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Everything posted by mrsswordfisherman

  1. FROM NSW DPI FISHERIES FACEBOOK PAGE Tailor on the bite, not Tailor-made for bait! Over the Easter school holiday weekend, Fisheries officers from Sydney South District were conducting routine compliance checks of fishers at Foreshore Road boat ramp. Officers seized 30 Tailor from 2 licenced recreational fishers. 17 of the fish were of prohibited size, being less than 30cm. The fishers admitted they caught 30 Tailor between them that day and were unaware of the legal-size limit or daily bag/possession limit. This time of year, we see a lot of small Tailor near shore estuarine areas along with the NSW coast. Fisheries Officers patrolling Botany Bay and surrounding areas are detecting large number of offences relating to prohibited size Tailor. The department would like to remind recreational fishers that the legal length for Tailor is 30cm with a bag limit of 10 per licensed recreational fisher. Fishers are also reminded that legislation states, a fisher must not mutilate a fish that has a size limit in any manner, other than gutting or removing the gills or scales. Tailor under 30cm can NOT be used as bait or live bait! It is important that all recreational fishers are aware of bag and size limits for all species of fish. With several resources available, not knowing the legislation is not an excuse! Download the FishSmart app now here - bit.ly/3LTNfCn or view recreational size and bag limits here - bit.ly/39wXL55 You can do your part to help protect the State's precious fisheries resources by reporting illegal fishing activity to the NSW Fishers Watch phoneline on 1800 043 536 or online here - https://fal.cn/3fMUz
  2. The fishraider tipping comp so far Me and Arty tipped the whole round 💯% last round. A first for me 😃
  3. They went with songs to the battle, they were young. Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. LEST WE FORGET
  4. You know what I was similar. My household when I was growing up was all about football and I did not get interested. I started to enjoy it when I was much older. The tipping comp makes me follow it these days.
  5. I was on the edge of my seat at the last 5 mins of that game, mainly because I tipped Souths in our tipping comp. I an a rabid Rabbitohs supporter too.
  6. Very interesting Rob. Thanks for the link to her history.
  7. The Instant Fisherman qualifies for professional tournaments
  8. Stewy and Greg Lee were in hysterics over this one many moons ago
  9. @Berleyguts Baz, condolences to you and your family. I was informed that you lost a family member recently. Black Dog is relentless. Stewy and I and all raiders send our condolences. As Little Flatty and Blackfish said "yell if if there is anything we can do".
  10. No don’t worry @XD351 I love the convos that come out of these posts. People fondly talking about these areas and their adventures is very interesting. This is not Bondi of course but it’s part of the LBG old times. Here is a pic of Stewy (late 70’s) who gaffed Scott Mitchell’s first marlin. It weighed 33 kg and was taken at the Outer Tubes. https://www.shimanofish.com.au/content/fish/oceania/au/en/homepage/articles/land-based-game-fishing.html
  11. I knew you would know all the answers @wazatherfisherman I came across this (author unknown)
  12. It is all about money these days isn't it. Gone are the good old days where players came up through the local ranks. That happened in both league and union. I grew up in Coogee watching Randwick Rugby and the recruits from Matraville High and the Ellas play at Coogee Oval. I later lived in Fitzgerald Ave Maroubra looking onto Heffron Park where the new Souths Sydney Club burrow has just opened. Players can always be bought now for the right price - no more loyalty. Social media shows us the really dark side of the players these days. Phone call transcripts and nasty allegations of poor behaviours by players is increasing. Fun facts - my family is related to the Gasniers on my father's side. We always barracked for Souths then St George My father and another family member were involved with Randwick Rugby and Wallabies.
  13. Go Souths 💚♥️ We all got tricked by Storm and the Roosters in the tipping comp Noel. What a brutal game that was last night.
  14. NEWSCAST an information bulletin for recreational fishers April 2023 Every fisher can help protect our prawns from White Spot Tips on how recreational fishers can help NSW prawns Never use prawns intended for human consumption as bait. When fishing, always source your bait from a trusted supplier local to the area you intend to fish. If you catch your own bait, use it only in the water from where it came. Dispose of your prawn waste (heads or shells) in general waste, never to our waterways. Make ‘clean’ part of your routine, wash your vehicles and gear between waterways. White Spot was detected at two northern NSW prawn farms in February 2023 and was confirmed by NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) diagnostic tests. Consumers are assured that White Spot does not pose a threat to human health or food safety. NSW seafood, including prawns, remains safe to eat. NSW DPI is working with farms to contain and eradicate White Spot on-farm and ensuring the farms have appropriate biosecurity measures in place to continue to minimise risk of spread. A control order is in place until 14 June 2023 and restricts the movement of raw, uncooked prawns and polychaete worms, from the Clarence River estuary while containment, source detection and surveillance activities are underway. More information about the control order, what it means to you and how you can help protect NSW prawns is available on the NSW DPI website https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/aquatic-biosecurity/aquaculture/aquaculture/white-spot Please report any unusual mortalities or suspicions of White Spot to the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline 1800 675 888. For more information see www.dpi.nsw.gov.au or email aquatic.biosecurity@dpi.nsw.gov.au.
  15. Welcome @jimmac3009 look forward to your fishing reports
  16. Here is a job going at DPI https://www.seek.com.au/job/66629817?type=standard&fbclid=IwAR0f-iRvLho_Pzc-kZW8spFPh620dYeoisyCpzFFs_LcEIlxSCGZBdB4FAc&mibextid=kdkkhi#sol=2ee59196473fda544a55b5a11b3002e407da2273
  17. @noelm if you read this borrow your wife’s phone to make a reply please 👏👏
  18. This area called ARTICLES holds all the great posts and writings from members. It would be difficult to reorder them. You will find that they appear in the order of "most viewed" . You are absolutely correct in saying there are some great articles in here
  19. Welcome to the forum @riveRecon look forward to reports from your trips
  20. A nice break from studies @AlbertW Good to see a young fellow taking his studies seriously
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