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Everything posted by rjc123

  1. Nice salmon, there's fish in Sydney Harbour much bigger though! Try hooking a 30kg+ Jewfish. You'll know what i mean then!
  2. Didn't know it was ever open to everyday people...? There should be a few John Dory around there atm though!
  3. Not too sure about where to get them. A mate said he got some free and he gave them to me. They swim allright. Just hop them across the bottom and you should be right!
  4. YES! Got a few flatties on them recently. Give them a go!
  5. Jews love tailor! Got my PB Jew recently on one in upper middle harbour! Tailor are in plague proportions in there atm..
  6. Soapies often take prawns however, a bigger model would be an unusual capture. Very possible that you had hairtail on your sounder. You had the right idea with gang pillies at different depths. If you stayed out longer you never know!
  7. Some paid parking but you can find free spots during the week relatively easily. Prawns and pilchards should still get you some nice fish!
  8. Definitely worth a shot. If you go in the next week or two you may even snare a late season kingie on a live yakka! Make sure youavoid weekends, VERY BUSY!
  9. Forget about the roseville bridge for now. Really dies down over the cooler months. Pick a quiet weekday and head to Balmoral in Middle Harbour (Mosman). You can fish a prawn off the wharf for trevally, bream and flathead while you catch yakkas to send out under a float for Bigger Tailor, Salmon and John Dory. This is one spot i actually find to be more productive during the cooler months. Always get a bag of trevally, flathead and Bream aswell as a bucketload of yakkas for bait! Keep at it, Summers only 6 months away
  10. Definitely not 28kg but a really nice fish. Hard to tell but looks a little like a mack tuna to me
  11. Top start mate, hope you get yourself a monster hoodie!
  12. Hey raiders, i plan to start fishing middle harbour a fair bit from my kayak. I just need to know where to get some yakkas and/or squid. Preferably between Roseville and the Spit as it'll be a real hard slog to get out past the spit when starting all the way over at Roseville.. Any other tips on spots to nab a few Bonito, Kings and Jewies during the warmer months would be fantastic too! Cheers, Tom
  13. If you want to get into beach fishing then you've picked a good time. During Winter there's loads of Salmon and Tailor along most beaches. Just grab some ganged hooks and a block of pillies and your good to go! Try fishing really any of the northern beaches (ie; Whale Beach, Newport, Bilgola, Dee Why) and make sure you find a good gutter. Better results should come from a run in tide or the top of the tide! Good luck!
  14. rjc123


    Great haul, hopefully the jewies think so too
  15. Not great, they make a great bait for the reefies though!
  16. Apparently they are $3,300 like the current model
  17. Great for Bream and Flatties. Just a good all round rod wheteher your light line sp or bait fishing. Handles anything up to about 25g easy
  18. Thats a good suggestion for fishingphase. I got a couple of Alivio 4000's for when the non fishos are around and i found myself using them regularly on Bream, Flathead, Snapper and Tailor. Decent drag seeing its so cheap and i have landed flathead to 75cm on it with 8lb mono. The 10000 should handle kings and snapper allright. Obviously, you'll struggle to land the monster kings but having said that, kings sometimes destroy Stella 20000's with 80lb braid! Ugly Stick Should be good also! The alternative could be a shimano baitrunner B series 6500. They cost around $170 but you can get an uglystik for less than $100. Just over budget but still a good option.
  19. I'll defjnitely have a look at it. Looks similar but the slightly shorter length may be handy with loading it on and off the car! Would i still be able to get the "optional extra" being a livebait tank fitted in on this one?
  20. Sounds fantastic! Do you know when that will be out?
  21. I'll definitely need some assistance with it then. Thanks for your help!
  22. Thanks for the help mate, the reason i assumed it would need a trailer is because its 4 meters long. We have a Four Wheel Drive but do you think this is too long for roofracks? Thanks for your help!
  23. Hey raiders, looking at getting a Hobie Pro Angler in the not too distant future. I would mainly use it around middle harbour on salmon, tailor, bonnies and school jew. Just have a few questions incase anyone has one or knows about them. -Do i necessarily need a trailer for one of these or can i attach it to the roof via roof racks? - Are they user friendly; ie: easy to use on the water, easy to launch, plenty of "safe" storage? - What Sounder/Fishfinder would be suitable for use on this kayak. Any other information would be fantastic as i need to know if this suits my "fishing needs" Cheers, Tom
  24. Actually 3/0 is fine for fish like salmon.Go a little bigger if you want to but they have don't have a particularly massive mouth. The smaller the hook the longer the livie will survive. And yes, i was referring to the the hook being placed above the lateral line (on its back) and then being fished off the end of the wharf under a float...
  25. For the yellowtail, just use a tiny tiny sinker or no sinker at all and a size 10 longshank hook. Just put a tiny piece of pilchard, chicken or bread and off you go. When i say small i mean really small. Put the hook above the lateral line in the back and fish it under a float. For the salmon use a hook of about 3/0 octopus or even circle. Good luck
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