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Meadowbank morning


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Hi Raiders,

Long session this morning. Up before five and on the water slightly before.

Started by fishing with my bigger outfit in search of a jewie. Persisted for about 40 mins for not much action, but noticed a bit of bait around that might inform my lure selection for later sessions.

When the sun came up I went back to the car and switched outfits, going in pursuit of a flatty or a bream. In a recent session, I had a big hit on the drop, that unfortunately came just as my bail was tripping and I didn't connect. About 10 mins in, the same thing happened, except this time I was ready. The culprit: a 44cm flatty:


Lure was a squidgy prawn 65mm in bloodworm, rigged on a 1/16th jighead. I was surprised how high in the water column the flatty came up, but I guess the water in the area is shallow.

A guy arrived in the bay to fish for whiting with live worms. First cast he gets a small one. I've never caught a sizeable whiting in this bay, but he told me that he gets 35cm models of an evening. I noted that he cast a lot further than I would normally reach with lures. Interesting. You learn something new every day. I already have a plan in my head to reach them (dropshot), will let you know if it works.

20 or so mins, got another little flatty, much smaller this time:


Moved around to the wharf area later on. Had good hit/visual on an approximately legal bream, but missed it. Would have been nice to get a bream...haven't got one for a while on lures.

After that, it was time to pack up and head home. Good fun.

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Hope your new plan comes off littleflatty. We can often learn from something different going on nearby, a chance acquaintance or event. I'm going to keep an eye out for your next post to see what you have come up with. 

Good luck, bn

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