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Port hacking - 02/12


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After Dad and I got broken off by kings earlier in the week (at least sight unseen that was our guess) we went out with a specific plan - catch some squid and turn them into kings. Unfortunately we can't catch squid to save ourselves and managed 0 at bass and flinders, windy point and jibbon. Giving up on the squid we tried for yellow tail at jibbon to no avail. Used to be a reliable spot but haven't found them there for a while. If anyone has any squidding tips they can share - the only way is up for us!


Things weren't looking good but we figured we'd try back at Lilli Pili regardless. Got a big berley trail going and lo and behold the yellow tail turned up. Managed to get a few into the bait tank, popped a hook in the back of a couple and sent them down with our well wishes.


The first two promptly tangled themselves, so a quickish re-rig later we were back in action. This time they managed to keep their distance long enough for my rod to get hit.


It was clear it was a king but whilst the rod buckled over and there was some weight there, it didn't put up as strong a fight as they normally do. I thought it had got tail wrapped or something, however when it came up to the surface it had half the yellow tail out if it's mouth and my hook in it's stomach which explained the strange fight.


Given it probably wasn't fully exhausted when it was landed it sure made a nuisance of itself whilst on the boat knocking over everything in its path. Wrangling it onto the mat on the boat I thought it was 75cm. On dry land, post death, it was a few cms less than that. Regardless, my best ever king and certainly provided a few lovely meals - sashimi, ceviche, pan fried with a green sauce and even a curry!


We had a plan and it came together even if not exactly how we'd envisaged!





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Quality king for lillipilli. Was going to head out myself this morning but opted to go last night for jewies. Congrats on your new pb & also avoiding the rats 

You can get squid there as well casting long the nets and the small boat ramp there. Nothing too big but there are there most of the time, I have even seen them eating burly out of my trail at times.

Yakkas and pilchards are there almost every morning I prefer the live pilchards, May also be a good idea to snip the tips of the yakkas tail off for abit more swimming action.

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28 minutes ago, Restyle said:

Quality king for lillipilli. Was going to head out myself this morning but opted to go last night for jewies. Congrats on your new pb & also avoiding the rats 

You can get squid there as well casting long the nets and the small boat ramp there. Nothing too big but there are there most of the time, I have even seen them eating burly out of my trail at times.

Yakkas and pilchards are there almost every morning I prefer the live pilchards, May also be a good idea to snip the tips of the yakkas tail off for abit more swimming action.

Cheers mate, appreciate the advice. I vaguely recall if I cut the bottom tail it'll swim down, the top and it'll swim up.

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