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Tiger Cam

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Posts posted by Tiger Cam

  1. Thanks very much guys for the birthday greetings! I’m just about to head home now and celebrate with a :beersmile: or 2 and hopefully a :1fishing1: this Sat morning!



  2. I wouldn’t recommend pebble / gravel as I have distorted a jockey wheel pushing / pulling the boat on that sort of surface. The flatter / more even the surface the better. Paving if not done properly will have differential settlement, which can be a pain with the jockey wheel. After a day’s fishin’ you want to keep it as simple and easy as possible and not get frustrated at the end. Bob’s very generous offer sounds too good to refuse…….



  3. Great report and photos Peter :thumbup: . The seas on the second trip looks sensational which I'm sure would have added to the great session you guys had. The flying ray looks like a US fighter plane proto-type :biggrin2:



  4. Had an enjoyable couple of days down at the Shoalhaven chasing flatties.

    Good Friday

    Noticeably more boats on the water with rain threatening but not eventuating. It was hard going but I managed a couple of flatties very late in the session. I thought I’d change my strategy and try for bream near some fallen timber….only to have this greedy little fella take my plastic :wacko:


    A better one taken with a turtle back earlier in the day


    Easter Saturday

    Another beautiful still morning that had me pondering on whether I should have brought along my ice skates!


    Was heading towards Crookwell when I spotted sambos frolicking ahead. Got within casting distance when I tempted them with a 4” minnow in smelt. First cast and bang I was on! He tried to wrap my 4lb line around the motor but I managed to keep him at bay and persuade him into the net. I really enjoyed the fight of that sambo particularly after all the flatties.


    After that I started my drift. The current was pretty strong at this stage however, the wind was non-existent. Ended up with seven flatties in different locations on 1/8oz jig head with either 4” minnow in smelt or 5” jerk shad in camo doing all the damage. Thoroughly enjoyed the session and was back at the in-laws in time for lunch and a couple of :beersmile::biggrin2:






  5. Congrats on the bag of blackies :thumbup: The reports on blackie fishing and watching two old timers clean up at the Shoalhaven recently has got me more and more curious........



  6. G’day ianoc69,

    I’ll be down there myself hoping to score a flatty or two. A couple of weeks ago I found it a bit slow but managed a couple of flatties at Greenwell Point sand flats. I don’t get down there often enough to have it wired and I’m still learning new spots each time (and SP fishing) I’m out there – it’s half the fun.

    Good luck and say G’day to the guy in a 4.5m Stacer wearing a Tigers cap untangling knots. :wacko:



  7. Great read ASJ. Your determination paid off in the end and you were rewarded for your addiction with a thumper Jewie in trying conditions :thumbup: I'm sure you relived it again and again on your drive back home :biggrin2:



  8. Saturday

    Was a beautiful still morning with the fog yet to lift as I left the ramp at 630am.


    Headed out to a couple of my favourite spots with great anticipation.


    Started a drift not far from Greenwell Point over the flats. The drift was particularly slow as it was almost windless. Tossed the turtle back around on a 1/8 jig head and managed four flatties in five casts - two were keepers. That’s how it remained for the rest of the day.



    Arrived at the boat ramp only to encounter a queue of five boats ahead of me at 630am – now that’s a first! Apparently a fishing comp was on. Fog was the thickest I’ve seen it here – visibility was down to about 10m. Threw an SP out the back to drift behind me as I flicked a 4 inch sand eel into about 6m of water. The fog had lifted by now and uncovered another beautiful day as I pulled in the drifting SP. It felt like it had collected a fair bit of seaweed as it was pretty heavy – but no…. a sizable octopus had taken a liking to the turtle back!

    Mid morning my :wife: brought our two youngest down to the jetty to do some fishing with me. Tide was up so pumping for yabbies was out of the equation…..hmmmm what will I use for bait? Took them to some sand flats nearby where I decided to use a 2 inch prawn in bone on my sons rod and the remnants of a 5 inch jerk shad in tandoori chicken for my daughter to bottom bash. After a number of repeated “Dad I think I’ve got something” (second only to “are we there yet?”) Isabella scores a 42cm flatty and Nicholas a nice flounder! It made their day (and of course the old mans) with smiles on our dials and fishing stories to tell mum. What a great w/e with superb weather to boot. :thumbup:








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