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Excited daughter bought herself a Xmas pressie


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I spotted another little zodiac on gumtree like the one we used to have and showed it to my daughter yesterday. Normally she finds it very hard to make any decisions especially when her own money comes into it, not such the case when she saw this, it was love at first sight.

Weather was to bad for this mornings charter meaning we had just enough time to drive up the coast and get back in time for her afternoon charter. Managed to squeeze a quick test run after her charter which gets the full thumbs up from a very excited young girl!!!




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2 hours ago, dunc333 said:

 congratulations and happy xmas Jon .geez i would love that i dont want to know the exact price but did you get any change from $15000

She got a very deal with it, so yes there was change from that price. Its done just 38hrs size new.

Edited by JonD
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2 hours ago, Mwell said:

Awesome. Yup know all about the last one. I may have bought it off you 😁😁

And it's still going awesome

This one being a bit shorter and less V isn't quite as soft riding and the trailer is very light with skinny wheels that seem to have mind of their own when reversing. Needs rod holders, electric's and safety gear. Theres also a fair bit of difference on how this engine looks at just 38hrs old, paint bubbling and a few patches of bare metal on the bottom end of it.

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17 hours ago, JonD said:

This one being a bit shorter and less V isn't quite as soft riding and the trailer is very light with skinny wheels that seem to have mind of their own when reversing. Needs rod holders, electric's and safety gear. Theres also a fair bit of difference on how this engine looks at just 38hrs old, paint bubbling and a few patches of bare metal on the bottom end of it.

still should be a fun boat!!! and easy to run.

Ive been giving the 550 a flogging such a great boat

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17 hours ago, JonD said:

So better riding than the stabicraft then ?

No comparison. The rough weather makes it fun now. sometimes i have to remind myself what rough water used to be like because i will stay out in most weather now.

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1 hour ago, Mwell said:

No comparison. The rough weather makes it fun now. sometimes i have to remind myself what rough water used to be like because i will stay out in most weather now.

We were out yesterday in 20kts of southery which made me want one again!!!!...they've become very difficult to come across now, which was why my daughter jumped straight on this one. 

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