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Holiday fishing - Loads of flatties and a couple of kings (Sydney)


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This post was recognized by mrsswordfisherman!

"Excellent write up! Quality reporting."

dlvbw was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 20 points.

Hey Raiders, been on a few trips lately with mixed, but overall good success. Trips as follows:

22nd December

Headed out late arvo off Barrenjoey to seek out a few flatties. Conditions were not great. Decent wind and plenty of chop made for an uncomfortable trip and some apprehension from the crew (my two sons and my 15 year old nephew. Nothing dangerous by any means, just not great. Stopped off at the 40m (which I generally find disappointing, though @Picklesalways seems to clean up at this depth) and was rewarded with a couple of throwbacks. I decided to push on to the 50 and first drop my littlest (7) pulls in a double (one at 40cm and one at 47cm). Decision vindicated. Conditions were still tough even with the drogue. We fished for about an hour until two of the crew were green and we pulled up stumps. Boated 6 nice keepers all in the 40s. Cruised back through an empty Pittwater which is always great. One of the pics below shows the cleaning setup. Burely, cat nibbles, baits for next time and fillets. No waste. 

Xmas Eve

Headed into the harbour to chase kings, with intel from a few Raiders that there were a few about. Picked up livies easy and then started cruising around the various markers and reefs. It wasn't hot fishing by any means but we caught two legal fish (and interestingly no undersized rats), one on a fresh squid strip and one on a yakka. One fish was demolished as fish and chips on Xmas Eve and the other smoked for Xmas lunch. 

29th December

Standard afternoon trip to the 50m off Barrenjoey. Again pretty sloppy on the way out and again ended up with a sick crew (sorry Md). The fishing however was unbelievable with fish after fish coming aboard. In about 2.5 hours we boated over 25 fish with the majority in the 40s and 3 approaching 55cm. We ended up throwing decent keepers back as there was no need to keep any more. Provided excellent fish and chips and then tempters for NY. We initially used the flathead rib cages from the fish caught above and then whole or half pillies. I finally took pity on the crew and called it just when the wind dropped and the conditions became dreamy. The fishing was still hot too but hey, the fish will be there next time so all good! 

New Years' Eve

Essentially tried to implement the same plan as Xmas Eve but we headed up to Longie first as the conditions were pretty good. Livies were easy again, other fish were not. After fishing Longie and then the harbour we ended up with one tiny tiny rat (literally the smallest I have ever seen) and one story about the one that got away having lost a good one at The Colours. Very disappointing, but thankfully we had plenty of flatties for NY tempters from the trip on the 29th. Not sure if others are seeing consistent kingie catches in the harbour yet?

I hope everyone has had a safe Xmas period and caught a few along the way. Was hoping to get out today/tomorrow but the wind is not friendly! 



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Way to go Dunc - love reading your reports. (The 40m mark is usually a good producer, but sometimes takes a few drifts to get onto the better fish. Our “old faithful” spot back towards Blue fish has been producing really well over past few days, even a few bigger ones on live baits)

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48 minutes ago, jenno64 said:

Great results over the festive season!

What did you use to smoke the king?

It is a recipe we use for salmon. Mustard, honey, salt, paprika. Works really well. Then smoked on the bbq using coals and mixed smoking chips. 

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2 hours ago, dlvbw said:

It is a recipe we use for salmon. Mustard, honey, salt, paprika. Works really well. Then smoked on the bbq using coals and mixed smoking chips. 

Sounds good I’ll try that with my next king!

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1 hour ago, big Neil said:

Now that's what life's about. Out there with the family catching sufficient fish for the holiday period. A mixture of poor and good results...that's what fishing is all about. Great report and pics dlvbw.


Cheer Neil - it has been a good period that is for sure. Just got to find something to prevent my eldest getting horrifically seasick! 

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Great report(s)…. The flatties of barrenjoey are a staple for me and all other species an experiment experience  … so I can personally relate to what you have written 👍👍

Now to solve the seasickness. How old is the fella?

cheers Zoran 

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