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Broome Trip - Plenty of Action


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Finally, the long-awaited Friday fishing trip came around and I joined the guide at a local beach where his tender took us out to a 30 foot charter boat.

I was lucky enough to have this charter entirely to myself so I pretty much got to dictate what I was after and Regan ( the guide) did his best to accommodate.

He fired up the diesel engine we headed west for about 15 km reaching an area he had marked for Spanish Mackerel. Almost immediately he put out a couple of bibbed lures and we sat back and trolled at about 8 kn.

In less than five minutes both reels screamed and we each picked up the nearest one. Reagan's fish shot out wide and my fish came straight at the boat.

I wound furiously to bring in the slack and looked up to see a huge Spanish mackerel leap eight-foot clear of the water.

Regan yelled out "what a stonker" and then "he's got a shark up his ar@$ , get him in quick!".

What I have to tell you, that these fish go hard enough let alone when they have a shark chasing them and I could do nothing even with a locked up drag to stop him.

The fish went down deep all under the boat and I followed him around the gunnels trying to keep the line off the keel or the prop gaining a little more line here and there.

By this time Regan had landed his fish and came around to see what I was up to all the time saying what a big fish it was.

A couple minutes later I gained enough line on him to see some colour and I thought I might have him beaten.

The next thing I hear is Regan exclaim "Sharks!" and out of the depths three huge sharks emerged and ripped the Spaniard to bits. One of the sharks was a massive tiger.

Disappointing to lose the fish but man, was that exciting!

We re-rigged, sent the lures back out again and within 10 minutes one was off again and this time, after reeling the second rod in, Regan chased the fish with the boat so I could get it in as quickly as possible leaving little time for the sharks to claim an easy feed.That worked a treat and set the pattern for the rest of the day.



After a few more Spaniards we moved over to a section of reef that Regan had marked as a good spot for big Tevaly. This was a small Pinnacle rising up about 5 m from the sea floor which even 15 miles out from Broome is only 20 or so metres deep. At this spot there were masses of large Trevaly held up behind the pinnacle allong with some bait, pretty much right through the water column.

We dropped down some baits and they were hit immediately and our rods loaded up on some very serious fish. Unfortunately we just couldn't get them up quick enough to keep away from sharks and dozens of fish were lost in that way.

They were taking baits and soft plastics and with every drop I had a hook up. At one stage Regan got one close to the surface only to be hammered by a spinner shark which jumped clear of the water only 10 meters away and, true to name spiraled around in a very surprising and entertaining way before re-entering the water no longer on the end of that fishing line.

We moved to other locations over reef picked up a few smaller GTs along with some other reef fish including some small coral trout, cod, Spanish flag, remora and a stargazer or two.



To finish the day off with little more trolling in between the bust ups of Mac Tunas that were all around us. These were much bigger models that I have seen in Sydney. They went hard and were a whole lot of fun.


We picked up a few more Spaniards in among the tuna and then called it quits about 2:30 PM and headed back to shore.


After that experience, it is going to be hard to fish Sydney while the memory of Broome is still fresh.



Edited by fragmeister
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Great report mate - sounds like a cracker of a day.

I was there a couple of years ago and did a few charters, one of which was on kayaks! Got dusted up big time on one fish, was good fun till it busted me off on a reef. Great fishing spot.

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Awesome jim! You've gotta love the fight of a Spanish mac. They got hard and run harder. Your a lucky man to get a charter to yourself. You've got me excited about my trip north on October!

Well done :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Awesome jim! You've gotta love the fight of a Spanish mac. They got hard and run harder. Your a lucky man to get a charter to yourself. You've got me excited about my trip north on October!

Well done :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

Well to tell you the truth Scratchie, it was your last trip that gave me the bug!

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Good onya Jim. Great report and lots of fabulous memories there. Meanwhile NSW is under water. Cheers.

Yes mate, back in Sydney now... What a change from 32 degrees with an overnight low of 24! Still .... Happy to see may family again.

Edited by fragmeister
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Sounds like a great outing there Jim.

So what's wrong with a few bream or whiting on 6lb line? no sharks to chase them here. :074:


True enough dave.

The fisherman in me will come back out in no time I'll wager.



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Well to tell you the truth Scratchie, it was your last trip that gave me the bug!

Good stuff jim! And I'm going back in October so watch this space! Totally different to the hard grind of trying to land a decent fish in Sydney and surrounds? It's more, trying to keep your decent fish from being upgraded (sharked) enjoy yourself mate!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Guest 4myson

Well done Jim , Great to see you get some STONKERS on your trip & what a way to end a trip !!!

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