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Businesses that request you review their products after purchase


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Some businesses request a review from you after you purchase a product. Some business reviews are optional, whereas others bombard you every time you buy something. Some also want you to 'like' their products - if I did not like the product in the first place, I would not buy it. I am not on Faceache or Twaddle, or any of these social media sites (apart from Fishraider or LCOOL or Caravaners Forum)

Dan Murphy's send me numerous emails every week, even after looking at a product on their website that I have not purchased. If I reviewed every product I purchased, I would be doing so a couple of times per week, every week of the year. I have made a few reviews, but not too many. Not every one agrees with my views anyway.

A fishing shop (with 3 capital letters) send me emails every time I purchase something, even for a spool of line, or a packet of hooks, or a lure. Of course I am going to buy these products to catch fish, I am not allowed to use nets or dynamite any more. 🤣

A month ago, I decided to buy a new rod for outside fishing: flattie fishing or while anchored in my mate's boat. That shop sent me an email to review the 'overhead' rod I purchased. I was thinking, the rod tip is 'over my head' when I wind up a fish, what are they talking about? I ignored them as usual.

Last week, another email to review the 'overhead' rod. So I put on my reading glasses (which I did not do when buying the rod, it had some runners on it so it looked good enough to me) read the model number and checked it out on the Penn website. Well, I had purchased an 'overhead' rod (the first time a rod cost more than the reel). That now explains why some of the fish I pulled up were swimming upside down, I was using the rod the wrong way around. :074: At least I was using a Penn eggbeater reel and Penn mono with the upside down Penn rod. It's been catching fish, so bugger it, I will keep using it the same way.

As for that shop, I ignored their request for a review as usual, for selling me an 'upside down' rod. 😂


                                                               The End.

Edited by Yowie
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Yes they do expect feed back. I don't go into many shops these days, buy most stuff online and do get a lot of feedback needed, which I ignore.

The overhead rods are not suited to eggbeater reels as the feeder eyes are closer to the blank, as you would know.


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My pet hate is reviews.

Some moron buying a car, boat,tool......anything,then doing an unboxing giving you a spiel about the features and how great this thing is that they haven't even used let alone used it OVER AND OVER AGAIN AFTER DAYS,MONTHS,YEARS,DECADES and then telling you this is the best thing since sliced bread.

  Say your buying a new car,boat,tool, etc.... Use the bloody thing,put it through its paces for DAYS,WEEKS, MONTHS,YEARS then come back and do a review to tell me how it's held up.


I can find that out on my own.

That's what I think.

Yes they can help you decide I guess but nothing compares to fully testing something out in the field.

I know people don't want to wait 10yrs for a review.


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2 hours ago, Yowie said:

Some businesses request a review from you after you purchase a product. Some business reviews are optional, whereas others bombard you every time you buy something. Some also want you to 'like' their products - if I did not like the product in the first place, I would not buy it. I am not on Faceache or Twaddle, or any of these social media sites (apart from Fishraider or LCOOL or Caravaners Forum)

Dan Murphy's send me numerous emails every week, even after looking at a product on their website that I have not purchased. If I reviewed every product I purchased, I would be doing so a couple of times per week, every week of the year. I have made a few reviews, but not too many. Not every one agrees with my views anyway.

A fishing shop (with 3 capital letters) send me emails every time I purchase something, even for a spool of line, or a packet of hooks, or a lure. Of course I am going to buy these products to catch fish, I am not allowed to use nets or dynamite any more. 🤣

A month ago, I decided to buy a new rod for outside fishing: flattie fishing or while anchored in my mate's boat. That shop sent me an email to review the 'overhead' rod I purchased. I was thinking, the rod tip is 'over my head' when I wind up a fish, what are they talking about? I ignored them as usual.

Last week, another email to review the 'overhead' rod. So I put on my reading glasses (which I did not do when buying the rod, it had some runners on it so it looked good enough to me) read the model number and checked it out on the Penn website. Well, I had purchased an 'overhead' rod (the first time a rod cost more than the reel). That now explains why some of the fish I pulled up were swimming upside down, I was using the rod the wrong way around. :074: At least I was using a Penn eggbeater reel and Penn mono with the upside down Penn rod. It's been catching fish, so bugger it, I will keep using it the same way.

As for that shop, I ignored their request for a review as usual, for selling me an 'upside down' rod. 😂


                                                               The End.

You should do a review on soft plastics for Zoran.

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I dont mind doing reviews but agree that being bombarded with 20 emails a week asking for reviews can get pretty frustrating.

I recently changed energy provider and since then i get 5 phone calls a week from unknown "energy deals" companies trying to sell me solar, cheaper rates. At first i was polite and said im not interested but its been 7 months now and i still get phone calls so now i just hang up🤷‍♂️

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26 minutes ago, GoingFishing said:

I dont mind doing reviews but agree that being bombarded with 20 emails a week asking for reviews can get pretty frustrating.

I recently changed energy provider and since then i get 5 phone calls a week from unknown "energy deals" companies trying to sell me solar, cheaper rates. At first i was polite and said im not interested but its been 7 months now and i still get phone calls so now i just hang up🤷‍♂️

Beauty about mobiles is if it's an unknown number it doesn't get answered.

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29 minutes ago, Fab1 said:

Beauty about mobiles is if it's an unknown number it doesn't get answered.

youll be surprised. they dont ring on private. it shows up as a NSW land based number (02).

The nature of my work is such that i get alot of calls from NSW land lines, so i cant just ignore them

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3 hours ago, frankS said:

Yes they do expect feed back. I don't go into many shops these days, buy most stuff online and do get a lot of feedback needed, which I ignore.

The overhead rods are not suited to eggbeater reels as the feeder eyes are closer to the blank, as you would know.


I have now worked that out with the runners, however, I have been catching fish on the set-up, so I am not buying another rod or reel (until next time)

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41 minutes ago, SquibblyDibbly said:

Don't buy anything from Kogan then, they will email you several (up to 5) times every day.

It put me off shopping there again, I wonder if the marketing gurus consider that.

I have barred them a few times already.

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1 hour ago, GoingFishing said:

At first i was polite and said im not interested but its been 7 months now and i still get phone calls so now i just hang up🤷‍♂️

I kept receiving phone calls on the home number (unlisted number) every week. Female spoke English with an Indian accent.

I don't remember what she was selling as I told her I was not interested, but she would ring the following weeks.

When I had enough, I interupted her and asked her if she would like to have sex. That stopped her immediately.

I said, you know where I live as you keep calling me, just hop on a plane and fly from India to see me so we can have sex. 

She hung up. I mean, how rude of her to do that to me, hang up during a conversation. :074:

Never had another call from her. 🤢        🤣😂

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I did buy a Craft Beer From Dans and like Yowie, they requested me to review it which I did. It wasn't to bad but a bit under carbonated and for what it was should have been a bit more hoppy.

I wasn't rude or demeaning but they emailed back and said something like it wasn't the review they were after and they were not including it in the public seen reviews......... but your more than welcome to review something else you bought.  

Edited by Blackfish
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For emails you should have an "Unsubscribe" option or a "Do not email", usually on the bottom of emails. For Calls, especially if its from some utility company or insurance, you can tell them not to call and remove you from register ("Do not call" Register).

Everyone else on calls, just block them on phone.

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52 minutes ago, Yowie said:

I kept receiving phone calls on the home number (unlisted number) every week. Female spoke English with an Indian accent.

I don't remember what she was selling as I told her I was not interested, but she would ring the following weeks.

When I had enough, I interupted her and asked her if she would like to have sex. That stopped her immediately.

I said, you know where I live as you keep calling me, just hop on a plane and fly from India to see me so we can have sex. 

She hung up. I mean, how rude of her to do that to me, hang up during a conversation. :074:

Never had another call from her. 🤢        🤣😂

You and I think alike.I answer the door now in my undies.A couple of years ago two woman were at the door when I opened it and I said geez,that was quick, you must be tiffany and pixie from the agency I called to stay the night.

  The look on their face is priceless.For everything else there's mastercard.

You should see the guys reactions when I do it to them.

Problem is one time I did the same thing to another woman and when i waved her off from the front lawn I look over to see my elderly neighbour blowing me a kiss.

  I wasn't impressed with him I can assure you.🤣😂🤣😂

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I only do ebay reviews, as I am a buyer & a seller I expect people to give me a review that shows my positive feedback % to other buyers.

Occassionaly I will send a review when requested if a company has gone out of there way to provide good service, other than that they get unsubscribed or blocked.

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23 minutes ago, Rob81 said:

 For Calls, especially if its from some utility company or insurance, you can tell them not to call and remove you from register ("Do not call" Register).


I am on "Do Not Call" register, but still receive calls from some numb nuts, who are told to "go away, don't call again". They don't call after that politeful conversation.

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1 hour ago, Blackfish said:


I wasn't rude or demeaning but they emailed back and said something like it wasn't the review they were after and they were not including it in the public seen reviews......... but your more than welcome to review something else you bought.  

I reviewed a charddy a few days ago, gave it a short bagging and only 1 star rating, Murphy's published my comment the next day.

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As soon as I get one of these emails I go to the bottom of the email and hit “unsubscribe” and you won’t see another email. 
Most shops get your email to create an acct for you. 

I went recently to the shop Dusk to buy some candles. I gave them my membership number to get a discount. They did not honour it because I unsubscribed from their emails!!

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without our peers reviewing them, how would we know if the product is any good or not?

surely when you stay at a hotel, the first thing you do is look up what other peoples experiences are? same with when trying a new restaurant?


maybe im the new generation who wants the info instantly to help sway my choice.... in the old days I guess the version of a review was some old bloke (or girl) at the pub saying "don't buy that, my neighbours sister got one and had nothing but problems"

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