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Just a couple more casts…


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I finally got around to dropping a line in the water this morning after a few weeks of not fishing - the last outing being “One of These Days” with Zoran  @zmk1962 .

I was a bit lazy and so just headed down to the Newport Wharf which is a few minutes from home.  The tide was rising and a bit slack so probably not really the right time for the location but regardless, I pressed ahead with the logic of the best time to fish is when you can.  

I had absolutely no action for the first couple of hours. I had started out with a glassy soft plastic (which has been quite productive in the past), then thought I might see if there were any squid around (nope), then tried a double clutch crank bait (nada), then switched back to a soft plastic but out of a bit of a sense of desperation for a bit rigged it up with a Gulp nuclear chicken prawn.

First cast I went hard but something was wrapped so I broke my knot (luckily not the tip of my rod) and watched the nuclear prawn fly across towards the opposite shore. At this point I contemplated calling it a morning but decided to retie and have another go. Had to retie the FG knot twice as the first attempt didn’t hold under pressure so started over and had another go. 

Finally back in business, I was playing with the soft plastic prawn and it was probably on about the 5th cast that I got a hit.  @DerekD you’ll be happy to know that this was your soft plastic retrieve that I had dialed back a bit and the strike was on one of the pauses.   The result, a decent Trevally. 


I stuck around for another 45 minutes or so but couldn’t find another so that was it for me. Home to learn how to fillet and prepare Trevally. 

Thanks @zmk1962 for the tips. The internet revealed lots of opinions about this fish and my wife certainly noticed how fishy it smelled when I brought the fillets into the kitchen. I wound up trimming away all of the red flesh and blood line and, as I didn’t have any sea water at home, I rinsed it in beer before a bit of flour, salt and pepper, egg, then panko crumb and a fry in a very thin layer of hot oil. It came out great (not fishy at all) and was plenty for four fish tacos.  Definitely one I would do again!

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Nice trevally, and good work with that lure, next time drink the beer and rinse the fillet in a couple of teaspoons of salt in a few cups of water dissolved.

If bled and iced or caught fresh as you did I have found trevally to be excellent eating


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Well done Rob ... perseverance pays.  Had a chuckle imagining just how far the nuclear prawn flew ? 🤣  I have found that peoples opinion about the eating quality of fish is largely and directly related to how they treat and look after their catch ... and then there is also the creativity in the  kitchen that comes into play.  Having said that, we all have our favourite flavours and textures  - and we all know how @Yowie loves his mowies ... and @Pickles his bream 🤣 😁 

You're very fortunate to have that area as your back yard ... you'll soon figure out all the good spots and times I'm sure.

Cheers Zoran

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2 hours ago, saltrix said:

Nice trevally, and good work with that lure, next time drink the beer and rinse the fillet in a couple of teaspoons of salt in a few cups of water dissolved.

If bled and iced or caught fresh as you did I have found trevally to be excellent eating


Thanks @saltrix. I was thinking salt water would probably be a smarter way to go. At least I got 2/3rds of the beer in me with lunch. 

1 hour ago, LuckyFil said:

Trevally also make very good sashimi if you like it!

Thanks @LuckyFil. Zoran had mentioned that to me as well. I’ll have to do a bit more research into that I think but I’m game!


17 minutes ago, zmk1962 said:

Well done Rob ... perseverance pays.  Had a chuckle imagining just how far the nuclear prawn flew ? 🤣  I have found that peoples opinion about the eating quality of fish is largely and directly related to how they treat and look after their catch ... and then there is also the creativity in the  kitchen that comes into play.  Having said that, we all have our favourite flavours and textures  - and we all know how @Yowie loves his mowies ... and @Pickles his bream 🤣 😁 

You're very fortunate to have that area as your back yard ... you'll soon figure out all the good spots and times I'm sure.

Cheers Zoran

Thanks Zoran. Yes, the turbo shrimp lived up to its name 🤣

I definitely feel very fortunate to have the backyard I do and @DerekD has shown me some great spots I need to go try again. No shortage of good spots to throw a line in. 

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12 minutes ago, Little_Flatty said:

Nice one @Madkanu. Love a good Trev scrapping! Go looking for more…’tis the season 😎

They go great as sashimi too, if that’s to your tastes.

Thanks @Little_Flatty.  The sashimi angle is definitely something I will need to try. I do love a good feed of sushi. 

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1 hour ago, zmk1962 said:

  Having said that, we all have our favourite flavours and textures  - and we all know how @Yowie loves his mowies ... and @Pickles his bream 🤣 😁 

Cheers Zoran

Next mowie will be air freighted to you, and dropped from 200 metres above your house. 🤣

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13 hours ago, Yowie said:

Next mowie will be air freighted to you, and dropped from 200 metres above your house. 🤣

Mate I am moved. I didn’t know you would go to that much trouble for me … just to ensure it is delivered as fresh as possible. I am humbled. Thank you. 
cheers Z 😇

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