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More Sydney Kingies


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Had another great day on the water with Raider @Roseville21 (Lelio) and his Father-in-law chasing Seriola Llandi. After our success a few days before (but no big fish) we decided to collect some live Yakkas, (I had squid) and head South of the Heads again and see if we could get some bigger kingies to stretch our arms.

Unfortunately all 5 Kingies we boated were sub-legal, but they always give a good account of themselves and I was able to get some fin clipping recorded for dpi fisheries program (I’ve recorded and released 30 kingfish now over past 6 weeks). We did however put a dozen “food fish” in the esky.

The highlight of the day was dropping the fish (bream, snapper etc) off at Lelio’s home just up from the ramp and enjoying a fantastic Chinese meal (and his wife’s spectacular cheese cake).

Proverbs 11:25 “He who waters, will himself be watered”, reaching out to take Lelio “Kingie hunting” was an honour and a pleasure and reinforced the camaraderie that this forum encourages. Tomorrow @zmk1962(Zoran) and @GordoRetired (Gordon) are heading north of Sydney (weather permitting) to chase Kingies again. You gotta love these fish - hard fighting, good looking and fantastic eating.




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