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Everything posted by spaners

  1. Quote....."Friday I pay most attention to the report on Sunday because that projects out to the Thursday before and the Saturday after my Friday" sounds like some thing out of Monty Python.
  2. My 2 bobs worth.Replace bearings for piece of mind...a tow truck costs a lot more than a set of bearings. Also bearing buddies are not the magic cure that people think.Yes they help ,a lot,but most bearings that fail are the rear bearings as the spring does not push the grease into the rear bearing.Make sure you use a high temp wheel bearing grease not just marine grease.
  3. No worries Anthony,thanks for posting.If you get round the other side off B/Water there is a OK ramp at Lintern st Davistown.
  4. Best with a 4wd.Can choke up with weed making impossible to pull the boat up.
  5. I think if I stopped buying tackle and sold my boat and gear it would work out cheaper and better to go on a charter every second week and on the off week I could have Mr Decosti fly in and cook a slap up feed.......But it wouldn't be as much fun though.
  6. Its only the first round. GO ENGLAND........Oh and Australia..
  7. Dont think I would spend 30 grand on a MK 1 Escort unless it had the twin cam Lotus donk in it.
  8. Gosford ramp was designed by a idiot who has never pushed a boat off a trailer. Wind from the N/W pushes your boat under the pontoon walkway.If your on your own its a real pain now.After you have pushed the boat off you can not get onto the walkway easily,you have to run back up the ramp,round the safety bars,run back down the ramp and onto the pontoon and hope the boat is not wedged under the walkway. All it needed was a floating pontoon down the middle to make it usable on both sides. Also the bloody idiots on jet-skis use it as pick up and drop off point when tubing.
  9. spaners

    Origin 2

    Lets not start counting chickens fellers. I hate OLD,But if its tied with 5 mins to go I would like to have a lazy $100 on the Bastards.
  10. I have been to Scotland many many times and I can remember that day when the sun came out......it was a Tuesday in July back in the heatwave summer of 1976
  11. spaners

    I love my daewoo

    The Hyundai excel was the flag ship for Hyundai,you couldn't kill it with a stick.Tough as a bush pigs nuts.
  12. Sorry mate But I have to take you to task on the comment that the pro was taking all undersized Kings.I don't know why people keep on saying this as its not true but it sounds good to bash the pros though.I fish with a pro mate sometimes with a rod and line and he has to obey the size regulations as any fisho does.Its not worth his licence or fines to take undersized fish.He can be mercenary though and keep any just legal which you or I would through back.
  13. Its only a small freezer. Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  14. As the header said,what do most people do.With the Snapper season upon us I want to fill the freezer.How do you raiders freeze there catch? whole-Fillets-Air tight bags-Vacuum seal.Whats the best for storage. Regards Stu
  15. Went out this arvo around Swansea Heads again and the place was infested with bloody Pike.Now I saw on certain Jewfish secrets video that they are supposed to be a gun Jewie bait but my question is are they any good for Snapper like Sgt Baker are or can they be frozen[iN 5 PLASTIC BAGS] as Jewie bait to be used either as slabs or butterflied at a later date.What about live-bait under a balloon for Kings.Does any one use them or not. Thanks in advance Stu.
  16. So I see they still haven't cleaned the sand off the ramp yet.
  17. Thanks Scratchie so what do I do now then to enter it. Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  18. Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk Worked it out.Thanks Witha
  19. Can anyone tell me how to attach photos from Tapatalk as Im not very good with my new phone yet.Thanks.
  20. Hello chaps,,look I don't do many fishing reports as I dont often catch much but Friday night was different.Left work at 2.30 pm with me mate ugly Dwain and headed up to Swansea.Was out at the mark by 3.45 pm cubing for Snapper.So in goes a load of pillie cubes as ugly set the anchor.Cast out the first cube,wasn't really paying much attention as I expected to wait about an hour or so before they turned up,boy was I wrong.BANG,over goes the rod,line starts peeling off and I think to myself"hello I think they might be here'.After a short tussle up pops a nice 43cm red and straight into the esky.A couple of casts later I'm in again for another 43cm red.Ugly then lands a nice little 35cm model.Then its a Salmon,Bream,pike etc.Then we are inundated by Yackers which made it hard to get the burley or bait down to the Snapper.Then all hell let loose as we had bust off after bust off,every fish just dove us straight into the reef.So just as the sun had set and the Yackers had thinned out a little my rod bent over and line was being ripped off my Stradic FJ 4000 I turned to Dwain and said this is the one ....after a good fight and keeping him out of the reef after a few runs up pops a nice 63cm Spangled Emperor. So all in all not a bad little session if I say so my self,Back to the ramp and back at home all cleaned up by 8.0pm. Rig and stuff.High tide at 4.30pm,1 mtr swell sse,about 3knots of wind from the west and nice and calm.Fishing onto a reef in 8mtr of water cubing with pillies,all pillies cut into 3.Head and tail out as burley middle section went on a 4/0 Mustard Penetrator hook attached to 14lb vanish leader,no weight and 20lb Sunline PE braid on a Stradic FJ 4000 which was on a Shimano Snapper 4-7 kg rod which can also double up as my Jew/king flicking rod. Well thats it,thanks for reading,Regards Stu. Will try to post photos from phone. ps Sorry if I rambled on a bit but I was a bit excited on Friday night....
  21. Hey Butch it must be holiday time for them as I got a 62cm Spanglie up at Swansea on friday night while chasing Snapper. Report and photos to follow later. Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  22. Cant go wrong with Forster,Get out the front or wide,if its to lumpy stay in the lake.
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