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Everything posted by tomahawk1999

  1. Sound's like a great session, how long were you out on the river for? I went down to the ABT weigh in on sat and could'nt believe the boats those guy's use! $60,000.00 + to go bream fishing???
  2. It's no guts no glory amongst the leases. Sounds like a top session, Great report.
  3. Hey Rockhoppin, The 4144 is ok for potholing and small pigs but lacks the low down grunt for bigger fish (over say 2kg). I use a 6144, basically has the same tip action ie will still cast unweighted cungi's a country mile but has the balls in the butt to stop big fish. I run 2 alveys on this stick, a little 61/2" for 6kg and a 7 1/2" for 10kg and it is versatile to handle both. I fish a ledge occassionally that calls for you to lift fish and I have dry lifted 3+kg fish on this stick. This stick has also stopped groper to 12.5kg and pigs to 7.5 kg also some hefty jews and sharks off the beach. Can't speak highly enough of this combo. Hope this post helps with your decision. Cheers Rod.
  4. Sorry bout the marlin but you'll be glad to hear that wahoo are one of the finest tasting fish you could hope to eat. YUMMMMMM!!!!
  5. Nice report Boof, glad to see you turned a into a , hope the water levels only go up from now on! cheers Rod.
  6. Cast nets are illegal in N.S.W waters.
  7. He's one lucky bugger to live and tell the tale, He should go and get a lotto ticket while he's on a roll.
  8. Sound's like a great morning session, those sambos go hard in the surf.
  9. Just wondering, Pound for pound what do you reckon go harder, Amberjacks or kings?
  10. Don't get the joke? All sound's like a load of sh#t to me!!!!
  11. Box fish: member of the toad family!
  12. Lane Cove river, Sydney harbour and Cowan Creek. Off the rock's Nth beaches. Cheers.
  13. Hey mate, check out the lure and flyfishing reports or type in Lane cove river in the search. Cheers.
  14. Gonna hit Cowan creek with Burnsy on sunday, hopefully score a few breambo's and flatties on SP's.
  15. Great report, You certainly picked a nice night weatherwise to get out there. Pity you didn't hook the hammer they go great on light line.
  16. Great trip guy's, loved the pic of the lit up hoo.
  17. Great fish dude, well done. You should enter it in the catch of the month comp and the bait fishing records.
  18. Aw shuck's looks like the barracouta are off the menu.
  19. It's all about the sauce Crazy John, all about the sauce!!!!
  20. Mate you should read Salt & dioxin squid in the fisheries news and politics section of the forums. It may make you rethink your fish consumption from the river! Regards, Rod.
  21. Manly dam has heaps of carp in it and you can fish from small boat or the shore. Maybe a good option?
  22. Thanx for the info, I will get the mag and come and check out the weigh in as suggested. Regards, Rod.
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