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Port Stephens- Opportunity Knocks

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G’day raiders, 

As life gets hectic, the days of getting out fishing are few and far between at the moment. 
I do manage to keep up to date with what’s going on, which most times makes me more envious. So when “opportunity knocks”, regardless of sleep deprivation, if there is a slight window then I’m fishing.. 

Heres a few pics from two recent sessions including today when we bagged out on Mahi and Mick got himself a really nice snapper! 

I hope everyone has been getting out wetting line! 

cheers scratchie!!! 





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Great bag of fish, espescially those of the red colour. It shows you have not caught all of the big ones yet.

AND, you cannot catch fish at home, so lines in the water will help like you did.

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I miss your regular reports on here Jeff. Life changes happen all the time and we have to adapt in order to be happy and maintain the status quo. Being an angler comes with needs, and those needs have to be addressed. Luckily a successful trip out on the briny fulfills the need. You certainly got a suitable result to help till next time. Great photos too.


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