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Blackfish A Fisherman's Journey


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Thanks Starlo of Starlo's Fishotopia on facebook for the recommendation to watch this:  

Check out this AMAZING doco' on the "humble art" of blackfishing! This production was previously only available for purchase, but the good folks behind it have now made it accessible for free to help keep fishers entertained during the COVID-19 pandemic. Great work... and a great watch!

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Great bit of history there.

Dad was a hardcore black fisherman mainly up at the breakwall at Nelson bay.

I can still remember the times there would be 30+ blokes fishing along the old shorter wall all vying for position.


I was at that age I wasn't overly interested so never learn the right techniques unfortunately.

I have tried a couple of times since(at probably the wrong time of year) with no success.


I might have to ask @LandBasedKeith to give me a masterclass one day as he is pretty local to me & seems to do pretty well at it. 

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Top production,interesting.Fished Coogee island for a few decades.A couple of real experts outfished me 6/1.There are all types of weed.Old blokes with long sight did well, but could not see to thread a line thru a hook if the rig was lost to a pig.Saw several three figure catches from the 2 guys who went round the back of the Mattens andlanded their tinny.One of the best of all fishing modes,Not many can be done in a person"s 80's.Congrats.

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1 hour ago, wizza said:

Top production,interesting.Fished Coogee island for a few decades.A couple of real experts outfished me 6/1.There are all types of weed.Old blokes with long sight did well, but could not see to thread a line thru a hook if the rig was lost to a pig.Saw several three figure catches from the 2 guys who went round the back of the Mattens andlanded their tinny.One of the best of all fishing modes,Not many can be done in a person"s 80's.Congrats.

High wizza there used to be 2 different guys who landed their tinny's in the "lake" at the Mattens, had to time it right as there is a constant wave break at the entrance. Once inside it was easy enough to "beach" the boats up the shallow end.

Best rock spot in Sydney and legendary for Blackfish 

Edited by wazatherfisherman
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Thanks Donna,

Thanks for posting. I've been fishing for mostly blackfish now for nearly 50 years so this doco brought back lots of great memories of gear, spots, trips away and of course the people I've fished with.

The link between dry fly fishing in a mountain stream and fishing for blackfish led to a mate and I trying out what we later came to call pussyfooting for blackfish on the rock platform at Long Reef back in the 1970's. I recently gave it a go in the lake here and I caught more than my mates using a float

Thanks again, very keen to go for a fish!



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Thanks Mrs S

Great doco and I recognized a lot of spots from down this end of the world.

I haven't gone blackfishing in a long time and the doco reminds me of fishing the rocks around Kurnell when I was a kid. I learned a lot from the old guys that used to teach us but if you didnt have cleats or the right gear or didnt take your turn on the drifts correctly, you simply were not allowed to fish with them and basically kicked of the rocks. 

Great times and great memories of people long gone.

Time to drag out the old rods and give them a whirl again.


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Thanks for posting that Donna, it was great.

It reminded me of another doco recommended to me when I first started chasing Blackfish. Ron Calcutt's The Rockhoppers, great bit of nostalgia.


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