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Everything posted by bluefin

  1. About 19 currently in use, almost that many again pensioned off. Have updated a lot over the past few years. Howard.
  2. Well done, You have to love the size of winter Bream in Berowra, never a lot of them though. Howard.
  3. bluefin

    Okuma Epix

    Do a search, this comparison has been spoken about a lot. I have 5 Okuma and 3 Shimano baitrunners. As far as baitrunners are concerned, the Shimano feels a lot more solid and the drags will handle heavier line easily, up to 10 kg on the 45 and 6500's. Howard.
  4. Dont forget the flowers "Roses Only" is a great company.
  5. I think you may find that HAVING to choose one you dont like, is forcing people to hit on a lesser known brand!
  6. bluefin


    A border of Mondograss would look good, then a few natives scattered around. Dwalf and ground cover varieties are good as the won't block out the house. Grevillea Robyn Gordon is a beauty 1 mtr high and 1.5 to 2 across with red flowers most of the year. So to is the Tibouchina Joules a shorter flowering season but brilliant purple in autum, the rest of the year it is a compact green shrub to around 1 mtr. Banksia perhaps? Maybe 1 taller shrub as a show piece in the middle or near the driveway? Have a walk around the block and see what is growing well. Go to the local nursery, have a look around, ask there advice on what grows well in your area. Mulch well, at least 75m/m thick, cypress pine is good as termites dont like it, or pebbles? Depends what you like. Howard.
  7. bluefin

    New Boat

    You have made me laugh, but , in reality. My favourite, which I saw on a boat a long time ago, is ARGUSTUFT Howard.
  8. How can knowing how a rod is assigned a kg rating be crap? Howard.
  9. "12lb max drag but this didnt even worry the rod." Just a short question, If a rod handles 12 lb of drag, what would you rate it as? Howard. Saga, What would you rate it as?
  10. "12lb max drag but this didnt even worry the rod." Just a short question, If a rod handles 12 lb of drag, what would you rate it as? Howard.
  11. Yes it will! It creates turbulence which upsets the echo! Mount it behind a flat surface to get clean water over it!
  12. Netic With the bracket that screws onto the boat. is there an adjustment to raise or lower the unit? My boat is almost out of the water at speed, so the lower setting works best. Lowrance say to mount it like the higher one. Howard.
  13. These two pics are of my setup, one has the unit higher than the other. Both work but the lower one is better at speed. Note how it is placed between the boat ribs so the water flows cleanly over the unit. Howard. 2 nd photo
  14. mt = medium taper 144 = length of blank used in inches 8 = wraps of fiber glass 8 is getting into the heavier Jew rods. 7 wraps is lighter especially in the tip and more versitile. Get an Alvey with a drag! Howard.
  15. http://www.alvey.com.au If you have a look at this site you will find your combo is an Estury/ light surf. Is that what you want? My Beach outfit is an Alvey 650c5 on a similar rod to the Alvey Fish Striker MT1447W (12foot (3.7m) Medium) 2 Piece rod. I have it loaded with Platypus Super 100 line as it has a very thin diameter in 15 lb breaking strain. I use it for everything from Whiting to Jew. A very versitile Surf combo! The 650c5 is a star drag reel, much prefered to Palming the spool as a drag system! Look in the Search section on this site, there has been a lot of discussion in the past about Alvey reels. Howard.
  16. I remember not so long ago that playing " Rip Rip woodchip " an anti woodchip song, on the car stereo would have got you linched and run out of town. How things change.
  17. That is priceless! Thankyou.
  18. This is either a stunt, or shere stupidity. They may as well go in 1 man down, I can't see it hapening. He can't play cricket
  19. Go to search up the top, type in tabourie in keywords. That will save us typing it all again. Howard.
  20. Our prayers are with you mate! Keep in touch. Howard.
  21. Found some Smiling Jack lures in Port Macquarie last weekend. $6 each. They look like a pink nipper, took both Flathead and Whiting on them, not bad at all! Howard.
  22. Tried Fireline on my Alvey, what a disaster, more than one coil came off at a time, huge tangles. Is Bionic Braid better ? Howard
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