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Chasing Kings


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Headed out again on Sunday hunting for Kings. Slow start on livebait with none showing up on the grounds we tried in the harbour, so headed to an area off Manly where my mate had some luck last week. After hunting around for a short while we found a school, unlike the Yakkas in the Harbour these were solid, with the bigger ones going nearly 30cm . 30 minutes later the live bait tank was full with over 20 big Yakkas.
The plan was to troll the live baits from Manly to North Head as during the week we had both been out and hooked into Kings there, so off we went. One with a sinker on the line running around 2-3m down and another on a down-rigger at around 15m. While running along we saw some huge schools of bait right on the surface, there must have been thousands of Yakkas just cruising with nothing chasing them. Other than that and a decent sized Hammer head shark cruising by there was nothing showing any interest in our baits. So we motored over to South Head and put them down again heading towards Bondi.
By the end of the morning we had not had a touch so it was time to rethink the plan. The wind was coming from the South and was forecast to start swinging ESE later in the afternoon so figured that the 15k run out to the wave rider should not be to bad and by the time we would be heading in the run back would be OK too, so off we went.

When we got to the wave rider there was a group of spear fishermen in the water who said that there were Kings there but no Dolly's. So we did that same as the week before, this time with slabs of Yakka. In a matter of seconds we were into them. Like last week they were undersized but we kept trying for the elusive 'legal' Kingie... This week to no avail. Had a ball pulling in 50 - 60cm fish, some smaller, which despite their size fight way above their weight. 

Just for some fun I threw out a soft plastic on a spin rod spooled with 10lb braid. Pretty quickly got smashed and of the fish went, I played it for probably 4 or 5 minutes with it taking some huge runs, the poor little reel was screaming, then it spat the hook which when I reeled it in was nothing like the J shape that it had started out as. Those light weight jig heads are obviously not meant for Kings.

After a couple of hours of fun, during which time we threw back over 20 Kings, it was time to head home so set out a couple of lures and troll back to North Head. Trolling was obviously not our skill set that day as nothing even looked at our lures.

So after a good day on the water with mixed success I headed home fish-less for a dinner of Pork chops. 🙂    


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5 hours ago, jenno64 said:

Great report, at least your bait was big enough for sashimi;) Cowan Youngs?

Good point, they probably were as they were huge for Yellow Tail (Yakkas) Should have keep some to eat rather than freeze the ones we had left for bait.

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On 1/20/2021 at 6:46 PM, Miketheadventurer said:

Great report, I pretty much did the same thing on Sunday with non of my yakkas and slimy macs touched. Though the other day someone got a 80kg marlin just between the heads

Where can I find information about the wave rider btw?

The wave rider is around 2k out past the FAD.  The coordinates I have on the computer are not quite right, went to them during the week and it was not there but as the picture shows it is due East from the FAD.
I managed to find it because there were already a couple of boats around it. I bet Zoran (zmk1962) would have the right coordinates if he is reading this.

Waverider Bouy 33-46-14 151-24-56

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