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Kayak Fishing-Monster Hawkesbury Jewfish

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Launched the kayak from Berowra Waters boat ramp at first light on a perfect Autumn morning. Not a breath of wind, wisps of sea smoke on the water and a forecast for sunshine all day.

The full moon was setting somewhere behind the hills and despite what many people say, previously I've never had any success chasing jewfish on the full moon.

The first setback of the day was catching some big mullet for live bait. They hadn't been briefed and were nowhere to be found on the flat in Joe Crafts Bay. Finally moved to the drop off and eventually had 3 good sized specimens in the tank. By then it was 11 o'clock.

I debated whether it was worth the long paddle to the Hawkesbury. I would only have a couple of hours fishing by the time I got there but it was a beautiful day and I needed the exercise so with the ebb behind me I set off at my top speed of 8 km per hour.

Started fishing in the river a little after 1 o'clock and got a good run on one of my mullet which lasted about 15 seconds and then nothing, the line went slack, and I reeled in a well chewed up bait. 

Towards the end of my final hour of fishing I was out wide in deep water on a slow drift, enjoying the ambience, and contemplating calling it a day. The hit when it came was fast and strong, and the kayak was towed for 50 meters, and then the line went slack. I don't know whether the fish was on all along or if he dropped the bait, and then came back for another go. This time the fight began in earnest and first I was towed almost all the way ashore, and then a change of direction and out into the middle of the waterway. We slugged it out for 45 minutes in deep water well away from heartbreaking snags with me winning some line and the fish taking it back on the next run.

For a jewfish angler few things can be more exciting than the first sight of a massive fish rising from the depths but this fish was even bigger than I'd anticipated and after the initial excitement I realised that I had a big problem on the end of my line. The fish was too big to kill and keep and it wouldn't have fit into the hatch anyway. I'd made up my mind to release it but if I gaffed it out in deep water to remove the hooks there was a very good chance the fish would thrash around and we'd both end up in the water.

I keep my camera in my lifejacket pocket and in the end I took a few shots, put the rod in the holder, and began towing the fish ashore. I made landfall 500 meters or so from where the fight started and was able to straddle the kayak with my feet in the mud for stability. I was careful to gaff the fish in the side of the mouth and after some antics removed the 2 hooks as gently as possible.

After swimming the fish in shallow water it finally began to kick strongly and the last I saw of it was the bow wave as it headed out into deep water, hopefully to spawn the next generation of jewfish.

Stopped off at Bar Island on the way back for a cup of flask tea and to reflect on a memorable life experience.

The photographs don't do the fish justice but to give the last pictures some perspective the kayak is 61cm wide, and the fish hatch is 27cm wide. 





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W O W ! .... epic fish and congrats on the release. Have you ever contemplated a tag change from kingfish101 to something like jewmaster007 ?

Cheers Zoran

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34 minutes ago, zmk1962 said:

W O W ! .... epic fish and congrats on the release. Have you ever contemplated a tag change from kingfish101 to something like jewmaster007 ?

Cheers Zoran

We used to call a guy that lived at patonga  “ Big Jew “ 🤣🤣🤣

That bloke was the jewie whisperer !

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Good fish but glad you released it as I have found in the past a lot of the big ones are ridduled with worms, although it is years since I used to catch them.


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That is epic! You have nailed some monster Jews in the past few years but that beast is next level! 45 minutes is a long fight for a fish, you did well to release it. Magic stuff🙏🏻

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Hi Larkin,

I would guess the fish was over 1.5 meters. My previous PB was 1.46 meters a couple of years ago and that fish fitted in the hatch, albeit a tight fit, and I had problems getting it out!

This fish was very fat and it definitely would not have fitted in. The fight was also much harder with this fish even allowing for the fact that I am a few years older and a bit more feeble.

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