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Week in south west rocks

kobi caught a fish

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For the last week I have been at south west rocks with my brother, sister and grandparents.

Day 1 we launched from jersyville and went down the river into the arm. We fished the sand flats with success  catching flathead up to around 45cm, bream in the 30s and a nice long Tom.




Day 2 was much of the same keeping a few flathead and releasing plenty of legal flathead and bream.

Day 3 we started in the arm but was a bit quiet so we moved into the main river. after a while my brothers rod screams of down the break wall. After the fish got stuck in weed we managed to get it free and we had a 40cm bream on the boat. 



day 4 we were back in the main river fishing for jewfish with no success. We then started fishing for bream along the wall with not much luck. Then we made our way up the arm and fished the sand flats with plenty of success. we had flathead eating our lure when we were unwrapping the tip. We ended up with a few flathead up to 55cm.



day 5 we woke up to the sound of rain and we decided to fish for blackfish in the back creek. We got there to late and missed the tides, by the time we got there it was very slow. We fished for 4 hours in the rain with bites few and far between. We ended up keeping two and letting a few legal fish go.




day 6 the final day of fishing it was raining again so we went fishing for blackfish again. Once again it was quite slow with the odd bite we ended up with two blackfish to keep and a few smaller ones.


Thanks for reading


Edited by kobi caught a fish
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9 hours ago, Yowie said:

You did very well there Kobi, plenty of fish to catch and eat. 

Grandpa is a good teacher regarding catching fish, so it seems you are learning much from him.


yes he is

6 hours ago, wazatherfisherman said:

Great report Kobi! Plenty of good sized fish and good variety. Looks like some fun fishing on your holiday

thankyou, we did catch nice size fish but no big fish


6 minutes ago, masterfisho7 said:

Looks like you had time lots of fish and good eating ones to well done 


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9 hours ago, LuckyFil said:

Great report and pics Kobi. 




8 hours ago, Rebel said:

Great hoiday. Top report.

Super photos.

Everybody looks happy.



7 hours ago, Isaac Ct said:

Plenty of fish there Kobi, great quality amongst them.

Well done.

thankyou, there was


7 hours ago, Blackfish said:

Pity about some of the weather there Kobi but it seems you still nailed a few fish which makes up for it a bit.

Good stuff.


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Well done Kobi. Good that there is Grandad to show you the ropes. A nice mixed bag. If you drift down the rock wall (opposite break wall) you’ll bag some really good Flatties and the jewfish should start showing up along the break wall if you can get some live baits.

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