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Posts posted by Brooker435

  1. Anth,

    It just sounds like bad luck to me!!! would be getting frustrating though,

    My heaviest line is 30lb rovex braid and the leader is usually 30-40lbs tops and have not had any bust off's but in saying that you fish with bigger baits so your probably dealing with larger fish,

    all I can suggest is trying to tighten up the drag a little more and see how you go but I think its just luck more than anything else....

    let me know when your fishing LCR again and ill try to meet you and catch up for a fish,



  2. Bryon,

    Shes a Beauty!!!!

    As we have spoken in the past I would love to come out with yourself..

    I own a small boat and have learned a thing or 2 about boating and more than happy to help in whatever way I can when you do head out.

    It must be very frustrating waiting for the surgery hopefully it comes sooner rather than later.

    I was talking to johnny doi a few weeks ago and mentioned to him that when he comes down to visit you I might tag along if you dont mind as I would like to meet you and set a date to head out

    for a fish with you as together with you and cungee george I am sure I would learn a lifetime's worth!!!! Hawkesbury or georges sound good but would prefer georges as its my local waterway and would like to find a few spots as I allready know of a few in the harbour.



  3. Yeah Same for me took almost 2 hours to catch 2 and believe me we berley'ed up very hard,

    Not sure if its the weather or what it is but it would be great to know as I was always led to believe you can get them all-year-round.

    All I can suggest is try a few different spots so you have backups and just as a thought if it has been raining try closer to the sea as the drop in salinity might drive the fish outside.

    I dont normally catch yakkas alot but I am starting to get into it a little myself,



  4. Congrats Mike!!!!!!!!!!!

    Very Well Deserved Mike Congrats :thumbup:

    Honestly Mike with all the time and effort you put in it was a surprise to me that you had not already caught a Jew.

    The Photos turned out pretty good considering how dark it was!!!!

    Also the Net has been strengthened now probably stronger than when I got it never snapped a net before so 1st Jew for you first snapped net for me :biggrin2:

    I hope you and your family enjoy the feed and hope everything goes well with Bubs and look forward to doing it all again when time is on your side,

    just let me know as I know what its like when kids arrive so you may be out of action for a while I was on the bench for about 3 months lets see how you go!!!!!!



  5. I am not sure what everyone else thinks but I believe headlights on boats should be mandatory...

    I wanna fit a led one to my boat as i usually need the assistance of my dolphin torch to navigate during the night and on some of the other vessels the nav lights cant be seen till your very close.

    Its just my 5 cents worth,



  6. Well done Pete,

    your right about the clarity and had a great session and that flattie is a beaut,

    Might have to start peeling my prawns also I honestly did not realize how much this can make a difference as In the past

    Ive fished my boat and would only use un-peeled and Johnny doi would use peeled and would always out-fish me,

    Hopefully we can get out there again soon Pete and did you install the sounder yet???



  7. Congrats on your first jews!!!

    The size limits are there to be followed and you did just that so that's good enough for me.

    My first was not far off legal and there were no complaints on the taste either

    good on you and look forward to your future posts,



  8. Good luck with it dicko,

    I had a similar problem with my boat however it didnt effect the starting of the boat but none of my lights worked luckily it ended up being a rusty fuse the old glass type but yours sounds like one of the main power cables or even a earth wire just make sure you have a quiet place to work and go through the wiring from your battery and I hope that you find it sooner rather than later I know my problem is not the same as yours but use the same principals and you should come up good and the fact that you are losing power to everything hopefully means that the fault will be close to the battery where all the wires join together could even be as simple as the terminal's themself dont overlook anything..



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