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56 minutes ago, XD351 said:

Good to see some support from the Government to promote fishing ! Should be getting played on every channel at least a dozen times a day imho!

Why the sad face Donna ? I was only having a poke at them !

Sad about those individuals and their ideas! Poke away :)

In fact I am redacting their names so no-one finds them here on search 

I love this vid too 


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1 hour ago, Yowie said:

Been doing that since I was little.

Need to gate crash a meeting of Greenies, Extinction Rebellion or the latest whining wankers group and force them to watch the video over and over again. 🤣


I wanna take them shark fishing - always seem to run out of bait :074:

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3 hours ago, Restyle said:

very well made video. Hopefully it gets the message across to those who keep undersized fish & exploit our waterways.

Agree totally & because at the end of the day the majority of us are the caring custodians of the water environments (rivers & the sea) & the creature that live within 

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One thing that tweaked my interest a few weeks back was how a group of young people had banded together to design a sort of textured tile that can be fitted to sea walls like the ones around Sydney harbour/ Parra river . They were in some sort of contest for a grant but didn’t win unfortunately , they did however show the benefits of these tiles for the marine life and hopefully the powers that be will continue to fit these everywhere they can .👍👍👍

I see quite often on YouTube some fishos going to the trouble of filming things like sewer overflows and  masses of trash and the like in our waterways and they don’t mind whining about it on their channel but ask them to send the footage to the EPA , or any of the political parties and they go to ground - I’m sure they think ok I have done my bit and had a rant about it - now I can sit back and let someone else do the rest . Fail imho!

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7 minutes ago, motiondave said:

anchor up hear dobroyd head and toss unweighted lines out and wait to play with metre long bronzes. 

Yep or tell them about the near extinct giant Clifton gardens seahorse that can only  be seen skin diving at night off Clifton gardens in summertime - surely there would have to be a Bull shark that is hungry enough to eat them ! Once they are in the water I would be pounding the berley bucket like there is no tomorrow assuring them all the while that the noise will keep the sharks away :074: Oh and the hook I have cable tied to their leg is just there in case they get lost in the dark :devil:

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15 minutes ago, motiondave said:

as for sewer overflows, if thats the channel im thinking of, I no longer watch it, he might be good fisherman, but frankly, im not going to watch someone complaining without doing anything more. 
"theres a sign up that raw sewerage might be flowing in" and yet they complain. Banana?


16 minutes ago, motiondave said:

as for sewer overflows, if thats the channel im thinking of, I no longer watch it, he might be good fisherman, but frankly, im not going to watch someone complaining without doing anything more. 
"theres a sign up that raw sewerage might be flowing in" and yet they complain. Banana?

His last video pretty much turned me off - complaining that this pollution is cruel to fish is one thing but say  it is cruel to him is another ! Yet he still won’t do anything more than make a video showing it and complaining to his subscribers about it . Never replies to comments either so he can’t be pressured into action. 

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