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how many rods ?


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How many rods can 1 person carry in a boat ?  

I know you can only USE 4 maximum!   

The ABT today some had 5 rods rigged and ready to go, but only used one at a time. I have a Horizontal holder that carries 6. 

Screen Shot 2021-03-09 at 9.28.07 pm.png

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I often carry 8. It’s a pain in the backside cleaning them all at the end of the day but I like to be prepared. I mostly fish on my own, so if I bust off or something, I have another outfit ready to go straight away. I don’t want to spend the whole drift re-rigging. Note: I only have a maximum of 4 outfits fully rigged. The others are rigged to snap swivel, ready to clip on a lure or leader. I generally carry the following:

15, 10 and 6kg gamefish trolling (or live baiting) outfits. Rigged with Pretest mono, double and wind on leaders to snap swivel.

2 x 10kg spin outfits with braid for fishing plastics for snapper. Rigged with soft plastics.

2 x 10kg spin outfits with braid for backup, bottom bashing, or for my wife or son to use, if they come out with me. Rigged to snap swivel.

2 light spin outfits.:

(a) One rigged with a sabiki jig rig to catch live bait. I can clip on a lure instead if needed.

(b) One with a small metal slice or similar for casting to any small pelagics that pop up nearby. I had a ball on this light gear spinning up bonito last week. Was a lot of fun! I’ll sometimes use the same outfit to spin for flathead when I come back into the bay. This is rigged with 10lb braid with a short breakaway length of Pretest mono (2, 3 or 4kg depending on ANSA line class I want to fish) between the braid and the fluorocarbon leader.

Sometimes, I think I should only carry two outfits... 🤷‍♂️ 😂

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I presume for Nsw?

It's been discussed on here before lightly.

I can't quite put my finger on the published info right now but think its along the lines of your not to carry an excessive amount of gear which is a bit ambiguous really.

I recall saying I had 5 rods rigged ready to go once & someone said that's to many?


Its in here somewhere 

https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-rules-and-regs/perm-prohib-saltwater#:~:text=A maximum of four rods,person at any one time.

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Not to be confused with rods not rigged, just stored for later use, plenty of game fisherman troll with half a dozen rods (or more) rules are written and need to be read and understood, looking for loopholes or relying on your mate at the pub is the fast way to trouble.

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Look on this link for ALL the info

Summary of permitted recreational equipment

Recreational equipment permitted Maximum number permitted per person
Total number of rods or lines 4 rods or handlines
Number of hooks per line 3 hooks or three gangs of hooks *
Rod/ hand jigging line 1 rod or handline with up to 6 single hooks with lures attached #
Bait trap 1 trap
Hoop net or witches hat 4 nets
Crab trap 2 traps
Lobster trap 1 trap
Spanner crab net 1 net
Hand hauled prawn net 1 net
Scissors (push) net 1 net
Dip or scoop net 1 net
Spear/ spear gun -

All of the above recreational fishing equipment has additional restrictions and requirements that must be adhered to.

* A gang of hooks should have no more than 5 hooks. No more than 3 trebles attached to a lure.

# This gear must be used by the method of hang jigging only. This line is included in the total number of lines permitted as given above.


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7 hours ago, kingie chaser said:

I presume for Nsw?

It's been discussed on here before lightly.

I can't quite put my finger on the published info right now but think its along the lines of your not to carry an excessive amount of gear which is a bit ambiguous really.

I recall saying I had 5 rods rigged ready to go once & someone said that's to many?


Its in here somewhere 

https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-rules-and-regs/perm-prohib-saltwater#:~:text=A maximum of four rods,person at any one time.

As per my link & as you stated @bluefin

  • A maximum of four rods or lines can be used by any one person at any one time.


Further down the page-


Line fishing

You are not permitted to:

  • Use, carry or possess rigged lines in excess of the maximum number of attended lines permitted is an offence and heavy penalties may apply. Spare lines should not be rigged e.g. should not have hooks or lures attached, and should be properly stowed.


So the way I read it you you can carry as many rods as you like as long as only 4 are rigged.


With so many varying & constantly changing rules its a wonder people dont just give up fishing altogether.


But then thats thier idea anyway right 🙄.......................🤐

Edited by kingie chaser
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1 hour ago, kingie chaser said:

So the way I read it you you can carry as many rods as you like as long as only 4 are rigged.

This. It has been this rule for a long time now.

not really that confusing. Pretty much sums up aslong as you have 4 rods rigged and ready to go you are fine. And you can have as many rods as you like “pre rigged” as in rigged up to a snap swivel where you need to attach a hook/lure or sabiki jig. You are fine

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i have often wondered about  this ,  what if a persons eye sight is not that good  like mine  ,  and  he struggles to  change hooks/ rigs  ? would they allow  spare   rod set ups with the line through the guides   and a snap swivel attached to it  , so one can attach ready made rigs  stored in plastic bags?     

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2 hours ago, leonardgid said:

i have often wondered about  this ,  what if a persons eye sight is not that good  like mine  ,  and  he struggles to  change hooks/ rigs  ? would they allow  spare   rod set ups with the line through the guides   and a snap swivel attached to it  , so one can attach ready made rigs  stored in plastic bags?     

Yes. A tackle shop owner (a wont mention name) went through this a few years back. He was fined at foreshore boat ramp for having multiple game rods ready to attach lures. He challenged the fisheries and the fine was overturned.

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7 hours ago, leonardgid said:

i have often wondered about  this ,  what if a persons eye sight is not that good  like mine  ,  and  he struggles to  change hooks/ rigs  ? would they allow  spare   rod set ups with the line through the guides   and a snap swivel attached to it  , so one can attach ready made rigs  stored in plastic bags?     

This is effectively what I do. Not because of eyesight... just for convenience. I’m struggling to tie knots at the moment due to a painful blood blister on my left thumb. Even opening and closing a snap is tricky... but I’m getting there! 😂

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