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Grumpy old whinger or not


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Just dreaming about something after taking a picture of the beach outside and seeing two bags of rubbish near the public bin, so, here goes. I saw a guy pull up and put those two red plastic bags of rubbish there, should this be reported, should I just "mind my own business"? To use our local dump is quite expensive, so just leaving your rubbish near a bin is free, it is however illegal and there is signs on the bin saying so. There is a small car park (as seen in the picture) and it's common for young kids to "hang out" on weekends, unfortunately they leave piles of rubbish, Macca wrappers, KFC, Pizza boxes and so on, they just toss them out the window, too lazy to put them in the bin a few metres away, I often clean this crap up, and have written to the council about it, but nothing gets done! Just to add, the garbage truck empties that bin every day, but he will NOT pick up bags left beside it, or other junk people dump there, not that long ago someone dumped a lounge there (now that's a funny story if anyone is interested) what would Fishraiders do? Report the offenders? Close my eyes and stop being a busy body? Continue to clean up after the youg pigs? Stop whinging?  Just to add, you can just see a white Ute in that picture, that's two council cars "checking out" the water, should they pick up the bags?


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By the way, it's common to see old bikes, car wheels and bits of wood dumped there by locals, not just bags of rubbish, and the garbage truck does not pick them up (it's not his job.....) should maybe locals get a free dump day once or twice a year, should we get a free curbsude council pickup once a year (we don't have this, it's a pay for pickup, our general waste, red, wheelie bin only gets picked up once a fortnight (I have been on to council about this many times) geees I hate being a grumpy old whinger.....get off my lawn......

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We pay big rates (very high) and get fortnightly  red bin pickup, no free curbside council pickup, it's a pay "service"  that you ring and they pick up there is a maximum weight they will take (dumping fee at the tip is $360 a tonne, weight bridge in, weigh bridge out, you pay be weight difference, it doesn't take much to get a couple of kilos of junk! So dumping around the local area is worth the risk considering the dump charges.

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If it bugs you and you have the time, ring the council and let them know. Even if they do nothing, you can be satisfied you've done what you can.

In the Shoalhaven we get 2 free tip vouchers every year attached to our rate notice. This still doesn't stop lazy people dumping all types of junk outside the local Salvation Army store, which is just bloody rude.

The ones that really annoy me are those that dump white goods and similar in the bush, when anything metal/recyclable is free to drop off at the tip anyway.

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In our area some people literally empty their whole apartment onto the curbside when they move out. This was particularly bad in 2020 when the COVID thing was starting to take hold and people were flying home in a rush. It is almost reasonable to suggest that council should add a one-off cleanup fee every time there is a new property purchase or a new tenant in a property. It is that common.

I agree with @Green Hornet - give them a ring and hopefully they will have a word with the garbage collectors.

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11 minutes ago, Green Hornet said:

If it bugs you and you have the time, ring the council and let them know. Even if they do nothing, you can be satisfied you've done what you can.

In the Shoalhaven we get 2 free tip vouchers every year attached to our rate notice. This still doesn't stop lazy people dumping all types of junk outside the local Salvation Army store, which is just bloody rude.

The ones that really annoy me are those that dump white goods and similar in the bush, when anything metal/recyclable is free to drop off at the tip anyway.

I have had a one on one meeting with our deputy Mayor about some kind of voucher system, but it was decided it was not "feasible" why I don't know, also raised the fortnightly bin collection, and was told there was nothing they can do because the current collection tender was for fortnightly collection, however, since then, a new provider has won the tender, and we still have fortnightly collection, so either the current council are silly, don't care, or simply took the cheapest option! Rubbish is a big deal in society, and road side dumping occurs everywhere, it is a major issue. We do get free metal, cardboard and Polystyrene recycling at the local dump, but, like you say, people still toss old washing machines and stuff on the side of the road. I will tell my dumped lounge fiasco soon!

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23 minutes ago, Little_Flatty said:

In our area some people literally empty their whole apartment onto the curbside when they move out. This was particularly bad in 2020 when the COVID thing was starting to take hold and people were flying home in a rush. It is almost reasonable to suggest that council should add a one-off cleanup fee every time there is a new property purchase or a new tenant in a property. It is that common.

I agree with @Green Hornet - give them a ring and hopefully they will have a word with the garbage collectors.

Been down that road, the garbage collection is done on a tender basis, and picking up extra bags in parks abandoned so on is not in the tender guideline, so they are not obligated to do so, and they don't! Now to be 100% fair, if they had to pick up anything dumped beside public bins, they would need an extra truck for weekends!, funny, right now, the garbage truck is picking up that public bin, the two bags of rubbish are still there, he just walked straight past them! I called out to him and he just kind of brushed it off with a "it's not my job" look, but after a bit of thought, he tossed them in the truck. Now I kind if agree it's "not his job" but, where does this fall? that's my whole point.



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I am lucky with my own rubbish as we have 4 council clean up's a year as Dave said ring them and put the stuff out the front I am allowed 2 qubic metres of rubbish , no building materials Paints liquid but allowed empty paint tins. We have recycle bin fortnightly and garden waste fortnightly alternative weeks.

I am opposite a largish park with a leash free dog park just 100 yards up the top of the street, there is a No dumping sign there and this seems to be the favorite place for grubs to dump all manner of rubbish close to the sign. The curbway opposite me is always full of McDonald wrappers and all sorts of litter. The guys that clean the park picks it up pretty well daily.

I once got attacked by a bloke with a knife after picking up his rubbish and throwing it back in his lap, luckily I was able to defend myself and another neighbor came and assisted to hold him till police came and arrested him.

So be careful what you say and do as some people have no respect for human life OR anything else.

On another occasion I had a brick thrown through my loungeroom window after telling a hoon off for doing donuts on the street where kids were playing not far away.

I tend to mind my own business these days as I am too old to be aggressive.


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Yep agree (mostly) sometimes on a Saturday night, a few cars will pull up and you will hear laughing and yelling (and at times bad language) most do the right thing, have a bit of fun, eat some fast food, and move on, but, now and then, you get the "bad element" loud music, throwing rubbish on the ground and just generally being a pest. A couple of doors up there is a tough bikie guy (great bloke, but I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him) he will often walk over and give them the "message" haven't yet seen anyone talk back to him, they just pick up their crap and take off real fast......right or wrong, I don't know but it shouldn't be up to residents to keep things civil (in my opinion) 

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I can easily get their number plate and photo of them dumping/littering, but, being a "dobber" doesn't fit well with me, but.......this is being a public nuisance and creating a mess that locals have to clean up.

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This sort of thing has been happening since god was a boy mate as you know.


  As for your question on what you should do...the best answer anyone can give you is do what you think is right and makes you feel better mate.

I live in Campbelltown(We breed and feed scumbags like that).In the 40 odd years I've lived here I've learn't these people only understand one language if it affects me ✊.If it doesn't it's not my problem as I can't protect the world only me and my family.

  Like I said do what's best for you.

These types of people you could offer them free tipping 365days a year,surround them with 6,000 bins 24/7 and nothing will change.


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8 minutes ago, Yowie said:

Hockey 1, hockey 2, hockey 3.   😎


Just a lazy council that won't clean up. 


I'm starting to like you mate.Great thinking 99.

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5 minutes ago, Plethora said:

The council can do nothing unless you have footage of them dumping it or evidence in the bags that can tie them to the rubbish - 

All they have left our is delivering the suspect to them on a silver platter.Yes, I know all the b.s. my father inlaw is/was a ranger.

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Just on the dumped lounge I mentioned earlier, mid last year, some low life dumped an old 3 piece lounge across the road, I called council and they said they would send someone out, a few days later a ranger type guy turned up a "looked" at it, then left, after a couple of weeks I contacted council again, and got the "I don't know" treatment, I said to the person I have a Ute, the old lounge is an eye sore and I will take it to the dump, but I will not pay to dump it! I loaded the old lounge in my Ute, got the the weigh bridge at the dump and told the guy the story, he told me that he can't help me, because people try all sorts of tricks to dump stuff for free, so here I am, now the proud owner of an off lounge! Back home and I call council again to explain what had happened, no one there remembers me talking to them, so I said I will just put it back across the road, the council guy said that he hopes no one sees me "dumping" the lounge, because I would be fined.......great, now I am in real deep, I have a lounge on the back and will have to pay to dump it. Next day some council guys were doing some gardening and I told them the full story, luckily they said they had seen the lounge there a few days ago and they took it off my Ute for me! Never pays to do the right thing does it?

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2 minutes ago, noelm said:

Just on the dumped lounge I mentioned earlier, mid last year, some low life dumped an old 3 piece lounge across the road, I called council and they said they would send someone out, a few days later a ranger type guy turned up a "looked" at it, then left, after a couple of weeks I contacted council again, and got the "I don't know" treatment, I said to the person I have a Ute, the old lounge is an eye sore and I will take it to the dump, but I will not pay to dump it! I loaded the old lounge in my Ute, got the the weigh bridge at the dump and told the guy the story, he told me that he can't help me, because people try all sorts of tricks to dump stuff for free, so here I am, now the proud owner of an off lounge! Back home and I call council again to explain what had happened, no one there remembers me talking to them, so I said I will just put it back across the road, the council guy said that he hopes no one sees me "dumping" the lounge, because I would be fined.......great, now I am in real deep, I have a lounge on the back and will have to pay to dump it. Next day some council guys were doing some gardening and I told them the full story, luckily they said they had seen the lounge there a few days ago and they took it off my Ute for me! Never pays to do the right thing does it?

Rule #1 Always get the full name and contact # of the people you speak to and write down a day and a time.

Council and Councillors are as useless as you know what.

This is one case where you being a good Samaritan nearly cost you.

  People are struggling up to their necks in bills,cost of living,etc.They don't have $370 to dump rubbish.

The Bush around here is disgusting and I blame the scumbags and councils for charging way too much for those people that do want to try to do the right thing and dump legally.

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24 minutes ago, Fab1 said:

This is one case where you being a good Samaritan nearly cost you.


If you can't do anything about it, you can do worse than to watch the two seasons of Ted Lasso :) Worth a watch, especially while the weather is so bad! (I'm not even hugely interested in soccer!). It was exactly the feelgood lift that we needed in the midst of the pandemic. That will restore your faith in the human race, until you look out the window and see that the dumping has resumed...

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4 hours ago, noelm said:

Just on the dumped lounge I mentioned earlier, mid last year, some low life dumped an old 3 piece lounge across the road, I called council and they said they would send someone out, a few days later a ranger type guy turned up a "looked" at it, then left, after a couple of weeks I contacted council again, and got the "I don't know" treatment, I said to the person I have a Ute, the old lounge is an eye sore and I will take it to the dump, but I will not pay to dump it! I loaded the old lounge in my Ute, got the the weigh bridge at the dump and told the guy the story, he told me that he can't help me, because people try all sorts of tricks to dump stuff for free, so here I am, now the proud owner of an off lounge! Back home and I call council again to explain what had happened, no one there remembers me talking to them, so I said I will just put it back across the road, the council guy said that he hopes no one sees me "dumping" the lounge, because I would be fined.......great, now I am in real deep, I have a lounge on the back and will have to pay to dump it. Next day some council guys were doing some gardening and I told them the full story, luckily they said they had seen the lounge there a few days ago and they took it off my Ute for me! Never pays to do the right thing does it?

Find a main road, when no traffic, no cameras, drop the lounge and see how long it takes for Council to remove it - 'traffic hazard, must be removed.'

Several years ago, the missus and I were travelling through central Qld, stopped for the night (cannot remember the town now - maybe Charleville) where the council organised for it's workers to travel on the main roads out of town to remove dead roos from the roads, during early morning, so the roos would not be a traffic hazard. Just bundled into the back of a ute and carted away.

(Trying to dodge big dead roos, while towing a van, is not easy with oncoming trucks.)

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Next time they throw the rubbish out the window, just pick it up and trow it back in their window? See how they like it? 

on a serrious note, why dont you video it and send it to crime stoppers for illegal dumping? 

If there wasn't a sign there, once or twice is fair enough but continously doing it, bit stupid. Why dont people put rubbish in their own bin? Ive had people putting used diapers in my bin and stinking out the whole street, and of course they didnt even put the diaper in a bag so my bin needed to be cleaned. 

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Yep, people regularly put rubbish in other people's bin, even worse (for me) I have a Ute, and quite often I will be driving along and a Maccas wrapper or drink container flies out! People just walk past and toss their crap in the back, it's happened in a Supermarket carpark, I came back and saw a bag of rubbish in the back, there was a bin about 3m away, I tossed it in the bin, but if I didn't see it, I could be booked for an "uncovered load" or littering if it blew out.

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39 minutes ago, slothparade said:

Next time they throw the rubbish out the window, just pick it up and trow it back in their window? See how they like it? 

on a serrious note, why dont you video it and send it to crime stoppers for illegal dumping? 

If there wasn't a sign there, once or twice is fair enough but continously doing it, bit stupid. Why dont people put rubbish in their own bin? Ive had people putting used diapers in my bin and stinking out the whole street, and of course they didnt even put the diaper in a bag so my bin needed to be cleaned. 

Find out who put the nappies in your bin and then go and pour stinky/rotten bait juice down their air vents in their car.If their car has hub caps stinky bait behind the hub caps works a treat I'm told.😉😉

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