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Clifton Gardens Today


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Well what can you say when ya get out done by the best Jetty Rat in the business.

Great Trev Rob 55cm bruiser


We hit the Wharf at 5.15am, myself and the 2 eldest. The boat is in for a 50hr service but the fishing must go on. The bait fish around the Wharf was like a massive cloud I have not seen this much bait around for a while looks very promising.


Met Lurespinner for the first time and he is as keen as his partner in crime {Rob} Kingsrule. However today as usual Rob had the golden touch and cleaned up. We had some spasmodic surface action but not anything to promising. It did have that very fishy look to it today and a few follows by a couple of healthy Kings on my oldest boys lure got the blood pumping. Left at 7.30am as :wife: has plans today :1badmood: bid Lurespinner and Kingsrule farewell they were still fishing as you would expect.

I just bet their report will be a good one. Both young blokes are a credit to our sport.

Regards Russ

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It sure did Roberta..

Caught this salmon on a 3" bass minnow this morning. Thanks Rob for getting the fish for me.

I'll start bringing my net again.


Well done on that trev mate !!! I'll be seeing more of you as the water warms up :biggrin2:post-690-1191979255_thumb.jpg

Edited by bmar560
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holy crap!! that is what jetty fishing should be about!!

any secrets you could share with us though??? bait? hooks? line weight? berley? anything?

how come i only ever get eel from the jetty!!! haha

g'day dani

just search "clifton gardens" or "clifton" in this forum..

you'll find heaps of post regarding your questions :thumbup:

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Nice work Robbie,

I was there on Friday with :wife: & thought we were in for a good arvo session when on the first drop of pillie I was hammered. The little Ugly Stick Lite buckled over very nicely & wasn't I please when the bugger ran for open water for a change, taking a lot of line with him. After 3 or 4 minutes trying to slow it down the blighter turned back to the wharf..... wonderful I thought he's tired now & coming home to make things easy for me. But no... After another 2 or 3 minutes of trying to manouvure the still fiesty guy clear of the pylons I hear the oh so common "ping" & the line is slack. That was the last hook up for the next 2 hours.

Cya down there again soon no doubt.


btw guys ... what type of bait fish are those in the pic??

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I see another entry for fish of the month.

Also good hear of growing numbers baitfish.

Thanks for the report.

Have fun whilst you can boys, pretty soon it will be

head down and back to work I'm sure.

So, KEEP IT UP!!!!!

Catch Ya


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yeh Rob certainly had the touch today haha

biggest trev ive seen in a while! :o

also he lost a kingfish

and after every1 left


yep u guessed it

as soon as they started busting up... rob got 1 hahaha

they kept going for ages down in the shallows of the beech

i kept spinning but it was robs day :tease:

we left to go for some surgeons near the bridge at about 8:30

but none there.. not a touch

was a great day even tho i didnt land a fish :thumbdown:

Paul I believe they are Frog mouth Pilchards. But I've been known to be wrong on several occasions :1prop:


Paul they were a mix of tiny slimies, frogmouth pilchards and REAL pilchards.

cheers, Tom.

Edited by lurespinner
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I see another entry for fish of the month.

Also good hear of growing numbers baitfish.

Thanks for the report.

Have fun whilst you can boys, pretty soon it will be

head down and back to work I'm sure.

So, KEEP IT UP!!!!!

Catch Ya


ya fotm for sure eh bigfoot id definitely vote for that

what do you reckon man how come we dont get trevs like that at the 'bra?? how about when we get together for a fish we scrap the bra and go straight for cliftons?? i had a look on the map its only a short swim from watsons bay!!! what a way to save the harbour bridge toll!!

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