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Everything posted by funnierthanu

  1. The plan was to take the family up to swansea for the evening fish but with all the bad weather the wife decided to stay at home with the less keen 9 yr old and let just myself and the 7 yr old go . We travelled up around lunch yesterday to see water every where .We had just missed a big down pourand it looked like luck was going to be on our side for a change .Once we had the boat in we headed up between the islands for a whiting fish .I had planned to fish the last 2 hrs of the run in and the water crystal clear .We managed 6 whiting with the best going 44 cm .Wyatt was off to a good start catching 3 of them and also the biggest . Come on dad im winning was the call from him as we moved the anchor to fish another sand bar as the tide changed to run out . I looked to the west and the clouds were building as the wife rang to tell me it was pooring at home . I said to Wyatt we should stay here till the storm passes . That conversation was cut short by his rod screeming off with a good fish . As he was playing it i was thinking to myself that it was another " Steve Irwin " sting ray . As we only use 3 kg line he was having a hard time getting it in .Next thing i knew there was this 5 kg plus Flathead swimming past with Wyatt yelling net him net him . The flattie was still green but turned and headed straight for the net which i scooped up only for it to fall out again and bust the line . Them stupid envro nets hold to much water and the dam thing was too heavy to lift . Try telling that to a 7 yr old who is allready in the cabin crying . The fish was nearly as long as him . We sat out the storm which only produced wind and no rain . Once it had cleared we headed out to Lucys wall to find some clean water as it was dirty within 1 hr from the change of tide .We started to fish for bream and the first 4 fish were not bream .Wyatt got a flattie and a tailor and i got flounder and snapper .The bream were slow so we moved 20 metres to try and find them . That took about 10 seconds and we were into them every cast .There were some good fish around with both of us getting busted off several times .We scored a good mixed bag with the biggest bream pushing the 1 kg mark. Wyatt gave up after 3 hrs solid fishing so we headed up the channel for tea and to sleep for the night .
  2. Mate , your allowed 20 for bait at that size. Any mullet over 30 goes into a seperate bag limit of 20.So you can have 40 in total , 20 bait and 20 to eat.
  3. Fished for whiting on nye , never seen so many small ones in 40 years of fishing .All the whiting were small are skinny like your ones .
  4. Was up there nye and the water was 25.3, nice and warm
  5. They will never be able to stop people using electric reels . It is an act of discrimination to people with disabilies so i know they will have to fight a class action if it goes through. I fish with someone who has MS and cannot use a normal reel so they can only use an electric reel .
  6. It looks like a sand mullet in the photo , you sure it was a tailor ?
  7. The annual mullet run , they wont bite so its no use in trying , fish for jews instead
  8. Did you fish in my spot from last week, good size bream there old mate , any elbow slappers ???
  9. Only get snapper like that at bellambi ,down south near stanwell park is my guess
  10. I fished on sat arvo , there were 4 boats but 3 were with me ,the total from the 3 boats was 55 bream and 2 whiting , the whiting are not in the spot that i fish , its too deep
  11. Ha , i saw him , big lights for sure , he left at 9 pm and we finished at 10 , got 23 bream between the 2 of us , we fished 330 till 730 and then didnt turn a reel once it was dark .
  12. I will be out sat night , hope you left some fish for me jimmy
  13. You did well to motor past the 30 boats in the channel near the restaurant , the all caught 20 tailor weighing 1.5 kg each . I was 1 of hem boats , it was a good night on the water.
  14. You guys are going to hate me , i went to St georges basin on the weekend and got good bream at night in water depth of half a meter . We had the motor up as we walked the boat in . We got bream over a kilo and didnt need to net the fish as the phosphorus was so bright you could see them . We would bait our lines after a fish and cast again in the same spot to hook in within seconds , it didnt scare the fish at all .All im saying is that i have never had any trouble with it. Cheers
  15. Groper ,If the chicken is prepared properly it will out fish any bait , dead or alive
  16. Good call jimmy , i will follow as well
  17. Mate , that was great to watch , excellent video and footage , cheers
  18. Love the music too , as well as the video on fishing.
  19. I seen hire boats everywhere so i guess you can hire them from the inlet Tony , you must have a bread burley but very little as you can fill them up easily , as for the way to put it on you have to squeeze the bread around the eye of the hook and leave the rest fluffy in the shape of a bell , as for the misses , yep she got more than me as she had the side of the boat that had the weed bed , HA HA
  20. We were in a boat at the end of the channel , but a mate got 70 fish at swansea last week , now your going to be really confused .
  21. Headed down to Sussex Inlet for a fish this year instead of heading north . The wife and i had planed for a night fish for whiting then sleep in the cabin and fish again in the morning . We caught 20 whiting and 30 bream in 3hrs fishing in the shallow water less than a metre deep .We must have also got 20 stingrays but they live where the whiting live . In the morning we did some float fishing and managed 6 species on a $3.00 loaf of bread . It is one of the best waterways down south with little tide movement which is handy for float fishing . Cheers raiders
  22. Tony , the best way to eat them is to just roll the fillets with a rolling pin , one of the best fish in the sea
  23. Good to see someone else notices the scenery around the harbour, its not how many fish you catch , it just been on such a beautiful waterway
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