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Beach Jewie, Patience is a virtue

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Went out last night for the first time in about 2 months for various reasons. There isn't much to tell about the trip because absolutely nothing happened for most of the night.

Picked up 5 yakkkas and had a couple of frozen mullet and hit the beach just on dark. There was quite a bit of sweep running and it was hard to hold the bottom which is far from my preferred condiitions. 3 hours in, I was ready to quit but the high tide was about an hour and a half away. Sure enough, pretty much on the high, my middle of 3 rods got slammed. The fish gave a good account of itself and went up the beach, tangling in the rod to the left. I somehow ended up with braid twisted around my reel and line and had to get back about 20m to where my knife was so it could be cut.

After that it was smooth sailing and in came a nice jewie, 1m on the dot. Everything else was in a complete tangle and I ended up cutting all 3 lines.

Good to stock the fridge before I store the rods for the depths of winter and a yummy cerviche lunch for today. 😁 Obviously glad I stuck it out too!



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Great result humesy. Good things come to those who wait...tho' not always in the form of a 1m Jewie. Very well done. Trust it provided a great feed or three.

Cheers, bn

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