekend in 55m off of Marley and in looking for the answer on what it was I came across this old post.


    Definitely looks a perfect match to the one in the post including the blue/green fins. Based on the suggestions did some more searching and found the following link to the Australian Museum Marble Flathead and its a definite lock so madasacutsnake was on the money (tail was definitely dark with no markings other than a white edge). Know its an old post to bring up but might help anyone else looking to identify one of these interesting critters in the future.



    Just out of curiosity were you near the wreck?  As far as I know that area is mostly sand with very little reef. 

  10. We were in the same area on Friday.   After a couple of early squid we trolled lures down the coast thinking we would at least pickup something pretty easy and came up empty too.   We didn’t even mark much in the sounder. 

    We ended up settling for a feed of flatties off Marley.


    Id love to know the answer to that question too.

  11. 5 hours ago, Chakka said:

    Is that close to the sailing club 

    Also have a look at this link.  Plenty of sail boats moored there so I’d say you are correct.  You would want to fish around the high off the pontoon I’d say.


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